War of Time Episode 16: Ancient Rivalry

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: On board Transport 1. The Promethium Ranger is sitting in a dark room.

Promethium Ranger: I've already proved to the Rangers that I have the power to beat them. Now it's time for me to take care of some personal business.

(Flashback scene)
The Promethium and Lithium Rangers are facing off on Tigris. They keep fighting, always matching each other blow for blow.
(Flashback scene ends)

Promethium Ranger: Back then our powers were an even match. But things have changed. Both powers now lie with new hosts, and we've seen who is the better warrior.

He clenches his fist.

Promethium Ranger: Soon Lithium Ranger, you will pay.

Scene 2
Setting: The control room of the Tigris Megaship. Max is looking at one of the screens as a progress bar starts blinking.

Max: Looks like the Zord repair is finally finished guys.

Joe: Good. I'm glad we were able to get them fixed before Promethium Ranger showed up again.

EECA: Repairs are finished, but some of the damaged areas are weaker than they used to be. You will have to be careful Rangers.

Victor: We'll do our best not to push the Zords too far.

Max: Is there any way you can strengthen the repairs?

EECA: Not with the resources I currently have.

Kara: Thanks anyway EECA.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: Still in the control room of the Tigris Megaship. About 20 minutes have passed. The Rangers are now watching footage of their last fight with Promethium Ranger.

Justin: So why are we watching this over and over again?

Karen: We're trying to see if the Promethium Ranger has any weaknesses.

Justin: And you can tell just by watching the battle?

Joe: Well, we have a little help. We're watching his techniques, while EECA monitors his energy readings.

Max: Man, this guy really knows what he's doing. I haven't seen one mistake in his entire fight.

Victor: No one is perfect. I don't care how powerful he is, he will mess up.

Kara: Unless the Rebels genetically engineered him or something.

Karen: That's possible I guess.

Joe: But he seems to know exactly how we'll fight. And that would be really hard to program into something.

Victor: What are you saying Joe?

Joe: That I think whoever that guy is, he knows us pretty well.

Max: Is it possible they got one of the Gridster Rangers to do it?

Karen: But none of them were truly evil, they were just under a spell. I can't see them going back to being evil.

Victor: And no one has been reported missing. So I'm guessing he volunteered to work for the Rebels.

Kara: But how would any civilians know enough about the Rebels to be able to do that?

Victor: I don't know. This whole situation just doesn't add up.

The Rangers all sit silent, watching the battle play out again and again while they think.

Scene 2
Setting: Transport 1. Promethium Ranger is in a room with Commander Tigris, Raznor, Callard, and Blizzard.

Raznor: Why did you call us here Promethium Ranger?

Callard: This better be good or I'll fry you for wasting my valuable time.

Blizzard: Just who gave you the authority to call meetings anyway?

Commander: That would be me. He is our best weapon against the Rangers. I told him to call us when he had a plan.

Raznor, Callard, and Blizzard sit back in their seats.

Blizzard: Oh, I'm sorry for questioning you sir.

Commander: All of you shut up so Promethium Ranger can talk.

All three of them: Yes sir.

Commander: Now, you may speak Ranger.

Promethium Ranger: I've called you here to ask for your help.

Commander: I see. What kind of help do you need from us?

Promethium Ranger: I want the chance to fight the Lithium Ranger with no interruptions from the other 5 Rangers.

Callard: Why?

Promethium Ranger: As you should know, he is my arch rival. I can not concentrate on defeating all the Rangers until I beat him.

Blizzard: And just how are we supposed to help you with that?

Promethium Ranger: I need you do keep the other 5 out of my way until I finish with Lithium Ranger.

Commander: Separating the Rangers is not an easy thing to do. They always stick together.

Promethium Ranger: I know, but I'm working out the details of a way to keep them apart. I'll let you know as soon as I finish.

Commander: Very well. We'll do what we can for you. But after this is done you will leave the planning to me, understand.

Promethium Ranger: Yes sir.

He turns and leaves the room.

Blizzard: Do you think this is going to work?

