War of Time Episode 14: Followed Home

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: The Power Chamber in the year 1997. Divatox’s forces are attacking at full force. Dimetria and the Blue Centurion have just teleported out to go help Zordon on Eltar.

TJ: We’re on our own now guys. We have to hold them off.

Justin: That’s gonna be easier said than done.

He glances up at the viewing screen and sees images of Puranatrons pounding away at the doors.

Alpha 6: I hope Dimetria hurries back. We’re gonna need some help here.

Scene 2
Setting: Zordon’s base on the planet Eltar. Dimetria and Blue Centurion teleport into the room.

Zordon: I’m glad to see you would come to my aid in this dire time, but I’m afraid there isn’t much you can do to change the situation now.

Dimetria: The situation on Earth is no better. Divatox’s forces will soon overpower the Turbo Rangers and destroy the Power Chamber.

Blue Centurion: I am prepared to call my fellow officers from the future to aid.

Zordon: I fear even that won’t be enough. Eltar will soon fall to the forces of evil. Only the Power Rangers will be able to save the universe after that.

Dimetria: Then we must find a way to help the Rangers.

Zordon: The only possible reinforcements have been sent into the distant future to stop a powerful evil. Our only hope will be to call them back.

Dimetria: Are you talking about....

Zordon: Yes, the Eastern Rangers. I will send an S.O.S. immediately.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: Time Force headquarters in the year 3000. Captain Logan is in the control room with a few other officers.

Officer 1: Sir, we have an incoming S.O.S. from the time stream.

Logan: Lock it in and bring it up on screen.

Officer 2: Locking in now.

After a few seconds an image of Zordon appears on the screen.

Zordon: This is an S.O.S. to the Eastern Rangers. We are under heavy attack and need you to return at once.

The image changes to scenes from the attack on the Power Chamber. Zordon’s voice is narrating.

Zordon’s voice: The Power Chamber is about to fall. If it does, the Rangers of this time will lose their powers and the universe will fall to Dark Specter’s army. Eltar will fall in moments and I will be taken captive. The Eastern Rangers must return to help the Turbo Rangers.

The message ends.

Logan: Did you record that?

Officer 1: Yes sir.

Logan: Get it ready for playback then.

He turns to the other officer.

Logan: And call the Rangers in here immediately.

Scene 2
Setting: The Ranger’s quarters. They are asleep. A beeping sound comes from a set of speakers in the room.

Officer’s voice: Rangers please come to the control room.

The Rangers toss and begin to groan.

Kara: What is it?

Tai: I say we ignore it. It didn’t sound too important.

Max: Logan will chew us out if we don’t. I really don’t want him to come down here.

Joe: We just saved the world and we don’t even get a break.

Karen: Let’s just get this over with.

Victor remains silent and leads the way out of the room.

Scene 3
Setting: The control room. The Rangers walk in sleepily.

Victor: What’s going on?

Kara: It better be important or I’m going back to bed.

Tai: I won’t be too far behind you.

Joe: Everyone shut up so Captain Logan can talk.

The Rangers stop talking.

Logan: We’ve received an urgent S.O.S. from Zordon.

The Rangers perk up. Captain Logan now has their full attention.

Max: An S.O.S. from Zordon? What’s the matter?

Captain Logan turns to the first officer in the room.

Logan: Play it back.

Officer 1: Playback started.

Zordon appears on the screen in front of them.

Zordon: This is an S.O.S. to the Eastern Rangers. We are under heavy attack and need you to return at once.

The image changes to scenes from the attack on the Power Chamber. Zordon’s voice is narrating.

Zordon’s voice: The Power Chamber is about to fall. If it does, the Rangers of this time will lose their powers and the universe will fall to Dark Specter’s army. Eltar will fall in moments and I will be taken captive. The Eastern Rangers must return to help the Turbo Rangers.

The message ends.

Karen: We better hurry.

Tai: Relax, we have a time machine. We could wait years and still make it in time.

Victor: Speaking of time, when exactly is the attack happening?

Logan: I’m afraid we are unable to pinpoint the exact moment in time the message originated from. We can send you to the approximate era, but not the exact moment.

Joe: Then maybe we should hurry then. We might show up late and have to make up for it.

