War of Time Episode 6: Save the Past Part 2

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: Outside the Time Jet holding bay. The zords fly out.

Victor: Everyone ready?

Kara: Bad time to ask, don't you think?

Karen: Let's go save the past!

A portal opens in front of them. The jets fly into it. After they vanish the portal closes.

Scene 2
Setting: Captain Logan's office. He watches the portal close on his monitor.

Logan: Good luck Rangers.

Scene 3
Setting: The Moon Palace in 3000. Gridster also watches the Rangers go through the portal.

Gridster: AAAHHHHH! I just can't win! With 2 sets of Rangers in the past nothing will defeat them.

He slams his fist down.

Gridster: I have no choice. I will have to combine those 4 morons into Shadow Knight.

An image of the 4 monsters merging into one giant monster appears in Gridster's mind.

Gridster: He should be able to stop them. Hehehehe.

He waves his arms around.

Scene 4
Setting: 1996. The 4 monsters Gridster sent back are standing around. Suddenly they all begin to emit light and pull towards each other.

1st Monster: What is happening?

3rd Monster: I have no idea.

They begin to merge.

2nd Monster: We're merging!

4th Monster: We'll be unstopable!

The 4 monsters vanish. In there place stands a new creature. It looks like a giant medieval Knight.

Shadow Knight: Now nothing can save those Rangers.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: The Power Chamber. The past Eastern Rangers teleport back from the battle.

Victor: We got crushed out there.

Kara: There is no way we can take them all on.

Joe: The Gridster Rangers are too much alone. With those monsters helping them we don't stand a chance.

Zordon: Calm down everyone. I have recieved information on the situation from Timeline.

Tai: Timeline? Why from him?

Zordon: Those monsters were sent from the year 3000 to destroy you.

Karen: Why would someone from 3000 want us destroyed?

Zordon: Gridster is lose there, and he sent them back.

Max: So what are we suppose to do? Just sit around and wait for them to finish us off?

Billy: Well, this is gonna sound strange, but you guys are all coming back to help yourselves.

Joe: Ok, you totaly lost me.

Zordon: It's hard to explain. Maybe we'll let the Rangers explain it when they get here.

Victor: I just hope someone can make sense of this soon.

Scene 2
Setting: Just outside Angel Grove. A time portal opens in the sky and the Time Jets appear.

Victor: We're here guys.

Kara: Finally back in our own time.

Max: Not exactly. About a year in the past, but who's counting.

Joe: Um..has anyone considered what we're gonna do with the Time Jets?

Tai: Oh man. I totaly forgot that we have no holding bay for them here.

Karen: We'll have to find someplace to hide them.

Victor: I think I see a spot over there.

The Time Jets fly to the spot. It's about 10 miles outside the city. The Jets land in a ravine. The Rangers step out.

Tai: You really think they'll be safe here?

Joe: The only way anyone's gonna see them is from the air.

Max: Even if they do see them, they can't get inside them so we don't have to worry.

Victor: I imagine Gridster knows we're here, so let's get going.

Kara: Yeah.

The Rangers teleport away.

Scene 3
Setting: The Moon Palace. Gridster is watching the Earth.

Gridster: So someone has decided to try and help those pathetic Rangers. Maybe they should've taken better care to hide their Zords. I'll just have to teach them to be more careful in the future.

He gets a huge smile on his face.

Gridster: Destroyers! Get down there and turn those Zords into scrap metal.

Destroyer: Yes sir.

A large group of Destroyers teleport to Earth.

Gridster: With any luck they'll finish the job before Zordon detects them.

Scene 4
Setting: The Power Chamber. The past Rangers are talking with Zordon, Alpha, and Billy.

Alpha: The disturbance has stoped.

Kara: Think they made it through ok?

Joe: I hope so. If not we're toast.

Six beams of light appear in the center of the room. After a few seconds the beams materialize into the Eastern Rangers.

Past Tai: They're here!

Tai: Wow, this is strange.

Past Victor: Finnaly.

Past Joe: Would you guys mind explaining what's going on around here.