Commander: It had better. If he can't even defeat a single Ranger there isn't much hope of him defeating the whole team of them is there.

Scene 3
Setting: The control room of the Tigris Megaship. The Rangers have just finished watching the replay of the last fight for the 10th time.

Joe: I don't believe this! Not one mistake the entire time!

Victor: Don't get discouraged yet. EECA, what did you find with the energy readings?

EECA: Promethium Ranger's energy levels do not fluctuate during the battle. There are no points where he was more vulnerable than any other time.

Kara: Ok, can I get discouraged now?

Karen: It does look pretty pointless.

Justin: I'm not giving up just yet. I haven't been with you guys very long, but I've heard all about the battles you've gone through. You've always come out on top no matter how hard things got. He has a weakness somewhere. And eventually we'll find it and beat him.

Max: I like that attitude of yours Justin. And I think you're right. That was just our first battle with him. I'm sure that once we've fought him in a few different situations we'll start to get some more useful information on him.

Kara: You boys can get as optimistic as you want. I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.

Joe: After what happened last time, I'll be impressed if we survive more than 1 or 2 more battles with him.

Karen: Looks like we're all feeling pretty differently about the whole thing.

Victor: Well, since we can't come up with anything for him in Ranger form right now, let's try and think of ways we can do better with the Zords. We couldn't even put up a fight last time.

Joe: Well, none of the weapons seemed to work very well. Maybe we could try and focus more of the zords power into weapons systems.

Karen: Do we have any power to spare to move to the weapons though?

EECA: If you would like, I can shutdown all non-essential systems within the Zords and re channel the energy from them.

Victor: Before you do, is there any way we could strengthen the defense systems? I know you said we can't make them physically stronger with the materials we have here, but is there a way to increase the shields?

EECA: I will split the power from all non-essential systems between the weapons and the shields. If this does not work for you, we will adjust the levels accordingly.

Kara: Works for me.

Karen: What systems are we going to be losing though?

EECA: I will be shutting down some of the auto-stabilizers and auto-navigation systems. You will have to do more manual Zord control than usual.

Justin: Uh oh, sounds bad for me. I'm not very good at controlling mine yet.

Victor: EECA, can you wait and switch Justin's off only after Megazord formation is complete?

EECA: Yes I can.

Victor: Good, that's what we'll do then.

Max: Looks like we're all set for the Zord fight.

Kara: From what we've seen so far, I'm sure it won't be hard to coax him into using his Zord.

Victor: We can't push him like that. One of the oaths we all took as Rangers was to never escalate a battle unless forced to. To uphold that, we can't try and make him take things up a level.

Joe: We can't always play by the rules. Situations change. Those rules were meant for fighting monsters, not evil Rangers.

Victor: If our plan fails and he beats us again, he can destroy a whole lot more with the Zord than his body. I'd prefer to keep the Zords out of it as much as possible.

Karen: I'd have to agree on that. We were lucky he just left like that last time. I doubt he'll do us that favor again.

Kara: Fine, no zords unless he starts it.

Victor: Good. Now I suggest we all go relax a bit. We've been working hard here all day and we'll need to be rested up when Promethium Ranger comes back.

Everyone gets up and walks out of the room.

Scene 4
Setting: Transport 1. Blizzard is standing in a room with a monster and Promethium Ranger. The monster is about 7 feet tall. It is mostly brown with scaly skin. It's underbelly, face, and some of the scales are a lighter brown than the rest of it's body. It has glowing red eyes. One hand is a giant claw. The other has a device fitted over it that looks like a lightning rod stuck to his arm.

Blizzard: Promethium Ranger, this is Dimenesaur. He's going to keep the other five Rangers from interfering with your fight.

Promethium Ranger: He doesn't look very strong. I bet those Rangers could beat him in 1 or 2 minutes if they took their time.

Dimenesaur: My power doesn't lie in my physical strength. Observe.

He touches Promethium Ranger with the rod. He vanishes. A few seconds later he reappears.

Promethium Ranger: Nice trick Dimenesaur.