Logan: We have a slight problem.

Max: And that would be?

Logan: Last time we sent you back you used the Time Jets. But we’ve seen how dangerous that is. And after the last battle, I’m not sure they can withstand the trip.

Victor: That’s not a problem.

Joe: Actually Victor, I’d say that’s a big problem.

Victor: Maybe the Jets can’t take it, but I bet the Tigris Megaship can.

Logan: Yes, that would work. The Megaship is large enough that you can store the Jets and Lithium Warrior Zord inside.

Max: Then it’s settled. We’ll load up, you guys get ready to open the portal.

Logan: I’ll contact you as soon as we’re ready for launch.

Victor turns to the Rangers.

Victor: We’ve got a lot to get loaded up, so let’s get started.

The other Rangers just nod. They all leave the room. One of the officers turns to Captain Logan with a puzzled look on his face.

Officer 2: Why did you tell them we don’t know when the signal came from?

Logan: All our files say that the Power Chamber was destroyed by Divatox. If we change that, the world as we know it will cease to exist.

Officer 2: Then why send them back at all?

Logan: Because afterwards the Earth will be completely defenseless. They will have to hold off any attacks until the other Rangers can re-establish themselves.

Officer 2: I see.

Officer 1: Portal coordinates ready sir.

Logan: Good. I’ll contact the Rangers and let them know we’re ready.

Scene 4
Setting: The holding bay where the Tigris Megaship is held. The Rangers are busy loading equipment into its cargo bay. Max is standing outside the ship. The Time Jets are inching slowly towards the open cargo bay.

Max: This should be it guys.

After a few minutes the Jets are inside the Megaship. The cargo bay closes.

The Rangers are now all inside the control room of the ship.

Victor: We’re all loaded up.

Karen: All we’re waiting for is Captain Logan to give us the OK.

As if on cue, Captain Logan’s voice can be heard coming over the ship’s intercom.

Logan’s voice: The time portal is all set. We’re ready to launch.

Victor presses a button on the console near him.

Victor: Ready here.

Logan’s voice: We’ll bring the ship up for launch then.

Scene 5
Setting: Outside Time Force headquarters, specifically the launch pad. The Tigris Megaship is in position on the runway. After a few seconds the portal opens.

Tai: Here we go, guys.

Kara: Hang on Turbo Rangers, we’re on our way.

The Tigris Megaship gets punched down the runway and through the portal.

Scene 6
Setting: The year 1997, near the location of the Power Chamber. A hole opens in the sky. The Tigris Megaship emerges from the hole, which closes behind it.

[Inside the Megaship]
Victor: EECA, we need a visual.

EECA: Bringing up image now.

On the screen in front of the Rangers a scene of the ruins of the Power Chamber appears. The Rangers all have a horrified look on their faces.

Joe: It’s gone.

Karen: There has to be something we can do.

Kara: We have to contact Captain Logan and have him open another portal. We need to go back just a bit farther.

EECA: I’m afraid that is not possible. The energy waves from the last portal are interfering with my communication equipment. You will have to wait a few hours.

Max: We should do something in the mean time.

Victor: The Turbo Rangers may be hurt down there. We should go check.

Tai: Why bother if we’re just gonna go back and change it?

Karen: Because it’s the right thing to do. Besides, we have no way of knowing if Time Force can send us back to the right point. Let’s just make the best out of what’s here.

Tai: Fine, but I still think it’s a waste of time.

Victor: EECA, bring us down as close to the building as you can.

EECA: Beginning landing sequence now.

The Megaship lands at the base of the hill the Power Chamber once stood on. A rather large door opens and the Rangers emerge, running up the hill. They begin frantically searching through the rubble. After several minutes they find nothing.

Max: It looks like everyone got out ok.

Tai: So now what? You got us all worked up for nothing.

Justin, the Blue Turbo Ranger arrives at the base of the hill. He spots the Megaship on his way.

Justin (to himself): Oh no. Who did they send after us now?

He sneaks up the hill, hopeful that whoever is there won’t notice him. He gets to the top and is hiding behind a large slab of concrete. He peeks out at the Eastern Rangers. He is speechless when he sees them and can’t move.

Victor: I don’t see anyone here.