Victor: Certainly. I'll start from the begining. In just a short time you guys will completley defeat Gridster. Instead of destroying him you imprision him in the Dark Crystal. To keep him from getting out you use the power coins as a seal. He remains sealed for over 1000 years. In the year 3000 a team of scientists discover the crystal and coins. They remove the coins to study, and Gridster gets free. No one in 3000 can use the coins so Timeline sends us to the future. The coins are modified to give us more power and new zords are created. After a short time Gridster steals a time device and send a monster back here to crush us before we even imprision him. We've come back to save our past.

Past Max: Umm...That sounds complicated.

Max: Don't worry. Let us take care of fixing the flow of time.

Billy: So what's the strategy for this fight?

Joe: Our zords are much more powerful than the Elemental Zords. If all of us work together we should be able to beat the monsters and Gridster Rangers with no problems.

Karen: You sound so confident for once Joe.

Joe blushes a little.

Past Kara: Enough talk. We should go stop them now.

Kara: Not so fast. We gotta wait for them to come to us.

Alpha: Why?

Tai: Simple. Tell us where they are.

Alpha: I haven't been able to trace them.

Tai: That's why.

Zordon: It is very odd to have two sets of Rangers here. I'm confident that working together you can overcome any opponent.

Past Karen: We have a better chance anyway.

Karen: Hey Zordon.

Zordon: Yes Karen?

Karen: It's good to see you agian.

Scene 5
Setting: 3000. Gridster is trying to contact himself in the past.

Past Gridster: What do you want?

Gridster: How are things going?

Past Gridster: So far so good. Those creeps from your time showed up.

Gridster: How are you going to handle them.

Past Gridster: Easy. I saw where they hid their zords. I've sent a group of Destroyers to scrap them.

Gridster starts laughing.

Gridster: Perfect. Without the Time Jets they will be helpless against the Shadow Knight.

Past Gridster: That's the same idea I had.

Gridster: Keep up the good work.

Past Gridster: You can count on it.

The image fades and Gridster is alone.

Gridster: They'll never even know what hit them.

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: Outside town where the Time Jets are hidden. The Destroyers teleport in.

Destroyer: There they are. Destroy them!

The Destroyers swarm all around the Time Jets and start blasting, punching, and doing anything else to damage them.

Destroyer: The Rangers fall is at hand.

Scene 2
Setting: The year 3000. Captain Logan is watching a screen that shows Angel Grove in 1996.

Logan: I wonder if they made it ok. I've never sent anyone through time that way.

The screen flashes to a scene of the Rangers in the Power Chamber.

Logan: Good. They're safe. And it looks like they are making plans to stop that monster.

An alarm sounds.

Logan: What?!

He presses a button on the console. The images change to sceens of the city in 3000. Nothing out of the ordinary appears.

Logan: The alarm is going off but nothing is happening.

He scratches his head.

Logan: Would I be getting a signal from 1996?

He presses a button on the console and the images return to Angel Grove. The screen changes several times, then stops when it picks up the area where the Time Jets are hidden.

Logan: No! If the Time Jets are destroyed there is no hope. I better try to contact Victor and tell him what's going on.

Scene 3
Setting: Inside the Power Chamber. The Rangers are still talking strategy.

Past Victor: Are you sure you won't help us defeat the Gridster Rangers?

Max: As much as that would help you now, it would severley change the flow of time.

Past Kara: So what! If they finish us off later it will be just as bad.

Tai: Sorry babe. Our only duty here is to stop the monsters Gridster sent from the future.

Past Joe: Why don't you think we can stop them? Is it because of the Gridster Rangers?

Joe: Not at all. Even if you were just fighting the monsters you couldn't win. We found out the hard way that the Elemental Zords can't stand up to these new monsters.

Victor: He's right. The Elemental Zords were destroyed by Gridster's monsters.

Past Max: What if we could combine my zord with the Megazord? Would that be enough?

Karen: That combination is what was destroyed in the future. The Time Jets are the only Zords that can beat these monsters.

Past Karen: So why should we even bother fighting while you're here?

Tai: We need you to keep the Gridster Rangers at bay while we take out the monster.

Victor's communicator goes off.

Alpha: Aye ay ay ay aye! Who could be comminicating with you?

Victor: Go ahead.

Logan's voice comes over the communicator.

Logan's voice: The Time Jet's are under attack. You have to get to them right now!