Dimenesaur: One touch and those Rangers will be stuck in my dimension until I decide to let them out.

Blizzard: When you've defeated Lithium Ranger and returned to base Dimenesaur will release the others. I'm sure the sudden shock of finding Lithium Ranger defeated will give you an edge when next you fight them.

Promethium Ranger: I like this plan. Let's put in in action immediately.

Blizzard: You heard the man Dimenesaur. Get going.

Dimenesaur chuckles.

Dimenesaur: This is gonna be fun.

Dimenesaur and Promethium Ranger both teleport away.

Scene 5
Setting: A quiet neighborhood in the city. Promethium Ranger and Dimenesaur teleport in.

Promethium Ranger: I'll use my power to mask your energy from the Rangers until they get here. When they do, you know what to do to them.

Dimenesaur: Of course.

Dimenesaur ducks behind a corner out of site.

Promethium Ranger: Now to get their attention.

He hold his hand out towards a building. A blast sends rubble flying all over the area.

Scene 6
Setting: The Tigris Megaship. The alarms start going off. The Rangers gather in the control room.

Victor: Is he back EECA?

EECA: Yes, he's in the south side of the city.

Victor: Time to go to work guys.

Everyone nods.


(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Gold Lithium Morphing Sequence)

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: The south side of the city. The Rangers teleport in right in front of Promethium Ranger.

Promethium Ranger: Nice to see you could all make it. But all I'm after is Lithium Ranger. The rest of you can go home and continue shaking in your boots.

Kara: You think we're gonna run from you?

Promethium Ranger: You better, or else you'll be destroyed.

Victor: You want us to leave, you'll have to make us leave.

Promethium Ranger: I knew you wouldn't let me fight Lithium Ranger alone, so I came prepared for that.

Justin: What do you mean by that?

Promethium Ranger: You'll see.

Dimenesaur sneaks out from his hiding place and gets behind the Rangers. He touches Joe with the rod on his arm. Joe vanishes. The other Rangers all turn in surprise.

Karen: Joe!

Dimenesaur: Don't worry, you'll be joining him soon enough.

He touches Karen and she vanishes too. The others step back.

Kara: How's he doing that?

Justin: They just disapeared!

Victor: No one get close till we figure this out.

The Rangers keep stepping back as Dimenesaur takes swings at them.

Promethium Ranger: Lithium Ranger, if you ever want to see your friends again I suggest you follow me.

Max: Not happening Promethium. I'm not abandoning my friends.

Victor: Just go Max. We can't take both these guys on like this. You keep him busy while we finish this guy and get the others back.

Max looks at Promethium anxiously.

Max: Ok, just be careful. I don't wanna find out I'm the only Ranger left when this battle is over.

Victor: Same with you. We already had to replace Tai. I don't feel like replacing the Lithium Ranger too.

Max runs from the group and stand in front of Promethium Ranger.

Promethium Ranger: Such sentimental goodbyes. Do you really think any of you are coming out of this alive?

Max: Shut up! Let's just get this over with.

Promethium Ranger: Very well. Follow me.

He teleports away. Max follows him.

Victor turns his head to watch Promethium and Lithium Rangers teleport away. In his moment of distraction he fails to dodge Dimenesaur's attack and vanishes.

Justin: Oh no! Victor!

Kara: That's it. I'm fighting this thing head on.

She ducks the next swing, then heads straight for Dimenesaur. She tries to do a jump kick. He blocks with the rod. As soon as her foot touches it she vanishes.

Justin: It's that rod! That's how he's doing it!

He dodges a few more swings.

Justin is thinking to himself: I can't fight him like this. I better get out of here or he'll trap me like the others. Maybe if I go back to the ship I can find a way to get them out.

Dimenesaur: Give up Blue Ranger. You can't escape me.

Justin: We'll see about that.

He teleports away.

Dimenesaur: Come back here you coward! I'm not finished yet.

He grabs his head in his hands.

Dimenesaur: If Promethium Ranger finds out I lost one of those Rangers he'll probably destroy me himself. I'll just have to force the Ranger to come back and fight.