Karen: Still, they might be trapped underneath all this stuff.

Joe: We could see if EECA can scan for any life forms in the rubble.

Max: Good idea. Let’s head back to the ship then.

The Rangers start walking back to the Tigris Megaship. Justin gathers his senses and yells.

Justin: Guys! Over here!

The Eastern Rangers turn quickly.

Tai: Justin!

The Rangers run over to greet him.

Justin: Oh man, am I glad to see you guys.

Victor: Where are the other Turbo Rangers?

Justin: They took off after Divatox.

Max: Where did she go?

Justin: Dark Spector captured Zordon and called all his forces to gather. The others are trying to follow her and free Zordon.

Victor: That won’t be easy. We better go help them.

Max: Justin, why don’t you come back to the Megaship with us?

Justin: I would, but I have to stay on Earth, for my dad.

Kara: At least come help us plan. We have no idea what has happened here so we could use some help.

Justin: I’m not sure how much help I can be, but I’ll try my best.

The Rangers and Justin head down the hill for the Megaship.

Scene 7
Setting: The year 3000. The Tigris Rebels watch the Megaship go through the portal. Commander Tigris is meeting with General Callard.

Commander Tigris: I wonder where they’re off to in such a hurry?

Callard: With them gone, this is a perfect opportunity to take the Earth.

Commander: Yes, but let’s just think about it for a moment. The last time we followed those Rangers we found a world much better than Tigris to conquer. I think we should follow them again. Besides, it’s no fun taking over a planet with no resistance.

Callard: We could divide our forces and do both sir.

Commander: Right now I’m more concerned about getting revenge on them than taking over the planet. After what they did to our cover I want them to pay dearly.

Callard: As you wish sir. I will inform the other generals and prepare for departure.

Callard leaves the room. About 10 minutes pass. Callard appears on the communication console.

Callard: We’ve analyzed the portal and are ready to duplicate it.

Commander: Excellent. We leave at once.

Scene 8
Setting: Outside the 3 Rebel ships. A beam comes out of Transport 2. It stops right in front of the ships. A large portal opens. It looks just like the portal Time Force used. The ships enter the portal and it closes behind them.

Scene 9
Setting: The year 1997. A portal opens in space in the exact location where the Rebels were in 3000. Their 3 ships emerge.

Commander: Where are we?

General Raznor, Callard, and Blizzard are visible on the communication console.

Raznor: There must have been some sort of mistake. We are in the exact location we left from.

Callard: Impossible. We used the exact same portal as the Rangers. And we know they went somewhere.

Commander: Someone better figure out what’s going on!

Blizzard: I think I know sir. I’ve just run a quick scan. It seems we’ve traveled back in time over 1000 years!

Commander: 1000 years! Why would the Rangers go back that far?

Blizzard: I don’t know sir, but I’ve been able to get some information about this time period.

Commander: Then hurry up and give it to me.

Blizzard: Of course. It seems the Earth’s Rangers have just been destroyed. The whole planet is defenseless.

Commander: I like the sound of that. We can destroy their world long before their time and there is nothing they can do about it. Blizzard, since you were the one who got me this information, I charge you with the task of selecting the monster to do the job.

Blizzard: I’ll do my best.

Commander: No, you’ll do it right!

Blizzard: Of course sir!

The console goes blank. Commander Tigris just smiles.

Commander: This should be easy.

Scene 10
Setting: On board the Tigris Megaship. The Rangers are talking with Justin.

Tai: I still don’t understand why we don’t just have Time Force send us back a little bit further and stop this whole thing.

Max: I think we’d all like to do that, but it may not be possible.

EECA: I am still unable to communicate with Time Force.

Kara: Besides, we’re here now, so we’ll just do what we can to help.

Justin: Do you really think you have enough power to save Zordon?

Joe: It’s been a long time since you’ve seen us. We’ve come a very long way.

Victor: Joe’s right. We have more power than ever before. If anyone can help it’s us.

Alarms start going off.

Karen: What’s happening?

EECA: Monster detected in the city.

Tai: What? Who the heck sent it?

EECA: It appears to be a Rebel monster.

Max: The Rebels here?! That’s not good.

Justin: What’s going on?

