War of Time Episode 13: Help Arrives

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: A small farm outside of Silver Hills. 3 days have past since the Tigris Rebels placed the cover over Earth. The owner of the farm is looking at his crops, which are already starting to wither.

Farmer: My crops are dying. If they don't get some sunlight soon I won't be able to save them.

He looks up at the sky.

Farmer: And those idiots at Time Force won't tell us what's going on. All they say is "Don't worry, we'll handle it." If they don't "handle" it soon, everything will be dead.

Scene 2
Setting: The planet Tigris, inside Nathan's home. Nathan and several of the Tigris leaders are there.

Leader 1: It's been quite some time since we've had any problems with the Rebel forces.

Leader 2: I wonder if they've given up?

Nathan: Unlikely, but I think they've switched targets.

Leader 2: Switched targets? What do you mean?

Nathan: They wanted the Gold Lithium powers more than they wanted control of the planet. Now that the Power Rangers have taken them to Earth, that would be their target.

Leader 1: Do you think the Earth is in danger?

Nathan: Yes I do. You are the one who showed me the blueprints for the Rebel's ultimate weapon. I fear they might use it on the Earth.

Leader 1: I doubt the Rangers would have any weapons that could defeat it.

Leader 2: But didn't we develop one that could?

Leader 1: Yes we did, but I don't see what good it does the Earthlings.

Nathan: We'll have to take it to Earth then.

Leader 2: Our laws clearly forbid interfering in the affairs of other planets.

Nathan: The ones attacking Earth are from this planet. That makes it our affairs just as much as Earth's.

Leader 1: I agree.

Nathan: Then let's start planning how we're going to do this.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: Downtown Silver Hills. Crowds of protesters are gathering outside of Time Force Headquarters, and several other locations around the city.

Crowd member 1: Everything is dying! Get off your butts and do something about it!

Crowd member 2: At least tell us what's going on!

Crowd member 3: We don't have to put up with all this secrecy crap! Tell us what's going on or we'll take you out ourselves!

Several crowd members: YEAH! DOWN WITH TIME FORCE!

Scene 2
Setting: Inside Time Force headquarters. Captain Logan is watching the protests on a monitor.

Logan: This is bad. They'll tear this whole city apart if we let them.

Agent: Shouldn't we just explain the situation to them?

Logan: Absolutely not! At least not until we find a way to break that cover.

Agent: But sir....

Logan: I understand your logic here. They are all scared, and becoming violent because they are unsure of the situation. Just imagine how much worse it will get if they know that we have no way to save them and they all might die. It is best that they don't know.

Agent: Then what should we do?

Logan: Send out our peacekeeping troops. We won't break up the crowds just yet, but we have to keep them from trashing the city.

Agent: Yes sir.

He presses a button on the console in front of him.

Agent: Attention troops, prepare for operation crowd control. I repeat, operation crowd control. Special orders are as follows; do not disperse crowds, just prevent damage to city. I repeat, special orders are as follows; do not disperse crowds, just prevent damage to city.

Scene 3
Setting: The various places that the crowds have gathered. Time Force officers arrive and try to surround the crowds.

Time Force officer: Attention! Keep all protests peaceful or we will break up the crowds.

Crowd member: We're not taking orders from you anymore!

Crowd member 2: Down with Time Force!

The crowd member picks up a rock and prepares to throw it at one of the officers. Before he can a beam hits him and stuns him. Officers move in and arrest him.

Time Force officer: Any more threats to Time Force personnel and we will break up this protest.

Scene 4
Setting: Time Force headquarters. Captain Logan is watching the protesters and the officers.

Logan: We need to find a way to end this fast.

Scene 5
Setting: The planet Tigris. Nathan and the Tigris leaders are on board a large ship that look identical to the Astro Megaship, except it has the Ultimate Power color scheme. In the background one last person enters. He is carrying a box. He places it in the corner with a stack of other boxes, then joins the rest of the leaders.

Man: There, that's the last of the supplies we'll need.

Nathan: Good. Now the only thing left to do is figure out how to get across the dimensional rift.

Leader 1: I believe that will be nearly impossible.

Leader 2: Maybe, but if we could lock onto an energy signal that has already passed though we can reopen the portal it created.

Leader 3: That's easier said than done.

Man: But it is possible. The Rebels made it, so I know we can too.

Leader 2: The Rebels went shortly after the Rangers did. Any signal would've been much stronger then.