He begins attacking the city, hoping the chaos will make Justin come back to fight.

Scene 2
Setting: A few miles outside the city. Promethium and Lithium Rangers teleport into the area.

Promethium Ranger: I think we've done enough talking. Let's get right down to business.

Max: Fine by me.

They both draw their weapons and charge at each other. They clash, each blocking the others weapon with his own. Bolts of energy erupt both of them as their powers struggle against each other.

Promethium Ranger: You can't win this Lithium Ranger.

Max: We'll see about that.

They can hear the blasts from where Dimenesaur is attacking.

Promethium Ranger: Hear that? Sounds like your friends have already been captured. Now you're the only one left.

Max puts all his weight behind his weapon and in one strong swoop knocks Promethium Ranger back.

Max: I bet after I beat you and destroy that monster my friends will be back.

Promethium Ranger gets his footing back.

Promethium Ranger: Destroy Dimenesaur with your friends in his dimension and you'll ensure that they stay there forever!

Max steps back in surprise.

Promethium Ranger: Maybe I should go destroy him myself.

Max: What?! No way I'm letting you leave here. You brought me out here, so lets finish this fight.

Promethium Ranger: That's the spirit Lithium Ranger!

The charge at each other again. Again their weapons clash, this time in a series of very powerful blows. Each blow sends bolts of energy flying in random directions. The area around them erupts with explosions as each bolt hits something and blows it up. After several minutes the area looks like an entire army clashed there. Finally Promethium Ranger manages to knock Max's weapon out of his hands. He then takes another swing at Max to finish him off. Max tries to avoid it, but can't. The hit makes contact, and sparks fly from Max's suit where he is struck. He is sent flying through the air. He lands hard on his face, smoke rising from all over his body.

Promethium Ranger: You're weak Lithium Ranger. Just like all your friends. I am the next evolution of the Ranger. I alone am stronger than all 6 of you put together.

Max: You may have more power, but we have teamwork. And that's something you'll never be able to defeat.

Max struggles to his feet. He is moving stiffly, like he's sore all over. His suit is badly damaged across the chest area where Promethium Ranger's attack had it.

Promethium Ranger: Look at you. You can barley even stand up. Just how do you plan to fight me?

Max: Maybe I'll just call on some reinforcements.

Scene 3
Setting: Dimenesaur's dimension. Victor, Kara, Karen, and Joe are all there. The dimension looks like a wasteland. There is nothing but desert all around them.

Joe: This doesn't look good. Where are we?

Kara: I have no idea. We must've been teleported somewhere away from the city.

Karen: Then let's teleport back.

She attempts to teleport and nothing happens.

Karen: It's not working. What could cause that?

Victor: Maybe our powers are being blocked.

Kara: Where's Justin?

Joe: He must've got away from that monster.

Victor: Good, let's try and contact him. Maybe he can teleport us back to the city.

Victor presses the button on his communicator. Again, nothing happens.

Victor: No good, we have no signal.

Joe: Well we have to do something. We can't just stand here all day. This heat will fry us for sure.

Victor: I guess we should start looking around. Maybe we'll find something. But stay together. We don't want anyone getting separated out here.

Joe, Kara, Karen: Right.

Victor starts walking, and the others follow.

Scene 4
Setting: The Tigris Megaship. Justin teleports into the main control room.

Justin: EECA, what happened to the others?

EECA: Scans from the battle indicate that a dimensional hole was opened when the other Rangers vanished.

Justin: So they're in another dimension?

EECA: Yes.

Justin: I need to find a way to get them out.

EECA: I will analyze the signal from the dimensional holes and see if I can duplicate it.

Justin: If you can, I can go in and get them right?

EECA: Possibly. It will depend on how strong of a duplicate signal I can create.

Justin: Let me know as soon as you get it worked out.

EECA: Affirmative.

Scene 5
Setting: The battle between Promthium Ranger and Max.

Max: Time to call for some backup. THUNDER SPLIT!

A gold glow surrounds the Lithium Ranger. His body appears to move to the side. There are now two bodies standing there. The glow vanishes and both the Thunder Ranger and Lithium Ranger are standing there.