Kara: Looks like the followed us again.

Joe: Don’t they ever quit?

Justin: Hello? A little explanation please.

Victor: They are a rebel group from the planet Tigris. They followed us to Earth in the future, and now they seem to have followed us back in time.

Justin: That can’t be good.

Max: They must still be mad about the cover.

Tai: Looks like Zordon’s gonna have to wait a while till we can get rid of these clowns.

Victor: Justin, stay here in the ship. We’re going to stop that monster.

Justin: Ok, good luck.

Victor: Thanks. Ready guys?

Tai, Joe, Karen, Kara, Max: Ready!


(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Gold Lithium Morphing Sequence)

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: The outskirts of Angel Grove. A monster is walking down the middle of the street. People are running in all directions to get away from it. It looks like a floppy disk with arms, legs, and a head. The Rangers teleport in. They arrive right in front of the monster. It gets a shocked look on its face.

Monster: What? There aren’t supposed to be any Rangers here!

Tai: Sorry to crash the party, but we were in the neighborhood.

Monster: No matter. I, the great Disker, shall defeat you with ease.

Joe: You aren’t the first to claim that. And I’m sure you’ll fall just as easily as all the others who tried.

Tai: Someone’s finally getting a backbone.

Joe takes a somewhat defensive stance.

Joe: What’s that suppose to mean?

Karen: Easy boys. Now’s not the time.

Disker: Enough drama. Let’s fight.

Victor: You’re funeral pal.

Disker charges at the Rangers. The Rangers pull close together and let him come at them.

Disker: You should’ve charged me Rangers!

He holds out his arms. Several floppy disks seem to fly right out of them. The disks strike the Rangers and explode. The blast knocks the Rangers apart and they fall to the ground.

Kara: That didn’t work the way I thought it would.

Max: Well, let’s get up and not give him a chance to reload then!

The Rangers jump to their feet.

Disker: How do you like my disk bombs Rangers? That’s not my only trick. Watch this!

He holds out just one arm this time and aims it right at Karen. A beam fires. She ducks out of the way and it hits a car instead. The car is engulfed in light and after a few seconds seems to vanish. In its place lies a floppy disk.

Karen: That was too close.

Victor: I think we better finish this fast before he gets one of us.

Disker lifts his arm again and prepares to fire. So long Rangers.

Scene 2
Setting: Inside the Megaship. Justin is watching the fight. On the screen he sees Disker firing his blasts at the Rangers. The Rangers are just barley dodging the beams.

Justin: I can’t just sit here and watch. I have to help them.

He watches for a few more seconds. Victor shoves Joe out of the path of one of the beam, then barely is able to deflect it with the Fire Staff.

Justin: That’s it. I’m going!

EECA: You’re instructions are to remain on board the ship.

Justin: I don’t care. I’m a Ranger too. It’s my duty to help them.

EECA: But your powers have been destroyed. You will only get in the way.

Justin: I have to try.

He rushes out the doors of the Megaship.

Scene 3
Setting: The battle. Disker is no longer firing beams at the Rangers. Instead his is focusing on hand to hand combat. Max and Tai are keeping him busy, while Victor is helping the others get back on their feet after the barrage of attacks from Disker.

Joe: I’m glad he quit shooting at us.

Karen: Most of those were way to close for comfort.

Victor: I don’t know how much longer they can hold him. We better get ready to join in.

Kara: I’ll be really glad when we finish this one off.

Disker slashes at Max and Tai. They are unable to react in time to block it and are sent flying back. The others help them to their feet.

Disker: Give up yet Rangers?

Tai: What a dumb question. Of course not!

Disker: Well, I’ll just have to make you dance again!

Justin steps out from the shadows behind Disker.

Justin: I don’t think so!

Disker turns to see who is talking to him.

Disker: And just who the heck are you?

Karen: Justin! Get out of there NOW!


(Blue Turbo Ranger Morphing Sequence)

Disker: You’re a Ranger too? Guess you’ll just have to die with the rest of them then!

Disker and Justin exchange a few blows. After about 30 seconds of fighting Justin takes several steps back towards the other Rangers.

Justin: What’s…..happening?

In a flash of light and sparks he de-morphs. He collapses.

