War of Time Episode 1: Gridster's Escape

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: The ruins of Angel Grove in the year 3000. An excavation team is examining the ruins of the city. A man runs out of a tunnel and up to the head of the project.

Man: Sir!

The team leader turns to him.

Team Leader: Yes.

Man: You better come down here. We found something very strange.

Team Leader: What is it?

Man: It's impossible to describe, you have to see it to believe it.

Team Leader: I'm coming.

They walk down the tunnel and into a strange room. There are symbols on the walls of the room. In the center of the room is a platform with a crystal and six coins on it.

Team Leader: Incredible!

Man: This is the best part sir.

He leads the man to the platform.

Man: What do you think they are?

Team Leader: These six things around the edge appear to be some kind of coin.

He reaches down and picks one up. He examines it closeley.

Team Leader: Very odd. I've never seen anything like it.

A light begins to shine around the crystal. All the men in the room back away from it.

Man: What's going on?

The light flickers, then vanishes. Everthing appears to be normal again.

Team Leader: I don't like this at all. There is something wrong with that crystal in the center. Someone remove it. I'll take it to my tent and look over it.

A man walks up to the crystal. He grabs it and lifts it off the platform. The crystal glows and the man drops it. It shatters on the floor.

Team Leader: You idiot!

The pieces of the crystal begin to emit beams. The beams join together and a figure appears in the light.

Figure: Hahahahahahaha! Finally, after all those years I'm back.

The light goes out and Gridster is standing there.

Team Leader: I think we're in trouble!

Gridster: That, my friend, is an understatement.

Gridster extends his hand and fires beams at all the people in the room. They drop dead.

Gridster: Now to get back to my palace and figure out where and when I am.

He teleports away.

Scene 2
Setting: The Moon Palace. Gridster teleports in.

Gridster: My, I forgot how much damage I did to this place before I left. I'll just have to fix that.

He looks down at the Earth, then out into space.

Gridster: From the looks of things, I'd say I've been in that crystal over 1000 years. Oh well. At least that means no Eastern Rangers to mess up my plans.

He points his hand at the Earth.

Gridster: Destroyers! Scout the planet and bring me back a report.

Beams fire from his hands and land all over the world.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: Time Force Headquaters. Captain Logan is monitoring a screen.

Captain Logan: Just keep looking. Something killed those archaeologists, and I want to know what.

A cadet comes up to him.

Cadet: Sir! We have reports all over the world of strange creatures attacking.

Captain Logan: This is crazy! What's going on around here?

Cadet: No one knows sir.

Captain Logan: Send out squads to all areas and hope nothing else strange happens.

Cadet: Yes sir!

The cadet leaves.

Scene 2
Setting: The streets of Silver Hills. A squad of Time Force officers are fighting a group of Destroyers.

Squad Leader: Are orders are to wipe them out. Let's do it.

Member 1,2,3: Yes sir!

Member 4,5,6: Got it!

The squad pulls out their blasters and start firing. The destroyers send each blast back at them, then fire their own weapons at them.

Member 5: I'm hit!

Squad Leader: Get him out of here.

Member 1: Ok.

They continue trying to fight but make no progress.

Memeber 6: We can't win this.

Member 2: We have to get out of here.

Squad Leader: I hate to say it, but your right. Move out!

The squad flees.

Scene 3
Setting: Time Force Headquarters. The squad leader is reporting to Captain Logan.

Squad Leader: Nothing we did even phased them.

Captain Logan: I'm getting the same report from all the squads all over the world. Fortunatley they've withdrawn for the time being.

Squad Leader: Any idea what they are?

Captain Logan: All we know is they somehow came from the dig at Angel Grove.

The captain's video screen comes on.

Captain Logan: Yes, what is it?

Officer: There are some people from the dig site here to see you sir.

Captain Logan: Send them in.

The screen turns off.

Captain Logan: You are excused.

Squad Leader: Thank you sir.

The Squad Leader walks out as the men from the dig site enter.

Scientist 1: Sir, we have something we think might help stop those evil creatures.

Captain Logan: I'm listening.

The second scientist holds out a box and opens it. The six Eastern Power Coins are inside.

