Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: The Story
It all started when Scorpius sent Furio to the jungle planet of Miranoi to retrieve the powerful Quasar Sabres. They could only be freed by those chosen to defeat the forces of evil. Maya, a native of Miranoi, was chased by Stingwingers through a dimensional rift. She landed on the Earth's moon. When she arrived the GSA from the space colony Terra Venture were going through their last practice before the colony left Earth's orbit. Mike, Kendrix, and Mike's little brother Leo run though the portal. It closes behind them. Kai convinces Alpha 5 and Damon to take the Astro Megaship into space to find them. When they land on Miranoi Mike, Kendrix, Maya, Damon, and Kai pull the Quasar Sabres. Before they can use them Furio opens a hole in the ground. Mike falls through it but gives the Sabre to Leo. The new Galaxy Rangers soon free the Galactabeasts, who decide to help them out when monsters grow. The Magna Defender soon arives to take revenge on Scorpius. He is trying to stop him from getting the Lights of Orion. The Rangers eventualy get the Lights and recieve more power. The Magna Defender sacrifces himself to save the colony. By doing this he free's Mike, whom he gives his powers to. Scorpius is destroyed by the Rangers, and Trakeena takes his place. She proves to be more evil than her father. Deviot finds the Galaxy Book and sends Terra Venture into the Lost Galaxy, where Captain Mutiny tries to capture everyone for his slaves. The Rangers protect the colony and free all his slaves. When they return to their own galaxy Trakeena sets a trap for them. Terra Venture is destroyed. The residents barley escape with their lives. Trakeena then tries to crash the wrecked colony into the temporary camp. The Rangers prevent this and she is destroyed. They then discover they've landed on Miranoi. The Rangers return the Sabres to the stone and the series ends.
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