Promethium Ranger: Doubling your number won't give you any edge over me Ranger.

Thunder Ranger: We'll see what you think about it after we start fighting.

Lithium Ranger: Let's get him.

Lithium and Thunder Ranger both attack Promethium Ranger at the same time. They fight hand-to-hand combat style. Every punch and kick they unleash is blocked by Promethium Ranger. Promethium begins struggling to keep up, but still manages.

Thunder Ranger: How can he be this strong and fast?

Lithium Ranger: It's all he can do to keep up with us though. If we keep at it, he's bound to make a mistake.

Promethium Ranger: You fools. Let's see how you do against my attack!

Promethium Ranger grabs their arms and twists them do they face away from him. He's got a solid grip on them, and neither can get away.

Promethium Ranger: Now the fun part.

There is a blast of energy from Promethium Ranger. It sends Lithium and Thunder Ranger flying through the air. They both manage to land on their feet.

Lithium Ranger: Pretty impressive, but it didn't even hurt us.

Promethium Ranger: Who said I was done?

He raises a hand in the air. As he does sparks fly from Lithium and Thunder Ranger. They both fall to the ground in pain.

Promethium Ranger: That is my favorite attack. You never even saw it coming.

Thunder Ranger: It feels like my spine is trying to jump out of my body!

Both Rangers wriggle on the ground from the pain.

Promethium Ranger: Now, would you like me to finish the two of you off?

Scene 6
Setting: The Tigris Megaship. EECA has just finished scanning for the dimensional holes.

EECA: I've found the signal, and I am able to duplicate it.

Justin: Excellent! Open a portal and I'll go get the others.

EECA: Not so fast Justin. I'm afraid your normal powers will not be enough to safely pass through the portal.

Justin: So what do I do?

EECA: You must use the Ultimate Powers.


(Ultimate Lighting Transformation)

EECA: Remember to tell the others to activate their powers as well before coming back through the portal.

Justin: Right, I will.

A portal opens in front of Justin. Slowly, he walks through it.

Scene 7
Setting: Dimenesaur's dimension. Victor, Kara, Karen, and Joe have stopped walking around and are resting a bit.

Joe: This place is like and endless desert.

Victor: It wouldn't surprise me if we weren't even on earth anymore.

Just then, a portal opens in front of them. Justin, in Ultimate form, steps through.

Kara: Oh no, don't tell me you got caught to?

Justin: Nope, I'm here to get you out of here.

Karen: All right! Let's go.

Justin: Wait, EECA said you need to be in Ultimate form to make it through the portal.

Victor: Then what are we waiting for. ULTIMATE POWER, NOW!

(Ultimate Fire Transformation)
(Ultimate Diamond Transformation)
(Ultimate Amethyst Transformation)
(Ultimate Onyx Transformation)

Joe: Let's go take out that monster.

Victor: I just hope Max is all right.

The Rangers step through the portal.

Scene 8
Setting: The city, where Dimenesaur is attacking. The Rangers, still in Ultimate form, teleport in.

Victor: You're finished Dimenesaur!

Dimenesaur turns and sees all 5 Rangers there.

Dimenesaur: What? Impossible! I trapped 4 of you.

Justin: Well I managed to get them back out.

Dimenesaur: I'll just put you all right back in!

He charges at the Rangers.

Victor: Fire Staff, power up!

Justin: Lightning Strikers, power up!

Kara: Diamond Cutter, power up!

Karen: Amethyst Blaster, power up!

Joe: Onyx Chargers, power up!


Victor throws the Fire Staff into the air. It stays suspended horizontally. Tai throws up the Lightning Strikers. They land sideways on top of the Fire Staff. Kara tosses the Diamond Cutter. It sets on top of the Strikers. Karen throws the Amethyst Blaster. It lands on top of the Cutter with it's handle forming the handle of the Eastern Blaster. Finally Joe tosses the Onyx Chargers and they hook onto the bottom of the Strikers. The Eastern Blaster falls into Victors hands. The other Rangers stand to his sides.