Billy: I'm not picking anyting up on the scanners. Is he sure?

Victor: Are you sure Captian? Billy isn't detecting anything.

Logan's Voice: I'm sure. You have to hurry.

Zordon: Give us the coordinates and we'll bring it up on the viewing globe.

Victor: We hid them outside town.

Billy: I'm checking.

Several screens flash of areas outside town. After the 6th image passes the area where the Time Jets are hidden shows up. It is crawling with Destroyers.

Victor: We see them Captian. Thanks for letting us know.

Logan's Voice: I have to keep you guys safe. Who else is gonna save the city from Gridster?

Victor: Good point. Victor out.

Zordon: I think this would be a good time for all of you to go.

Past Victor: Let's do it guys.

Past Rangers: IT'S MORPHIN TIME!

(Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Thunder Morphing Sequence)

Victor: Our turn.

Eastern Rangers: IT'S MORPHIN TIME!

(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Time Thunder Morphing Sequence)

All 12 Rangers now stand in front of Zordon morphed.

Zordon: It is truely impressive to see all of you standing here. Good luck Rangers, and may the power protect you.

They all teleport out.

Scene 4
Setting: The Time Jets. The Destroyers are all attacking. The Rangers all teleport in.

Victor: I guess we all split up by color and take these guys out.

Past Victor: That works. Let's move.

Both Fire Rangers charge after the Destroyers that are attacking the Orange Time Jet. Victor punches 3 of them in the face. While they try to recover from the attack Past Victor hits them from behind. They fall to the ground and explode.

Victor: This shouldn't take long.

Past Victor: Not at this rate.

The Lightning Rangers are having slightly more trouble than the Fire Rangers. Past Tai is stuck in a headlock with a Destroyer moving in to finish him off. Suddenly Tai's voice is heard.


Two lightning bolts zap the Destroyer charging Past Tai. Another two take out the one holding the headlock.

Past Tai: Took you long enough.

Tai: Relax. Think I'd let those metal creeps toast me?

Past Tai: Yes.

Tai: Ouch.

Past Kara is surrounded by Destroyers. She sticks her leg out and sweeps all the Destroyers legs out from under them. Kara jumps in the air and uses the Diamond Cutter on them.

Past Kara: Diamond Cutter!

She throws it into the air. It appears that it will hit Kara. Kara screams.


It narrowly misses her and hits an airborne Destroyer that was about to slash her in the back of the head. She turns to see it's shattered remains fall to earth.

Kara: That was close.

Past Kara: Aren't you glad you have me around?

Both Amethyst and Onyx Rangers are tied up in a large fight. The Amethyst Rangers are blasting through Destroyers on the sides while the Onyx Rangers charge up the middle throwing punches and kicks. They finally clear the group and split off to their zords.

Max and his past counterpart have just finished getting the Destroyers away from the Gold Time Jet.

Max: That was easier than I thought it would be.

Past Max: Yeah. This partner thing is nice.

Finally all the Destroyers are defeated. Both the current and past Eastern Rangers regroup in the middle of the area.

Past Victor: Looks like those things are safe.

Joe: For now. We have to find a better place to hide them.

Past Kara: I don't think there is room in the Zord Holding Bay. All the Zeo Rangers Zords are in there, and ours too.

Karen: Maybe Zordon can put up some kind of protective field.

Past Max: Angel Grove has had Rangers for years. There is probably and empty Zord Holding Bay somewhere.

Past Joe: We'll figure all this out back at the Power Chamber. We need to be there in case anything starts.

Victor: He's right.

Just as the Rangers are about to teleport away the Gridster Rangers teleport in right in front of them.

Comet Ranger: Well well. Leaving so soon?

Star Ranger: This party hasn't even started yet.

Black Hole Ranger: Umm. There's 12 of them!

Planet Ranger: Big deal. Even 1000 of them couldn't beat us!

Cosmic Ranger: Our power will always surpass theirs.

Sun Ranger: Tough talk you two. Let's see you back it up.

Planet Ranger: With pleasure.

The Planet Ranger and Cosmic Ranger charge at the Eastern Rangers.

Scene 5
Setting: The Power Chamber. Zordon, Alpha, and Billy are watching the battle.