Scientist 2: We found these coins in a circle around a crystal a monster came out of.

Scientist 1: We believe these coins may contain some kind of power that can stop those monsters.

Captain Logan: Do you have any idea how to use them?

Scientist 2: No, but I'm sure that Time Force can find a way to activate them.

Captain Logan: Take them down to the research department and tell them to start a scan on them immediatley.

Scientist 1: We will.

Captain Logan: If this works, you may have just saved the world.

Scene 4
Setting: The reaserach department. The coins are underneath a scanner. A technician starts the scan.

Technician 2: Find anything yet?

Technician 1: Nothing yet. Wait...it's starting to bring up some stuff.

A series of numbers appear on the screen.

Technician 3: Strange. They seem to have some kind of encoding in them.

Technician 1: It almost looks like a primitive DNA lock.

Technician 2: I don't think we can use them like this. But if we modify a Chrono Morpher we should be able to bypass the code.

Technician 1: I'll go start getting the Morphers ready.

Scene 4
Setting: Captain Logan's office. Two of the research technicians enter, along with six Time Force officers.

Captain Logan: So let's see what these things can do.

Technician 1: The coins have some kind of primitive DNA lock on them, but we've modified some Chrono Morphers to bypass it.

He looks at the other technician.

Technician 2: Gentelmen, if you would.

The six officers hold up the morphers and attempt to activate them. The Morphers begin to glow. A colored light surrounds each officer. After a few seconds the light seems to break. The officers are unchanged.

Captain Logan: And what exactly did that do?

Technician 2: Strange. Apparently the morphers are unable to bypass the code.

Captain Logan: Then I'm afraid we'll have to find another way. Put those morphers in storage for the time being.

Technician 1: Yes sir.

They leave.

Captain Logan: This is hopeless. If those things come back the whole planet is doomed.

Scene 5
Setting: Timeline's dimention. He is monitoring different eras on his monitors when alarms start going crazy.

Timeline: What the heck is that!?

He looks at the monitor. He sees the destroyers roaming the city of Silver Hills.

Timeline: Those are Destroyers. But that's impossible unless...

He sets the monitor to a different time and place. Gridster's tomb. He watches as the man drops the Dark Crystal.

Timeline: Gridster has escaped! I know that time period has Power Rangers, but they are in the past right now. I'll have to let Zordon know. Maybe the Eastern Rangers can stop him.

Scene 6
Setting: The Power Chamber, 1997. Zordon and Alpha are prepairing the Turbo Rangers for a mission. The Turbo Rangers teleport away. Timeline appears on the viewing globe.

Timeline: Greetings Zordon.

Zordon: Hello my friend. How are you?

Timeline: I'm fine, but the Earth is in serious trouble.

Alpha: How so?

Timeline: In the year 3000 Gridster has escaped. The people in that time are defensless.

Zordon: What do you need us to do?

Timeline: Contact the Eastern Rangers. They are the only one's who can stop him. I will transport them to the future.

Zordon: I will contact you when they are all here.

Timeline: I'll be waiting.

The globe goes blank.

Zordon: Begin searching for the Eastern Rangers Alpha. They have a new mission.

Alpha: Right away.

He begins searching.

Scene 7
Setting: Angel Grove skate park. Tai is skateboarding. Kara is watching.

Tai: Check this move out.

He attemps to do a stunt but falls.

Kara: Haha. Good one.

Tai: Crap, I almost had it this time too.

A beam hits them and they teleport away.

Scene 8
Setting: A gym. Victor and Max are in the locker room, getting ready to leave.

Victor: I heard about you and Kara. What happened?

Max: Just couldn't work things out this time.

Victor: Oh well. You'll get over it.

Max: Yeah, but the thing that bothers me is she is with Tai now.

Victor: I bet he's happy. It's been so long since I've seen everybody.

Max: We should make some calls and plan a reunion or something.

Victor: There you go.

A light hits them and they are teleported away.

Scene 9
Setting: Joe's house. He is on the phone with Karen.

Joe: So Max and Kara broke up? Oh well, I guess nothing lasts forever.

There is a pause while he listens to Karen.

Joe: Ok, so I'll see you tomarrow then.