Victor: FIRE!

A green beam leaves the Blaster and strikes Dimenesaur right in the chest. He falls to the ground and explodes.

Kara: That's the end of him. Let's go help Max.

They teleport away.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: The battle between Max and Promethium Ranger. Promethium Ranger is standing over Lithium and Thunder Ranger as they writhe in pain on the ground. The other Rangers teleport in. They hurry over to Lithium and Thunder Rangers and help them up.

Victor: Are you alright?

Lithium Ranger: Good timing guys.

Thunder Ranger: Glad to see you got out of that trap ok. I don't think I was going to be able to beat him to get you out by myself.

Karen: Thank Justin for that one. He figured out how we could get out.

Lithium Ranger puts his hand on Justin's shoulder.

Lithium Ranger: You've definitely earned your place on the team Justin.

Promethium Ranger: WHAT! How did you escape from Dimenesaur?

Victor: That is none of your business.

Promethium Ranger: Fine! You wanna play rough, we'll play rough. PROMETHIUM WARRIOR ZORD POWER!

The sky turns black. Two funnel clouds touch down and converge on the Promethium Ranger. They draw into his body. He starts expanding to zord size. As he grows, his body changes from human Ranger to the Promethium Warrior Zord. The zord looks identical to the Lithium Warrior Zord, except it uses the Promethium colors.

The Rangers step back to avoid being stepped on by the Promethium Warrior Zord.

Justin: Oh man, not again.

Lithium Ranger: Time to get big ourselves.

Victor, Justin, Kara, Karen, Joe, and Thunder Ranger: TIME JETS, ONLINE!

Scene 2
Setting: A holding bay under the city. The street above opens. The floor tilts up and aligns with the opening, forming a runway. The Time Jets engine's fire up. After building up pressure for a few seconds the jets launch out of the bay. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.


A gold beam leaves the Lithium Ranger's morpher. The sky turns black. Three gold lightning bolts strike the morpher. Where Lithium Ranger was standing his zord now stands.

Victor: We know our main weapons won't work on him right now, so let's try and wear down his defenses some with the Jets before we combine and attack at full power.

Thunder Ranger: Sounds good.

Joe: Sounds like suicide to me.

Kara: Less talk, more action. I'm going in!

The White Jet flies in, firing the main guns at the Promethium Warrior Zord. The little guns don't even scratch the paint on the Promethium Zord.

Karen: We gotta give her some backup.

The Purple Jet and Black Jet swoop in after the White Jet, also firing their guns. Again, there is no damage done to the zord.

Promethium Ranger: Fools! I'll get rid of all of you.

The zord swats away the 3 jets like flies. They go spinning off in all directions. After a few seconds the Rangers get control again.

Thunder Ranger: You guys alright?

Joe: I think I'm gonna be sick.

Karen: I'm fine.

Kara: A bit dizzy, but otherwise ok.

Justin: Let's get this guy.

The Blue, Orange, and Gold Jets swoop in just as the others did. Instead of firing the guns they unleash a barrage of missiles on the zord. For about 5 seconds there are many explosions. But again, there is no damage to the zord. The Rangers pull away before Promethium Ranger can swat them away.

Justin: Oh man, it's no good.

Lithium Ranger: I'll keep him busy for a few minutes. You guys get that Megazord online.

Victor: Can do. Ready guys?

Justin: Yep.

Kara: Let's go for it.

Karen: Time to end this.

Joe: Or at least stop it for a while.

Thunder Ranger: All set.

The Lithium Warrior Zord charges in at Promethium Ranger's zord. They begin exchanging blows.

Lithium Ranger: Do it guys!

Victor, Justin, Kara, Karen, Joe, and Thunder Ranger: TIME JET MEGAZORD POWER!

The Orange Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Blue and Black Jets fly on it's left and right with the wings almost touching. The White and Purple Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Orange Jet. The Gold Jet flies a few dozen feet above the Orange Jet. The Orange Jet transforms it's wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The White and Purple jets fold their wings up and attach to the Orange Jet. Blue and Black do the same. The Blue and Black jets bend to form arms. The White and Purple Jets bend to form feet. The Gold Jet lands on top of the Orange Jet to finish forming the body. The Orange cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.