Billy: This should prove interesting to watch.

Alpha: I just hope they can hold them off.

Zordon: The Gridster Rangers are overconfident. Against 12 Rangers they don't stand a chance.

Scene 6
Setting: The Battle.

The Planet and Cosmic Rangers are quickly followed by the rest of the Gridster Rangers. The Eastern Rangers line up and fight the Gridster Rangers 2 to 1.

Comet Ranger: Hey Fire Ranger. Why don't you call off your clone and fight me fair?

Past Victor: Becasue you don't know the meaning of fair!

Past Victor slams Comet Ranger in the chest. He stumbles back and is hit again by Victor.

Comet Ranger: We will destroy those fancy zords!

Tai and Past Tai are dukeing it out with Star Ranger.

Star Ranger: So Lightning Ranger, you're finaly puting up a decent fight. Too bad it takes two of you to do it.

Star Ranger blasts Tai. He falls on his butt. Star Ranger starts laughing. His laughter is cut short when Past Tai jump kicks him in the face.

Past Tai: Shut up already.

He helps Tai up.

Tai: Thanks man.

Past Tai: Anytime.

Black Hole Ranger has his hands full with the Diamond Rangers. Kara has him pinned down while Past Kara drops her elbow onto his stomach. He groans in pain.

Kara: I never realized how much I missed pounding you guys.

Past Kara: It's usually me that takes the pounding.

Kara laughs.

The Amethyst Rangers both pull out their blasters and fire on Planet Ranger.

Planet Ranger: This is gonna hurt.

The blast hits him and he collapses.

Joe and Past Joe run up from opposite sides of Cosmic Ranger and kick him in the chest and back.

Cosmic Ranger: Cheap shot!

Past Joe: Payback for all the cheap shots you've hit me with.

Sun Ranger blasts the Thunder Rangers. Max is hit hard. His powers begin to waiver.

Past Max: Are you ok?

Max: I'll be fine. Just get her.

Past Max charges and jumps into the air. He extends his legs and kicks Sun Ranger. She stumbles backwards. As she tries to recover Max's powers settle down.

Max: That was close. This is getting way to serious.

The Gridster Rangers hurry to regroup. The Eastern Rangers all regroup as well.

Past Victor: It's not so easy to take us now, is it?

Black Hole Ranger: Stupid Rangers. Time to pull out all the stops.

The sky turns black and a dark light teleports in. After a few moments the light transforms into the Shadow Knight.

Shadow Knight: Time to end this battle.

Victor turns the the Past Rangers.

Victor: You guys deal with the Gridster Rangers. This monster is ours.

Past Rangers: Right!

The Past Rangers run to the Gridster Rangers and start fighting.

Victor: Ready for this guys?

Tai, Kara, Karen, Joe, Max: You bet.

Shadow Knight: Let's see what you've got!

Victor and Max charge Shadow Knight. They try to punch him but he flings them away like flies.

Shadow Knight: Next.

Tai and Joe try next. Joe jumps in the air and attempts a jump kick. Meanwhile Tai tries to sweep Shadow Knight's legs out from under him. Shadow Knight jumps just high enough to avoid Tai's attack and ducks his head as he lands. Joe flies right over him and lands next to Victor. Shadow Knight grabs Tai and tosses him over to where Max is.

Kara: He moves fast!

Karen: We need to figure out a way to trick him.

Kara: Like what?

Before Karen can answer Shadow Knight rushes up and grabs both their necks.

Shadow Knight: You're too slow, you know that?

Kara: Let me go!

Shadow Knight: Gladly.

He slams the girls head togther and tosses them between the others.

Shadow Knight: I really did expect more of a challenge.

Scene 7
Setting: 100 feet away from where the Rangers are fighting Shadow Knight. The Past Rangers are battling the Gridster Rangers.

The Gridster Rangers are standing over the Eastern Rangers, who have all been knocked down.

Comet Ranger: Not so strong without your clones after all.

Past Victor looks over and sees Shadow Knight laughing at the other Rangers.

Past Victor: This doesn't look good.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: The battle. Both sets of Eastern Rangers have gotten to their feet and regrouped.

Victor activates his communicator to talk to past Victor.