His communicator goes off.

Joe: Now what is that about?

He is teleported away.

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: The Power Chamber. Zordon and Alpha are awaiting the Ranger's arrival. They teleport in.

Zordon: Welcome Rangers.

Joe: Wow, this place has changed since the last time we were here.

Max: Guess we don't have to worry about that reunion thing now.

Victor: I'm guessing there must be something major going on if we've been teleported like this.

Alpha: Yes, we do have a problem.

Tai: What's going on?

Zordon: In the year 3000 Gridster will escape and destroy the world. You are the only Rangers with experience enough to effectivly fight him.

Karen: Just how are we suppose to do that?

Kara: If it's not gonna happen for over 1000 years why should we care?

Zordon: Timeline will help you transport to the future to stop him.

Timeline appears on the viewing globe.

Timeline: You should care because in a few years a group of Rangers from the future will save this world. If they are destroyed in the future your own time will end soon.

Tai: If they have Rangers in the future why do we have to go there?

Timeline: Because in the time Gridster escapes the Rangers are in the year 2001.

Zordon: The Eastern powers are the only ones that can stop him.

Victor: But we don't have our coins. If we remove them from the seal Gridster will escape now.

Timeline: The group that release Gridster has also recovered the Eastern Power Coins. They have mixed the coins with their technology to create a very powerful fighting force.

Joe: That works.

Karen: So when do we go?

Timeline: The group you will work for is Time Force. I have contacted them, and they are expecting you to arrive soon. I can open the portal when you are ready.

Zordon: This mission will be unlike anything you've ever done before Rangers. Are you up to the challenge?

Max: I'm in.

Tai: Time travel sounds fun.

Kara: I wonder what fashions are hot in 3000.

Joe: Just so long as I don't get traped in time.

Karen: It'll be cool to see how much the world changes in 1000 years.

Victor: Then it's settled. Let's do this.

A light appears in the center of the room. It takes the shape of a door. It is impossible to see what is through it, and a light mists is coming out of it.

Timeline: Enter the protal Rangers.

The Rangers each walk through the door.

Scene 2
Setting: The command room of Time Force headquarters.

Officer: Sir, they should be arriving any minute.

Captain Logan: Good.

A portal opens in the middle of the room. The Eastern Rangers step out of it. It closes.

Kara: This is it guys.

Captain Logan: Welcome to Time Force Headquarters.

Victor walks up to the captain.

Victor: Hello. I'm Victor.

Kara: This is Tai. I'm Kara.

Joe: I'm Joe.

Karen: I'm Karen.

Max: I'm Max.

Captain Logan: So you are the Eastern Rangers we were told about.

Joe: That's us.

Captain Logan (to an officer): Bring the Chrono Morphers.

Officer: Right away.

The officer leaves the room. He returns shortly with 6 Chrono Morphers. Each has a symbol on the side of it. He hands them to Captain Logan.

Captain Logan: These morphers are enhanced with coins we found where the monster was released. No one here has been able to harness their power.

Tai looks at the morphers.

Tai: That must mean we are the only ones who can use them.

Captain Logan: Everyone please take a morpher.

The Rangers walk up and look over the morphers. Each one takes the one with their corresponding symbol. An alarm starts going off.

Officer: Captain! Those robots are back.

Captain Logan(to the Rangers): Now's the time to show us what you can do.

Victor: I think we can handle some Destroyers. Ready guys.

Tai, Kara, Karen, Joe, and Max: Ready!


They reach and activate the Chrono Morphers.

Time Fire Morphing Sequence
Victor is standing in front of what looks like a clock face. It is orange. The hands start at 9 and 3, then start ticking towards 12. When they reach 12 an orange light flashes. A suit that looks like a Time Force Ranger suit appears. It is orange and has the fire symbol on the helmet.

Time Lightning Morphing Sequence
Tai is standing in front of what looks like a clock face. It is blue. The hands start at 9 and 3, then start ticking towards 12. When they reach 12 a blue light flashes. A suit that looks like a Time Force Ranger suit appears. It is blue and has the lightning symbol on the helmet.