Leader 3: But the Rebel signal must still be here.

Nathan: Can the scanners on this ship find it?

Leader 1: If it's there, this ship can do it.

Nathan: Good. Scan at once.

The man walks up to one of the control panels in the room. He presses a short sequence of buttons. Several lights appear on a screen just above the panel. A voice that sounds like DECA is heard.

Voice: Scanning for residual energy signals.

Nathan: What is that?

Man: This is the External Electronic Control Access system. Once I fully program it, it will make the ship controllable entirely by voice commands. I call it EECA for short.

Nathan: I see. This will make things much easier.

EECA: Weak signal has been detected in the area. What would you like me to do next?

Man: Where does the signal go from here?

EECA: Signal seems to cross out of this dimension.

Man: Can you trace it to the other side.

EECA: Tracing now.

There are a few moments of silence.

EECA: Trace completed to other side of dimensional rift.

Man: Excellent. Now create an exact duplicate of the signal, then use it to boost the strength of the original.

EECA: Danger, doing so will cause a hole in dimensions to open.

Man: That's what we need. We have to travel to the other dimension to save some friends of ours.

EECA: Boosting signal now.

Outside the ship a small black hole appears in the sky. After a few moments it gets to be just a bit bigger than the ship.

EECA: Portal open, but I'm unable to keep it open for long.

Man: Then head through while we still can.

EECA: Confirmed, taking off now.

The ship lifts off the ground and flies right into the hole. Seconds later the hole closes.

Scene 6
Setting: Outer space, only a few hundred miles from the location of the Rebel ships. A black hole opens and the Tigris ship emerges. The hole then closes.

Nathan: We did it, we're in the Ranger's home dimension.

Leader 3: Now let's hope we can get to the planet in time.

Man: EECA, set a course for Earth.

EECA: Scanning for desired planet....Planet found, setting course now.

The ship's engines engage and it begins to move forward.

Scene 7
Setting: On board Transport 1, in General Raznor's chambers. Some of the troops under his command are working at a console. One of them notices a strange signal on his screen.

Rebel soldier: General Raznor, I think you better take a look at this.

Raznor: What? Can’t you people do anything by yourselves?

He calmly walks over to the console.

Raznor: Now what is it that has you so excited?

Rebel soldier: This sir.

He points to the screen. Raznor looks for a moment, then gets a puzzled look on his face.

Raznor: Can we get a visual on this.

Rebel soldier: Tracking now. It should be up in just a few seconds.

A few moments pass, then the screen changes from a radar-type screen to a viewing screen. An image of the Tigris ship appears.

Raznor: I don’t believe it! That’s a Tigris ship!

Rebel soldier: Is that even possible?

Raznor: I don’t know, but I must alert Commander Tigris. Prepare to transmit the visual to him.

Rebel soldier: Yes sir!

Raznor walks over to his personal chair and sits down. He turns the chair around and is facing a blank screen. The screen flashes and Commander Tigris’ image appears on it.

Commander Tigris: This had better be important Raznor.

Raznor: We’ve detected the presence of a Tigris ship. It seems to be heading to Earth. I’m sending you the image we have now.

In the top right corner of the screen the image of the ship appears.

Commander Tigris: So some of the Tigris forces thought they could come save the poor Earthlings from us. Blast that ship out of existence!

Raznor: Right away!

He turns to his troops.

Raznor: You heard the commander. Prepare to fire all weapons immediately.

The soldiers start franticly pushing buttons. A computerized voice is heard over a loudspeaker system.

Voice: All weapons locking on target. Charging weapons.

There is a pause for about 30 seconds.

Voice: Weapons charged. Firing all weapons.

Scene 8
Setting: Outside Transport 1. Beams can be seen flying from all around the ship in the direction that the Tigris ship is approaching from.

Scene 9
Setting: Inside the Tigris ship. Nathan and the man from earlier are alone in the main room of the ship. They are discussing a strategy for helping the Rangers. EECA interrupts their conversation.

EECA: Incoming enemy fire.

Nathan: We’ve been spotted!

Man: Evasive action! Avoid the blasts, but stay on course as much as possible.

Nathan: We won’t be able to dodge those blasts for long.

Man: We just have to get close to the cover.

Nathan: But it will take us some time to prepare our weapons to blast through!

Man: Yes, but the Rebels won’t fire on it. Once we get close all we have to do is charge the lasers and blast our way in.