Past Victor: What's up?

Victor: Use the blaster. It might be our only chance.

Past Victor: Sounds good to me.

Past Victor: Fire Staff, power up!

Past Tai: Lightning Strikers, power up!

Past Kara: Diamond Cutter, power up!

Past Karen: Amethyst Blaster, power up!

Past Joe: Onyx Chargers, power up!

Past Max: Thunder Sabre, power up!


Past Victor throws the Fire Staff into the air. It stays suspened horizontaly. Past Tai throws up the Lightning Strikers. They land sideways on top of the Fire Staff. Past Kara tosses the Diamond Cutter. It sets on top of the Strikers. Past Karen throws the Amethyst Blaster. It lands on top of the Cutter with it's handle forming the handle of the Eastern Blaster. Finaly Past Joe tosses the Onyx Chargers and they hook onto the bottom of the Strikers. The Eastern Blaster falls into Past Victor's hands. The other Rangers stand to his sides.

Scene 2
Setting: The battle with Shadow Knight.

Victor: Fire Staff, power up!

Tai: Lightning Strikers, power up!

Kara: Diamond Cutter, power up!

Karen: Amethyst Blaster, power up!

Joe: Onyx Chargers, power up!

Max: Thunder Sabre, power up!


Victor throws the Fire Staff into the air. It stays suspened horizontaly. Tai throws up the Lightning Strikers. They land sideways on top of the Fire Staff. Kara tosses the Diamond Cutter. It sets on top of the Strikers. Karen throws the Amethyst Blaster. It lands on top of the Cutter with it's handle forming the handle of the Eastern Blaster. Finaly Joe tosses the Onyx Chargers and they hook onto the bottom of the Strikers. The Eastern Blaster falls into Victors hands. The other Rangers stand to his sides.

Scene 3
Setting: A panoramic view of both teams of Rangers in action.

Past Victor: FIRE!

Victor: FIRE!

Both blasters fire multicolored beams of light which combine into single white streams. The streams of light hit the Gridster Rangers and Shadow Knight. Both send the beams flying back into the blasters which cause an explosion. Both teams of Rangers fall to the ground as the blasters separte back into individual weapons.

Sun Ranger: That was fun.

Planet Ranger: I say we take this up a level.


A portal opens in the sky and 6 meteors fall down. They strike the ground and the Gridster Zords appear. The Rangers teleport to their cockpits.


The Zords jump up into the air. Comet zord retracts it arms, legs, and head. Star zord transforms into and arm and attaches to the left side of Comet zord. Black Hole zord also forms into an arm and connects to the right side. Planet zord becomes the left leg and Cosmic zord becomes the right leg. The Comet zord head re-emerges with a helmet on. The Sun zord spilts apart and attaches to the rest of the Gridster Megazord as armor.

The Gridster Megazord lands.

Comet Ranger: I saw we step on those annoying jets the new Rangers brought with them.

The Gridster Megazord heads for the Time Jets.

Victor: No! We have to get the jets out of there.

Eastern Rangers: TIME JETS, ONLINE!

The Time Jets lift off and take to the sky. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.

Past Karen: I think we better help out.

Past Victor: I agree.


Setting: The zord holding bay. The main door opens. An orange, blue, white, purple, and black streak of light leave. When they arrive at the scene the orange one touches down and in a ball of flame the Firezord appears. The blue one lands. Lightning surrounds the Lightning Ninja and then dissapears. A bright flash of light shines as the Diamond Slasher appears. Crystals grow from the ground and the Amethyst Ninja emerges from them. The black light touches down and the light forms the shape of the Onyx Deputy. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.


The Zords jump up into the air. Firezord retracts it arms, legs, and head. Lightning Ninja transforms into and arm and attaches to the left side of Firezord. Diamond Slasher also forms into an arm and connects to the right side. Amethyst Ninja becomes the left leg and Onyx Deputy becomes the right leg. The Firezord head re-emerges with a helmet on.

The zord holding bay opens. A gold streak of light leaves. As it strikes the ground there is a loud blast. The zord appears. Past Max teleports to the cockpit.

Back on the ground Shadow Knight is watching.

Shadow Knight: Hey Gridster. Make me giant already. I want some of the action!