Joe: Justin!

The Eastern Rangers hurry to him. Kara helps him to his feet.

Victor: Are you ok?

Justin: I guess my powers really are gone.

Tai: That was so stupid. You could’ve been killed.

Justin: I was just trying to help.

Victor: We know you meant well, but you have to leave this guy to us now. Hurry up and get to safety.

Justin: I’m really sorry.

Karen: Don’t worry about it. Just get out of here before you get hurt again.

Justin: Alright. Good luck.

He runs away, limping slightly as he does so.

Disker: So much for the little pipsqueak. Who’s next?

Max: You are! Step it up a notch everyone!

Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, and Joe: Right! ULTIMATE POWER!

(Ultimate Fire Transformation)
(Ultimate Lightning Transformation)
(Ultimate Diamond Transformation)
(Ultimate Amethyst Transformation)
(Ultimate Onyx Transformation)

Victor: You’re history!

Disker: Fancy outfits aren’t going to help you any.

Kara: We’ll see about that.

Victor: Fire Staff, power up!

Tai: Lightning Strikers, power up!

Kara: Diamond Cutter, power up!

Karen: Amethyst Blaster, power up!

Joe: Onyx Chargers, power up!

Max: Lithium Saber, power up!

Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, and Joe: EASTERN BLASTER!

Victor throws the Fire Staff into the air. It stays suspended horizontally. Tai throws up the Lightning Strikers. They land sideways on top of the Fire Staff. Kara tosses the Diamond Cutter. It sets on top of the Strikers. Karen throws the Amethyst Blaster. It lands on top of the Cutter with it's handle forming the handle of the Eastern Blaster. Finally Joe tosses the Onyx Chargers and they hook onto the bottom of the Strikers. The Eastern Blaster falls into Victors hands. The other Rangers stand to his sides.

Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, Joe: FIRE!

A green beam leaves the Blaster and strikes Disker right in the chest. The force nearly cuts through him. Max then runs up and slices through him with the Lithium Saber. The two halves of the monster fall to the ground and explode. The Blaster comes apart and the Rangers stand facing the burning debris of Disker.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: Transport 3. General Blizzard is watching the battle.

Blizzard: I can’t believe Disker failed. Time to give him an upgrade!

He presses a button on the console in front of him.

Scene 2
Setting: The battle location. The flames from Disker’s remains take the shape of his body. The flames seem to turn to stone. They shatter and a cloud of dust shaped like it expands into a giant. It then solidifies.

Disker: Wow, talk about having a good backup ready!

Victor: Looks like this battle just got a bit bigger.


Scene 3
Setting: The Tigris Megaship. The cargo bay opens. A small runway extends out of it. The Time Jets engine's fire up. After building up pressure for a few seconds the jets launch out of the bay. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.

Victor: It’s gonna be hard on the Megaship to recharge the Jets, so let’s only use the Megazord if we absolutely have to.

Joe: Alright.

Karen: It’ll be easier to avoid his blasts with the Jet’s anyway.

Disker fires a few blasts at the Time Jets, but they easily dodge them.

Disker: Hold still! I’m no marksman.

Tai: What’s the matter, can’t hit a moving target?

Disker: You just wait Blue Ranger. I’ll get you first for that.

He concentrates his fire on the Blue Jet.

Max: Enough, let’s take him out.


The Jets align themselves in a somewhat circular shape. They begin to spin around. Soon the individual jets seem to vanish and a large energy ring replaces it. The ring passes right through Disker, doing no damage.

Disker: If that’s the best you can do then this will be easy.

Victor: Looks like we have no choice. Time Jet Megazord power, now!

The Orange Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Blue and Black Jets fly on it's left and right with the wings almost touching. The White and Purple Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Orange Jet. The Gold Jet flies a few dozen feet above the Orange Jet. The Orange Jet transforms it's wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The White and Purple jets fold their wings up and attach to the Orange Jet. Blue and Black do the same. The Blue and Black jets bend to form arms. The White and Purple Jets bend to form feet. The Gold Jet lands on top of the Orange Jet to finish forming the body. The Orange cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.

All Rangers: Time Jet Megazord, full power!

Scene 4
Setting: About a mile away from where the battle is going on. Justin is standing there watching the battle.