Nathan: I hope you’re right.

Several minutes pass. The ship has been swaying franticly the whole time as it dodges the Rebel’s blasts. Finally the ship gets in view of the cover.

Scene 10
Setting: Raznor’s command room.


Soldier: What?!

Raznor: If we fire on the cover we’ll destroy it, and Commander Tigris will kill us himself.

Soldier: Ceasing fire.

Scene 11
Setting: On board the Tigris ship.

EECA: Enemy fire has stopped.

Man: I told you they wouldn’t fire on it.

Nathan: Excellent work. Now to get inside that thing.

Man: EECA, charge the main lasers to full. And while you’re at it, scan that cover and see if you can find a place that is weaker than the rest of it.

EECA: Charging and scanning.

The 3 Tigris leaders enter the room.

Leader 1: I see we got past their defenses.

Nathan: For now.

Man: Everyone get ready to land. We’re about to break through the cover.

EECA: Weak point located.

Man: Fire the strongest blast possible on it.

EECA: Firing now.

Scene 12
Setting: Outside the ship. A huge blast fires from under the ship and strikes the cover. The beam continues as a steady stream for about 2 minutes. Suddenly there is a huge explosion. A hole just a bit bigger than the ship has been put in the cover. The ship flies in.

Scene 13
Setting: Inside the ship.

Leader 2: We did it.

Nathan: I must speak with the Rangers immediately.

Man: EECA, scan for the Rangers energy signals and establish contact.

EECA: Linkup ready.

Nathan: Rangers, this is Nathan from the planet Tigris. Do you read me?

Scene 14
Setting: Time Force headquarters. The Rangers are standing around the main communication console with Captain Logan.

Logan: I don’t believe it, we’re getting a signal!

Victor: Nathan, this is Victor, we read you loud and clear.

Nathan’s voice: Do you have a place to dock a spacecraft?

Logan: Yes.

Nathan: Please send us the coordinates.

Karen: How did you guys get here? What’s going on?

Nathan: I’ll be happy to explain just as soon as we land.

Logan: Transmitting coordinates now.

Nathan: See you in a few moments Rangers.

Joe: Does this mean the cover has been broken?

Logan: I don’t know. We still can’t get any other signals.

Tai: I sure hope they have some good news for us.

Scene 15
Setting: Transport 1. Raznor is speaking with Commander Tigris on the viewing screen.

Raznor: It seems the Tigris ship has entered the Earth’s atmosphere.

Commander: I see.

Raznor: What should we do sir?

Commander: That ship must be the secret weapon they were working on before we left. I will need some time to come up with a counter measure.

Raznor: As you wish.

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: Inside Time Force headquarters. The Tigris ship has just landed. As Nathan and the others are exiting the ship, the Rangers are running up to it.

Nathan: Hello Rangers. It’s been a while.

The Rangers reach Nathan.

Tai: You guys picked a lousy time for a visit.

Joe: Yeah. The rebels are destroying the world.

Leader 1: We know. That’s the reason we’ve come.

Victor: I don’t suppose you know how to destroy that cover over the planet do you?

Leader 2: Yes, we do. We’ve come to give you the item you will need to do so.

Nathan: We came to give you the Tigris Megaship. Its power, combined with your own, will be enough to destroy the cover and save the world.

Kara: Are you sure? We hit it with everything we had and didn’t even put a dent in it.

Leader 3: We are quite sure. We’ve known about this plan for a long time. The rebels originally planed to use it on Tigris. We had the Tigris Megaship built for the sole purpose of destroying that thing.

Karen: This is almost too good to be true.

Tai: I won’t believe it till I see it.

Victor: Either way, it’s worth a try.

Max: I think we should go make our plans.

Victor: Yeah, let’s head back to the control room and tell Captain Logan.

Karen turns to Nathan and the Tigris Leaders.

Karen: Right this way everyone.

They all begin to walk towards the exit of the room.

Scene 2
Setting: On board Transport 1. Commander Tigris is there with Raznor, Callard, and Blizzard.

Commander: As you know, the secret weapon the Tigris government was working on is now on Earth. We must make our move now, before the Rangers are given the chance to use it.

Callard: I have just the monster ready for the job.

Commander: Present him.

Callard: Surge, come forth.

A very thin and scrawny monster enters the room. He looks like he is made up of nothing but wires.

Callard: I present Surge.