Scene 4
Setting: The Moon Palace.

Gridster: As you wish Shadow Knight.

Gridster: Grid powers, strengthen him.

A portal opens in the sky. The monster is taken into it. There is a flash of light as the portal closes. He then reappears as a giant.

Past Victor: Looks like a full house up here.

Victor: You guys deal with the Gridster Goons. We'll take the monster.

Past Victor: Right.

The Elemental Megazord and Thunder Battlezord charge at the Gridster Megazord. They immediatly start taking a beating.

Victor: Let's do this fast. We know they won't be able to hold up for long.

Max: Fine by me.

Shadow Knight: Let's see if those planes make you any tougher.

Victor: Fighter Strike!

The Jets align themselves in a somewhat circular shape. They begin to spin around. Soon the individual jets seem to vanish and a large energy ring replaces it. The ring goes after Shadow Knight, but bounces off him. The Time Jets return to normal.

Shadow Knight: Is that all you got?

Kara: Hardley. Check this out.

All Eastern Rangers: Time Jet Megazord power, now!

The Orange Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Blue and Black Jets fly on it's left and right with the wings almost touching. The White and Purple Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Orange Jet. The Gold Jet flys a few dozen feet above the Orange Jet. The Orange Jet transforms it's wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The White and Purple jets fold their wings up and attach to the Orange Jet. Blue and Black do the same. The Blue and Black jets bend to form arms. The White and Purple Jets bend to form feet. The Gold Jet lands on top of the Orange Jet to finish forming the body. The Orange cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.

A few feet away the Elemental Megazord is losing ground fast and the Thunder Battlezord is down.

Past Joe: We really need some help here!

Karen: Give us a second. We're almost done here.

Victor: Time to end this mess. MEGA MISSLE!

The Megazord lifts it arms. They charge up and fire a blast that looks like 2 missles. The missles hit Shadow Knight and he explodes.

Max: Bulls eye!

Tai: Now to help the others.

The Time Jet Megazord heads for the Gridster Megazord.

Comet Ranger: Time for us to go, but don't think this is over yet.

The Gridster Megazord vanishes. The Time Jet Megazord pulls the Thunder Battlezord to it's feet.

Victor: You guys all ok?

Past Max: We're fine. Someday we'll beat those punks.

Max: Count on it.

Zordon's voice comes over the communicator.

Zordon's voice: Victor, we have cleared an old holding bay for your Time Jets. It is under the city. I will teleport them there as soon as you give me word.

Victor: Go ahead Zordon, we're done here.

The Zords all teleport away and all 12 Rangers teleport to the Power Chamber.

Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: 3000. The Moon Palace.

Gridster: I don't believe they saved themselves. No matter. I'm sure Time Force will have them return soon. I'll just send another monster back.

He points at an image of the remains of Shadow Knight in 1996. The remains transform and become a zombie version of Shadow Knight.

Gridster: We'll see how they like that.

Scene 2
Setting: 1996, inside the Power Chamber. Captain Logan is talking with the Rangers through their communicators.

Captain Logan: Gridster has another monster in the loose in 1996.

Kara: Then we're gonna stay and take care of it.

Logan: I have to advise against it. I think your past selves can handle the monster just fine.

Max: We can't take that chance Captain. We have to stay.

Logan: You're presence there is disrupting the flow of time. You must leave now.

Tai: Eveything we do can be cleaned up by Timeline when this is over.

Logan: I ORDER you to return to 3000 now!

Victor: Sorry Captain. We can't. Victor out.

He shuts off the communicator.

Zordon: You are welcome to stay here as long as you like Rangers.

Past Karen: It's not everyday you get to hang out with future versions of your friends.

Karen: This is just temporary. Don't get too excited.

Joe: I'm just worried about 3000. If Gridster attacks there is no one to defend it.

Billy: I'm sure Timeline will notify us if you need to return. For now I think we should concentrate on finding that new monster.

Max: Hey Vic.

Victor: Yeah.

Max: My powers aren't gonna last much longer. They faded out during that last battle.

Victor: I saw. I have a feeling things are gonna start getting very weird from here.

Joe: Why?

Victor: We've messed with time itself now. There is no telling what the future holds anymore.

The End

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