Time Diamond Morphing Sequence
Kara is standing in front of what looks like a clock face. It is white. The hands start at 9 and 3, then start ticking towards 12. When they reach 12 a white light flashes. A suit that looks like a Time Force Ranger suit appears. It is white and has the diamond symbol on the helmet.

Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence
Karen is standing in front of what looks like a clock face. It is purple. The hands start at 9 and 3, then start ticking towards 12. When they reach 12 a purple light flashes. A suit that looks like a Time Force Ranger suit appears. It is purple and has the amethyst symbol on the helmet.

Time Onyx Morphin Sequence
Joe is standing in front of what looks like a clock face. It is black. The hands start at 9 and 3, then start ticking towards 12. When they reach 12 a black light flashes. A suit that looks like a Time Force Ranger suit appears. It is black and has the onyx symbol on the helmet.

Time Thunder Morphing Sequence
Max is standing in front of what looks like a clock face. It is gold. The hands start at 9 and 3, then start ticking towards 12. When they reach 12 a gold light flashes. A suit that looks like a Time Force Ranger suit appears. It is gold and has the thunder symbol on the helmet.

The Rangers appear in the room fully morphed. They all look down at themselves.

Kara: Wow, cool outfits.

Tai: Nice.

Victor: They feel more powerful than our old ones!

Joe: I just realized black does not look good on me.

Karen: Purple suits me just fine.

Max: Let's rumble.

Captain Logan: Good luck Eastern Rangers.

Victor: See you soon.

They teleport away.

Scene 3
Setting: The city. A group of Destroyers are wrecking havoc. The Rangers teleport in.

Victor: Hold it right there.

One of the Destroyers looks up.

Destroyer: So they sent Ranger impersonators to stop us. Prepair to die!

Kara: Impersonators?! Ha. We're the real thing baby.

The rest of the Destroyers turn their attention to the Rangers.

Destroyer: Get them.

The Destroyers charge at the Rangers.

Max: Let's go.

Two Destroyers attack Max. They both kick at him at the same time. He narrowly avoids it.

Max: That was close. I forgot how fast these guys were.

He jumps into the air. The Destroyers follow him. They are still going up as he begins to fall. As they are passing him he grabs their heads, smashes them together, and sends them hurling into the pavement. They don't get up.

Max: I still got it.

Joe and Karen are double teaming a Destroyer.

Karen: This is getting old fast.

Joe: Yeah, let's end it.

Joe swings at the Destroyer. It jumps to dodge the hit. While it was distracted by Joe Karen jumped into the air. She comes flying down and slams the Destroyer in the back. Some energy that looks like lightning bolts fizzle around it's body before it hits the ground and deactivates.

Joe: He never saw it coming.

Karen: Team work will always win.

Kara is getting beat up by 3 Destroyers. She is just barley dodging their attacks and is getting worn out.

Kara: Crap. There's too many of them.

As she ducks a punch from the one to her left, she sees a foot heading strait for her face. She tenses up in anticipation of the hit. To her surprise the foot stops just an inch from her nose. The Destroyer collapses.

Kara: Wha...

The two other Destroyers take off. As they run she sees Tai fighting them off.

Kara: Cool. Time to repay the favor.

Tai packs a powerful punch into the chest of one Destroyer. He is about to swing at the other one when the Diamond Cutter emerges from it's waist. Both fall to the ground and shut down.

Tai: Thanks.

Kara: Just paying you back for helping me.

Tai: Sure you are. Just admit you like me.

Kara: Get a life loser.

Tai: Can't blame me for trying.

Joe and Karen join them. Victor grabs the leg of the last Destroyer, lifts him into the air, and tosses him back to the ground. It deactivates and he joins the rest of the team.

Kara: I forgot how tough those could be.

Max: Nothing we can't handle though.

Victor: I wonder where Gridster is. We're gonna have to take him out too.

Joe: That is one battle I'm not looking forward to.

As the Rangers stand talking people begin emerging from their hiding spots. They walk out to the Rangers cheering.

Tai: Looks like we have a fan club.

Scene 4
Setting: The Moon Palace. Gridster is watching the crowd gather around the Rangers.

Gridster (very low, annoyed tone): No. Even after more than a millenium those stupid kids are standing in my way. Curse you Timeline. I must come up with a plan, but for now I'll just combine my Destroyers into a monster to keep those brats busy.