Commander: This is a really bad idea of a joke General Callard.

Callard: I know he looks weak, but his special powers should prove troublesome for the Rangers.

Blizzard starts laughing.

Blizzard: And what powers might that be, the power to make the Rangers die laughing?

Commander Tigris slaps the table hard.

Commander: This situation is not funny Blizzard.

Blizzard stops laughing abruptly.

Blizzard: Sorry sir.

Surge: I have to power to overload anything that uses energy to function.

Commander: So anything that uses electricity can be destroyed?

Surge: Not just electricity. Every living thing uses energy in some form. I can stop any living thing or machine dead in its tracks.

Commander: Sounds like a useful ability. Callard!

Callard: Yes sir!

Commander: Send him to Earth at once.

Callard: I will.

Callard and Surge leave the room.

Commander: This better work, or all three of you morons will pay dearly.

Raznor and Blizzard cringe.

Scene 3
Setting: Inside the city, very close to Time Force headquarters. A hole opens in the cover above the city. A pod the size of a small car falls through the hole and slams into the ground. The hole then closes. The impact shakes the ground throughout most of the city. The pod opens and Surge steps out.

Surge: Come out, come out, wherever you are Rangers. I want to play.

Scene 4
Setting: The control room of Time Force. The Rangers, Captain Logan, and the Tigris leaders are sitting around making plans for their attack. The whole building shakes for a few seconds.

Joe: I don’t like the feel of that.

Captain Logan: Neither do I.

Max: That felt like it was just outside.

An officer enters the room.

Officer: Sir, something just crashed outside the building.

Logan: What was it?

Officer: I don’t know sir, but a monster is also in the area.

Nathan: The Rebels must be trying to strike before we can get our plans together.

Victor: Someone should tell them they’re a bit late.

Leader 1: I take it it’s time to put the plan into action.

Victor: Yeah. Wait until we get the monster under control, then take off.

Leader 2: Our combined firepower should be able to cause sufficient damage to the cover.

Joe: So we just do enough damage in one place and the whole thing shuts down?

Leader 3: I believe so. It’s designed as one single circuit, which should cause the whole thing to short out if a large enough section is damaged.

Karen: Then let’s go do this.

Victor: Right.


(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Gold Lithium Morphing Sequence)

Scene 5
Setting: Outside Time Force headquarters. The Rangers run outside to meet the monster.

Surge: So I see you aren’t as chicken as I thought you would be.

Tai: I don’t believe it! Is this some kind of joke?

Kara: Shut up. He might look like a wimp, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a threat.

Surge: I see the white one isn’t as dumb as you Blue Ranger.

Tai: Oh that’s it! He’s mine!

Tai runs towards Surge.

Tai: Lightning Strikers!

The Lightning Strikers appear in his hands. He swings several times at Surge. Each time Surge just dodges them.

Victor: His small size makes him really agile.

Karen: I think we should help him.

Victor: Better get armed then. Fire Staff!

Kara: Diamond Cutter!

Karen: Amethyst Blaster!

Joe: Onyx Chargers!

Max: Lithium Saber!

The rest of the Rangers run towards Surge and Tai. Just before they get there Surge grabs Tai by the back of the neck.

Surge: Time to demonstrate my powers to you Ranger.

Tai: Oh no!

Surge begins to glow. The glow soon engulfs Tai’s body as well. A few moments pass, then Surge tosses the Lightning Rangers away. He lands hard on his back.

Tai: What was that all about?

Kara and Victor help him up.

Victor: What did you do to him?

Surge: I.....I don’t understand. Why didn’t it work?

Joe: Why didn’t what work?

Surge: His energy should have swelled up and destroyed him.

Tai: Oh man, am I glad that didn’t happen.

Surge runs up and grabs the Onyx Chargers from Joe, then runs back to his original position.

Joe: Hey, give that back!

Surge begins to glow again. The Chargers are engulfed in the glow. After a few seconds sparks fly from them. After a few more seconds, there is a small explosion. Pieces of the Chargers fall to the ground.

Joe: My weapons!

Victor: This guy is serious. We better watch it.

Surge: Your stupid Rangers powers must protect you from my power.

Max: In that case, forget the weapons and let’s take this guy out.

The Rangers power down their weapons.

Victor: Hand to hand combat it is.

Surge: I don’t like the looks of this.

Scene 6
Setting: The main room of Transport 2. Callard is watching the battle.