Lithium Ranger: Warrior Strike!

The Lithium Warrior Zord pulls back both it's fists. They charge up. It pushes them forward like a punch. The energy from the fists fly out and strike

Victor, Justin, Kara, Karen, Joe, Thunder Ranger: Mega Missile!

The Megazord lifts it arms. They charge up and fire a blast that looks like 2 missiles.

The blasts strike the Promethium Warrior Zord at the same time. There is a massive explosion. Before the blast even clears, it is evident that the zord is still standing.

Victor: Let's take it up one more time and hit him before he can recover from that last one.


The Rangers press the buttons under their consoles. The Time Jet Megazord and Lithium Warrior Zord begin to glow. The Megazord shrinks a little bit, while the Warrior Zord expands. The Warrior Zord then splits in two. The halves move in front of and behind the Megazord. They then close over the Megazord and become one piece again. The resulting machine stands the same size as the Time Jet Megazord normally is. It looks just like the Time Jet Megazord except the colors are that of the Lithium Warrior Zord. The glowing stops and the eyes of the zord light up.

The blast from the Lithium Zord and Time Jet Megazord begins to clear.

All Rangers: Warrior Missile!

The Time Jet Warrior Zord pulls back both fists. They charge up and fire 2 missiles each, followed by several dozen smaller energy blasts. After the blasts there is a massive beam of light shaped like the Zord that goes right through the Promethium Warrior Zord.

The area is bathed in light. No one can see anything.

Justin: Did we get him?

Karen: I don't know. I can't see anything.

Victor: There, it's starting to clear!

The light begins to dim. Slowly the Promethium Warrior Zord steps out of the light.

Promethium Ranger: Is that all you've got? If so, you're in big trouble.

Joe: Oh no! We didn't even dent the thing!

Lithium Ranger: This is bad, this is very bad.

Thunder Ranger: Brace yourselves, he's heading right for us.

The Promethium Warrior Zord grabs the Time Jet Warrior Zord by the neck. He lifts it straight up into the air.

Promethium Ranger: Goodbye Rangers.

Bolts of energy flow from the Promethium Zord into the Time Jet Warrior Zord. Sparks erupt all around the megazord.

Victor: It's gonna blow up at this rate.

Outside the Time Jet Warrior Zord there are several explosions. Parts go flying into the air.

Promethium Ranger: This is your last warning Rangers. The next time we meet, I will finish you off.

He slams the Time Jet Warrior Zord to the ground and teleports away.

Thunder Ranger: Everyone alright?

Kara: I think so. Let's just get back to the Megaship and try to come up with something.

The Rangers teleport away.


Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: On board transport 1. Commander Tigris is yelling at Promethium Ranger.

Commander Tigris: Not only did your plan fail Ranger, but you also let the others get away again. This is completely unacceptable.

Promethium Ranger: I told you I will finish them when I'm ready. Besides, I promised them I'd finish them next time we fight. And that's one promise I plan to keep.

Commander Tigris: If I didn't need you to finish those Rangers off I'd finish you off myself right now. Get out of my sight!

Promethium Ranger: As you wish.

He turns and begins to leave the room. As he leaves he mumbles something under his breath.

Promethium Ranger: Threaten to finish me off will you Commander. It will be me that finishes you off.

Scene 2
Setting: A lonely street in downtown Angel Grove. The Rangers are sitting on some steps talking.

Joe: Do you think he meant what he said about finishing us next time?

Max: I wouldn't put it past him.

Victor: What are we going to do? Not even our combine zords can fight him.

Karen: I just can't believe something so far above our level could exist.

Kara: No kidding. Too bad we couldn't have that power on our side.

Justin: Yeah, then we'd beat the Rebels in no time.

Karen: We just have to believe that something will come up and tip the scales in our favor. It's our only hope.

Victor: I hate to say it, but only a miracle is going to save us now.

The End

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