He waves his hands at the Earth.

Gridster: Destroyers, unite!

Scene 5
Setting: The city. The crowd is getting very close to the Rangers.

Victor: Please, please. Everyone calm down.

The busted Destroyers begin to glow and lift into the air. The crowd backs quite a bit.

Karen: I don't like the looks of this.

Max: They never did that before.

The Destroyers fly together and join to form one very large Destroyer.

Joe: I think we're gonna need the weapons.

Victor: Good call.

The crowds run in fear.

Victor: Fire Staff, power up!

Tai: Lightning Strikers, power up!

Kara: Diamond Cutter, power up!

Karen: Amethyst Blaster, power up!

Joe: Onyx Chargers, power up!

Max: Thunder Sabre, power up!

Max and Joe charge at the monster. Max slashes it with the Thuder Sabre. Joe sticks the Onyx Chargers on it and sends a huge electric current through it's body. They both get out of the way as the others prepair to fire. The Fire Staff releases a huge fireball that slams into the monster. The Diamond Cutter burries itself in it's leg. The Lightning Strikers send out lightning bolts that hit it. An energy ball is released from the Amethyst Blaster. The monster is weakend, but is still standing.

Joe: I think it's time for the Blaster.

Victor, Tai, Joe, Kara, Karen: EASTERN BLASTER, POWER UP!

Victor throws the Fire Staff into the air. It stays suspened horizontaly. Tai throws up the Lightning Strikers. They land sideways on top of the Fire Staff. Kara tosses the Diamond Cutter. It sets on top of the Strikers. Karen throws the Amethyst Blaster. It lands on top of the Cutter with it's handle forming the handle of the Eastern Blaster. Finaly Joe tosses the Onyx Chargers and they hook onto the bottom of the Strikers. The Eastern Blaster falls into Victors hands. The other Rangers stand to his sides.

Victor, Tai, Joe, Kara, Karen: FIRE!

A beam of all the Rangers colors shoots out and bashes the monster. Max finishes the move by striking with his sabre. The monster collapses.

Tai: Another one bites the dust.

Victor: Good job everyone. Let's get back to Time Force Headquarters.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: The Moon Palace.

Gridster: Don't congradulate yourselves too soon Rangers. He's not done with you yet. Grid powers, strengthen him!

A portal opens in the sky. The monster is taken into it. There is a flash of light as the portal closes. He then reappears as a giant. The Rangers step back.

Tai: What now? We don't have our zords.

Victor: Let's get back to Time Force and see if we can get them to bring the zords here.

The Rangers teleport away.

Scene 2
Setting: Time Force controll room. Captain Logan has been watching the battle. The Rangers teleport in.

Captain Logan: I hope you have a plan to stop that thing.

Victor: We need our zords, but they are in 1997.

Captain Logan: I can set up a communication with your leader if you want me too. If he can get them ready we can bring them here.

Kara: That'll work.

Captain Logan: Right this way then.

He takes them to the main console.

Captain Logan: You'll need to enter the communication coordinates.

Joe: Let me take care of that.

He steps up and enters the coordinates. The screen flickers, then an image of the Power Chamber as seen from the viewing globe apears.

Victor: Hello Zordon.

Zordon: Rangers! It is good to hear from you. How is your mission in the future going?

Tai: We need the zords. Karen: Time Force can open a portal. All you have to do is get them ready.

Alpha: Just tell us what we need to do.

Captain Logan: Just make sure their sheilds are at full power. When the portal opens just have them step in.

Zordon: Very well. Alpha, get them ready.

Alpha: Right away!

He spends a few moments at the console. Suddenly the Rangers display changes to a field just outside the zord holding bay. The Elemental Zords exit the bay and wait for the portal.

Karen: Wow. They're still impressive to look at.

Captain Logan: I'm opening the portal now.

The Rangers watch as a huge hole appears near the zords. Zordon's voice comes over the image.

Zordon's voice: The zords are coming now.

Each zord walks into the portal. After all six have vanished inside the time hole it vanishes.

Alpha's voice: Good luck Rangers.