Callard: Uh oh. This is bad. He doesn’t have a chance against the Rangers now.

Scene 7
Setting: The battle. Surge is struggling to fend off the Rangers attacks. After a few unsuccessful attempts Tai, Joe, Kara, and Karen manage to grab Surge’s arms and legs. He is unable to move or fight back at this point.

Surge: Hey, no fair. I can’t fight back.

Victor: You don’t fight fair, so we don’t have to either.

Max: Time to cut these wires. Lithium Saber!

Max charges up his saber and lifts it high above his head. There are four flashes of light, one at each arm and one at each leg. Tai, Joe, Kara, and Karen fall to the ground, each holding one of the monsters limbs. The rest of his body lands on the ground. He twitches a bit and little bolts of electricity can be seen moving through his body and limbs. The Rangers toss the limbs on the ground.

Kara: Disgusting!

Karen: I think that is the most brutal way we’ve ever fought a monster.

Victor: We didn’t have much choice. He could’ve easily destroyed all our weapons.

The bolts stop and the pieces explode.

Max: Well, that’s finished.

A bolt of energy falls from the sky and hits the monster. The pieces begin to glow. They float up into the air and rejoin. The glowing stops and Surge drops to his feet, ready to fight.

Joe: Uh oh. Looks like that cover healed him!

Victor: Guess we need to make sure there is nothing left to regenerate.

Surge: Enough of this small play. Time to take this battle up a notch.

Surge pulls out a small bottle and smashes it on himself. His body turns to stone. It shatters and a cloud of dust shaped like it expands into a giant. It then solidifies.

Surge: Let’s see you stop me now you puny Rangers.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: The battle. The giant Surge is staring down at the Rangers.

Tai: I’m sick of this guy. Let’s take him out.

Victor activates his communicator.

Victor: Nathan, we’ll only have a short window of time after we beat this monster to destroy the cover. If we miss it, he’ll regenerate and we’ll have to start all over again.

Nathan’s voice comes over the communicator.

Nathan’s voice: I understand. We’ll prep for launch right now. As soon as you get the monster down, we’ll be there.

Victor: Excellent.

Max: It’s time to end this.


Scene 2
Setting: A holding bay under the city. The street above opens. The floor tilts up and aligns with the opening, forming a runway. The Time Jets engine's fire up. After building up pressure for a few seconds the jets launch out of the bay. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.


The Orange Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Blue and Black Jets fly on it's left and right with the wings almost touching. The White and Purple Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Orange Jet. The Gold Jet flies a few dozen feet above the Orange Jet. The Orange Jet transforms it's wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The White and Purple jets fold their wings up and attach to the Orange Jet. Blue and Black do the same. The Blue and Black jets bend to form arms. The White and Purple Jets bend to form feet. The Gold Jet lands on top of the Orange Jet to finish forming the body. The Orange cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.

Max: We better give it all we’ve got. THUNDER SPLIT!

A gold glow surrounds the Lithium Ranger. His body appears to move to the side. There are now two bodies standing there. The glow vanishes and both the Thunder Ranger and Lithium Ranger are standing there. Lithium Ranger teleports out of the cockpit.


A gold beam leaves the Lithium Ranger's morpher. The sky turns black. Three gold lightning bolts strike the morpher. Where Lithium Ranger was standing his zord now stands.

Lithium Ranger: I’m ready.

Joe: We are too.

Karen: I just hope we have enough time to pull this off.

Kara: We have to believe in ourselves and our allies if we’re going to save this world.

Surge: Believe all you want Rangers. This cover makes our forces invincible and there’s no way for you to stop us.

Tai: We’ll see about that.

The Time Jet Megazord and Lithium Warrior Zord charge at Surge.

Surge: Time to destroy these little toys.

Surge grabs onto the zords. He begins to glow. The glow engulfs the zords.

Joe: He’s trying to destroy the zords with the same power he used on my Chargers.

Thunder Ranger: We’re beginning to overload!

Victor: The Time Jet Warrior Zord has a much larger power capacity. I think we better use it.

Lithium Ranger: Let’s do it then.

Both the Lithium Warrior Zord and Time Jet Megazord break free of Surge’s grip.