Justin: Wow! What an awesome Megazord.

Scene 5
Setting: The battle. The Megazord is standing in front of Disker.

Disker: You think one machine will work better than six? Give it your best shot!

Tai: Oh don’t worry, we will.

Kara: Here it comes!

All Rangers: MEGA MISSILE!

The Megazord lifts it arms. They charge up and fire a blast that looks like 2 missiles. The missiles strike Disker. He survives the blast, but is visibly damaged from it.

Disker (weakly): You’ll pay for that. No more games.

He holds out one arm and aims it at the Megazord.

Max: Looks like he’s planning to create a Megazord disk!

Joe: We better move fast.

Disker fires his beam. The Megazord just barley ducks under it.

Disker: You may be agile, but my next one won’t miss.

Max: Time to end this. THUNDER SPLIT!

A gold glow surrounds the Lithium Ranger. His body appears to move to the side. There are now two bodies standing there. The glow vanishes and both the Thunder Ranger and Lithium Ranger are standing there. Thunder Ranger remains inside the Megazord. Lithium Ranger jumps out.

Disker: Think you’ll escape little Ranger. I’ll just come after you next.

Lithium Ranger: I don’t think so. LITHIUM WARRIOR ZORD!

A gold beam leaves the Lithium Ranger's morpher. The sky turns black. Three gold lightning bolts strike the morpher. Where Lithium Ranger was standing his zord now stands. He teleports into the cockpit.

Lithium Ranger: Let’s show him our ultimate fire power.

Victor: Sounds good to me.

All Rangers: Time Jet Warrior Zord!

The Rangers press the buttons under their consoles. The Time Jet Megazord and Lithium Warrior Zord begin to glow. The Megazord shrinks a little bit, while the Warrior Zord expands. The Warrior Zord then splits in two. The halves move in front of and behind the Megazord. They then close over the Megazord and become one piece again. The resulting machine stands the same size as the Time Jet Megazord normally is. It looks just like the Time Jet Megazord except the colors are that of the Lithium Warrior Zord. The glowing stops and the eyes of the zord light up.

Disker: I don’t care what you do, you’re still getting added to my disk collection!


The Time Jet Warrior Zord pulls back both fists. They charge up and fire 2 missiles each, followed by several dozen smaller energy blasts. After the blasts there is a massive beam of light shaped like the Zord that goes right through Disker. When the blast clears the is no trace of him.

Karen: And that’s the end of him.

The Time Jet Warrior Zord stands tall with the city visible in the background. Justin is watching from his position.

Justin: I can’t believe it. They took him out in one hit!

Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: On board the Tigris Megaship. The Rangers have finally managed to contact Captain Logan.

Victor: The Tigris Rebels have followed us to the past.

Logan: I know. We tracked their signal as they left our time.

Karen: What are we suppose to do? We need to go help Zordon and the Turbo Rangers, but we can’t just leave the Earth in the Rebel’s hands.

Max: I think the best thing we could do right now is to stay and fight. If need be, we can always use another time portal to go help Zordon.

Logan: For now, stay where you’re at. We’ll do everything here that we can to help from here.

Victor: Understood.

Logan: Good luck Rangers. I’ll contact you with more info shortly.

The image of Logan fades.

Tai: Guys, this is the first time we’ve been on our own to deal with an enemy. First we had Zordon, then Time Force.

Joe: Can we handle this on our own?

Victor: We have to. There’s no other choice.

Scene 2
Setting: Transport 1. Commander Tigris is staring blankly at General Blizzard. After several tense moments he finally speaks.

Commander: You said you’re monster could beat them. What happened?

Blizzard: I’m sorry sir. We still don’t have enough data on that Time Jet Warrior Zord to fight it properly.

Commander: Then I hope for your sake you watched that battle and studied it very hard.

Blizzard: I did, and I will sir.

Commander: This time period is so vulnerable if we could just get past those Eastern Rangers. The next time you speak with me you better have come up with a way to beat them, understand?

Blizzard: Got it.

Commander: Now get out of here.

Blizzard mumbles a bit then quickly leaves the room.

Commander: I will beat you someday Rangers. You have a weakness somewhere; I just have to find it.

The End

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