The transmission ends and the screen vanishes.

Captain Logan: Your zords are on standby in our holding bay. You can call on them as you normally would.

Max: Thanks sir. Let's go get that monster!

All Rangers: BACK TO ACTION!

They teleport away.

Scene 3
Setting: The city. The Rangers teleport in right where the monster is standing.

Kara: Time to put this guy in his place.


Setting: The zord holding bay. The main door opens. An orange, blue, white, purple, and black streak of light leave. When they arrive at the scene the orange one touches down and in a ball of flame the Firezord appears. The blue one lands. Lightning surrounds the Lightning Ninja and then dissapears. A bright flash of light shines as the Diamond Slasher appears. Crystals grow from the ground and the Amethyst Ninja emerges from them. The black light touches down and the light forms the shape of the Onyx Deputy. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits. A gold streak of light leaves. As it strikes the ground there is a loud blast. The zord appears.


The Zords jump up into the air. Firezord retracts it arms, legs, and head. Lightning Ninja transforms into and arm and attaches to the left side of Firezord. Diamond Slasher also forms into an arm and connects to the right side. Amethyst Ninja becomes the left leg and Onyx Deputy becomes the right leg. The Firezord head re-emerges with a helmet on.

Max: Let's take him out.

The Elemental Megazord charges at the monster. The Megazord throws a punch but the monster ducks it. He counters by slamming the Megazord in the chest. He then kicks the legs out from under it.

Joe: That hurt.

Tai: He's like a super monster.

Karen: Guess Gridster has gotten stronger over the last 1000 years.

Max: You guys ok?

Victor: We're fine. Cover us while we get up.

Max: Got it. Thunder Destroyer!

The blasters fire and nail the monster. The blast doesn't even phase it. It charges at the Thunder Battlezord. He grabs it and lifts in into the air. He hold it above his head while he sends an electrical current through it. Sparks fly from the Battlezord.

Max: I could use some help here guys.

Victor: Elemental Megazord Sabre!

The Megazord hits the monster with the sabre. Most of the current heads through the sabre and into the Megazord. It is knocked back. The monster just laughs and throws the Battlezord to the ground.

Tai: This isn't working.

Karen: We need the Thunder Megabattlezord.

Max: I was hoping we wouldn't have to use it so soon, but here goes.


The Thunder Battlezord and Elemental Megazord fly into the air. The Thunder Battlezord breaks apart. The pieces connect to the Elemental Megazord to form armor and a massive set of blasters on the arms. It lands.

Monster: You don't scare me with that new toy. I can trash the pieces, so I can trash it too.

All Eastern Rangers: THUNDER CYCLONE!

The Thunder Megabattlezord fires both blasters. They combine in mid air and form a massive column of energy. It goes right through the monster and it explodes.

Joe: We did it.

Kara: Just barley. Check out the power gauge.

Victor: It took everything we had.

Max: We know that was just a flunky. We'll never survive the pick of the litter.

Victor: We'll go back to HQ and come up with a plan there.

The Rangers teleport out of the zords. The zords transform into beams of light and teleport back to the holding bay.

Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: Time Force Headquarters. The Rangers are talking to Captain Logan.

Captain Logan: From what you've told me you're gonna need some new Zords.

Victor: We have no way to build them.

Captain Logan: But we do. I'll have the project started immediatley. In the mean time you'll have to make do with what you have.

Max: We can do that.

An officer comes into the room.

Officer: Sir, we've just received a transmission from 1997.

Captain Logan: I'll bring it up in here.

Officer: Ok sir!

The officer leaves. Logan brings up the transmission. Zordon appears.

Zordon: Rangers. Timeline has told me of your victory. I must say I'm very proud of you. You have learned well from your training, and now it's time to say goodbye.

Karen: Goodbye?

Zordon: It is bad for Time Force to open too many portals or transmissions through time, so we must part ways for this leg of your lives as Rangers.

Victor: We'll be home soon.

Tai: With Gridster.

Zordon: I count on it Rangers. Goodbye.

All Rangers: Goodbye.

The transmission ends.

Captain Logan: You better go get some rest. I bet that Gridster guy is planing something.

The Rangers leave.

The End.

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