The Rangers press the buttons under their consoles. The Time Jet Megazord and Lithium Warrior Zord begin to glow. The Megazord shrinks a little bit, while the Warrior Zord expands. The Warrior Zord then splits in two. The halves move in front of and behind the Megazord. They then close over the Megazord and become one piece again. The resulting machine stands the same size as the Time Jet Megazord normally is. It looks just like the Time Jet Megazord except the colors are that of the Lithium Warrior Zord. The glowing stops and the eyes of the zord light up.

Surge: Hey, no fair. You can’t change players in the middle of a fight!

Kara: We just did.

Surge: Fine, I’ll just destroy this toy instead of your other ones.

Tai: Just try it.

Surge charges at the zord.

Victor: No way wire man.

All Rangers: Warrior Missile!

The Time Jet Warrior Zord pulls back both fists. They charge up and fire 2 missiles each, followed by several dozen smaller energy blasts. After the blasts there is a massive beam of light shaped like the Zord that goes right through the monster. When the blast clears there are a few traces of the monster.

Karen: We did it.

Victor: Nathan, let’s do it!

Scene 3
Setting: A holding bay under the city. The street above opens. The floor tilts up and aligns with the opening, forming a runway. The Tigris Megaship engine's fire up. After building up pressure for a few seconds the ship launches out of the bay.

Nathan: We’re on our way.

After just a few seconds the Tigris Megaship is at the scene of the battle. The cover is starting to regenerate Surge.

Victor: This is it!

Nathan: We’re ready.

Victor: FIRE!

The Time Jet Warrior Zord pulls back both fists. They charge up and fire 2 missiles each, followed by several dozen smaller energy blasts. After the blasts there is a massive beam of light shaped like the Zord that slams into the cover.

A huge blast fires from under the Tigris Megaship and strikes the cover at the same spot as the Warrior Missile. There is a huge explosion. Where the blast hit, pieces of the cover start falling to the ground.

Thunder Ranger: I think we did it!

Nathan: We’ll see in a moment.

The Rangers look towards the remains of Surge. After a few seconds their regeneration stops.

Karen: Look, he stopped regenerating.

Joe: Then we must’ve destroyed it.

They focus their attention back on the cover. Starting where the blast was, beams of light can be seen starting to crack through the cover. The cracks continue to appear as far as the Rangers can see. After about one minute there is a loud blast. Sunlight floods the area. The cover is now nothing but confetti sized pieces. The debris falls slowly to the ground.

Lithium Ranger: It’s finally over.

Kara: Thanks to a little help from our friends.

Nathan: It was nothing Rangers. After all, you did protect us from the Promethium Ranger back on Tigris.

Victor: Let’s get back to headquarters. I’m sure Captain Logan is anxious to hear from us.

The Tigris Megaship flies off towards the city. In a flash of light the Time Jets Warrior Zord breaks down into its components. The Lithium Warrior Zord teleports away. Lithium Ranger and Thunder Ranger rejoin. The Time Jet Megazord breaks down into the Time Jets, and they fly toward the city as well.

Scene 4
Setting: Transport 1. Commander Tigris is yelling at his generals.

Commander: How could you idiots let this happen! All you had to do was let the planet sit there and die!

Blizzard: It’s all that stupid monster’s fault.

Commander: Shut up! I don’t want to hear any excuses. Now you morons get out of my sight before I decide to kill you for this display of incompetence.

Raznor, Callard, and Blizzard jump up quickly.

All three of them: Yes sir!

They run out of the room.

Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: Various locations around the Earth. Time Force crews are busy trying to clean up as much debris from the cover as they can.

Scene 2
Setting: Time Force headquarters. The Rangers, Tigris Leaders, Nathan, and Captain Logan are standing in a large open room.

Karen: We can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done.

Leader 1: There is no need to thank us Rangers. You would have done the same for us.

Max: Still, you saved our whole world.

Leader 2: You saved the world, we just provided you with the means to do it.

Joe: Are you sure you have to leave so soon?

Nathan: We must get back to Tigris. It is without leadership while we are here.

Leader 3: If we don’t hurry back, a new group of rebels may start this war all over again.

Nathan: I’m sure the Tigris Megaship will be a valuable asset to you Rangers.

Victor: We’ll use it well.

Max: But how do you plan to get home without it?

Captain Logan: We’ve set up an inter-dimensional teleporter for them. It should get them back safely and quickly.

Nathan and all the rest of the Tigris visitors step onto a large platform in the center of the room.

Nathan: Goodbye Rangers.

Rangers and Captain Logan: Goodbye.

Beams of light circle around the Tigris and they vanish.

The End.

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