War of Time Special 6: Unlikely Friends, Part 1
by Crystal Ranger
(No base point with the series.)

Act 1


Scene 1


Setting: Space. Pieces of the moon fly around where it once was. Among the debris a faint trail of energy is swirling amongst it.


Gridster’s Voice: “Those fools thought they could get rid of me? How foolish!”


The energy continues to move amongst the debris of the moon. It then continues to pick up speed and move away from the debris.


Gridster’s Voice: “What’s happening to me?”


The energy is then pulled up into a large metal object.


Sene 2


Setting: Inside Transport 1. Callard, Raznor, and Blizzard stand with their leader.


Commander looks at them with questioning eyes: “What do you have for me this time? Another plan doomed to fail perhaps?”


Raznor steps up holding a small sphere like object. The container is see through and inside is a great deal of energy.


Commander looks interested: “What would that be?”


Raznor: “Remember the pest problem we had on the moon?”


Commander: “Of course. I also remember how I solved it.”


Scene 3


Setting: Flashback to Gridster’s last moments.


Commander: Blow up the moon.


Raznor: May I ask why sir?


Commander: Gridster is not worth the manpower to take by force. Just blow up his moon and be done with it.


Raznor: “As you wish.”


Scene 4

Setting: *Flashback still* Outside the Transport ships. They all fire a barrage of beams at the moon.


Scene 5          

Setting: *Flashback still* The moon palace. Gridster and his monsters are discussing their victory.


Clipper: ...and that when I....


Gridster cuts him off.


Gridster: What is that!


The beams hit the moon. There is a huge flash of light.               


Scene 6


Setting: Back to the present.


Commander: “So what’s the point?”


Raznor: “Well sir it appears his energy signature remained along with a part of his energy. That is what this is.”                           


Commander: “Then destroy it.”


Raznor looks distressed: “Actually I have another idea. We have a creature that can absorb the powers of other monsters and add it to his own.”


Commander: “Your telling me that this creature will have the power of that fool Gridster and his own?”


Raznor: “Correct. With it, we can crush those Eastern Rangers with ease.”


Commander: “Then get to it.”


The three generals leave.


Commander gets a dark look on his face: “Soon they will be out of my way and no one will oppose me. Bwhahahahaha!”


Act 2


Scene 1


Setting: Time Force Headquarters. The Eastern Rangers are at a large black table, they are in talk with Captain Logan and a Time Force officer.


Victor: “What’s the emergency?”


Joe: “Yeah, it sounded serious.”


Logan: “In a way it is. You see, after the moon was destroyed there was an energy signature and a portion of Gridster’s energy remained.”


Karen: “Oh no! That can’t be good.”


Tai: “Man if he returns, he may just attack us out right. I doubt he’d go easy on us wither.”


Logan silences them: “Thats not the reason we called you. You see we were tracing it and were in the process of destroying it when it suddenly vanished from its location.”


Victor gets a worried look on his face: “Where did it go?”


Kara looks at Victor: “You don’t think the Rebels have anything to do with it, do you?”


Logan: “It’s very possible they may have finished their job. The reason we called you here is to warn you and to inform you that until we find out what is going on you are to not leave Time Force Headquarters. It’s too dangerous out there by yourselfs, and we need you here in case something is to happen.”


Victor and the others stand up.


Victor: “We understand sir!”


Logan nods: “Then return to your quarters.”


The Rangers leave.


Officer: “Sir, why didn’t you warn them that Gridster’s energy was detected inside the ship?”


Logan: “Because, I don’t want to worry them when it may be nothing at all to worry about.”


Officer nods then turns to leave: “If you say so sir.”


Scene 2


Setting: Transport 1. In a dark room the only light seen is the glowing red material and a video screen with Commander Tigris on it.


Commander’s Image: “What are you waiting for, is it done yet?”


Raznor turns to the screen: “Almost sir. In just a short time we shall have the ultimate creature working for us.”


Commander’s image: “Good, but we can’t chance the Rangers detecting that fools energy, send Razor Mites to keep them busy.”


Raznor bows to the image: “Yes sir, right away!”


The screen goes blank and Raznor exits the room, he turns to a Razor Mite that is standing guard: “Let no one near this room. If you hear any noise from the inside do nothing, just send another Mite to find me. UNDERSTOOD?”


The Razor Mite nods and Raznor walk away: “I will have the ultimate creature under our control, but for how long is what worries me. The last time we did something like this on Tigris, it back fired. Although that was with a goodie toe shoes hero.”


Scene 3


Setting: *Flashback* On Tigris. We see a room that is much like the one Raznor was just in. A group of Razor Mites drag a man, who is wearing what appears to be battle armor. Raznor walks over and bends down to look at him.


Raznor: “You know, with your powers working for us you will make a fine addition to our forces. Then we will at last rule Tigris.”


Man: “Don’t count on it. Even if you defeat me, the heros of legend will defeat you and claim the lost powers of Lithium.”


Raznor stands up and laughs: “Hahahaha! Thats what you think. Tie him to the chair.”


The Razor Mites strap the man in and Raznor hands another Razor Mite a container with a large glowing red material.


Raznor: “This is a special bread of monster. It is like a leech, only much more deadly.”


The Razor Mites attach the red glowing material to the warrior and it begins to glow the same red as the material. Soon he is engulfed in the red glow and a dark evil laughter is heard.


Raznor admires his work and screams over the yelling: “IT’S WORKING, I’VE DONE IT, THE ULTIMATE CREATURE IN THE UNIVERSE IS UNDER OUR CONTROL!”


The screaming stops as the glowing breaks away like an explosion, revealing what was once a warrior for truth and justice.


New Creature: “What do you wish of me?”


Raznor: “Destroy Tigris, at once!”


Creature: “As you wish.”


The creature leaves.


Scene 4


Setting: *Flashback still* A few hours have past. Raznor walks up to what appear to be chunks of a monster.


Raznor: “So it only lasted a short time, hmm, interesting. I must inform Commander Tigris. In the mean time I’ll let the giant mantis monster loss.


Scene 5


Setting: Back to the present.


Raznor comes to a door and stops: “Of course had he held out longer these Ranger would not be here. For it was when that mantis monster was attack that they appeared.


Raznor enters the door and is in front of a large number of Razor Mites: “I need a two groups of Mites to attack the Rangers and keep them busy.”



A large number of Razor Mites appear.


Raznor: “Very good, this should keep them busy, giving me more than enough time to finish with my new subject.”


As the Razor Mites leave the ship in a ball of energy, Raznor leaves the room.


Scene 6


Setting: Outside the door. The Razor Mite stands there alone, all is silent until an unhuman roar is heard.


Razor Mite with its metallic voice stops another Razor Mite: “Inform General Raznor that there is a noise coming from the............”


He is cut off as an explosion erupts from inside the room sending the door flying off its hinges and destroying the Razor Mites.              


A creature steps out. It looks like Gridster, but the colors are now Black and a dark, evil toned red. All over its body are patches what seems like a lighter color red. The patches glow.


Creature: “Hahahaha! Gridster is back, and better than ever. Those fools thought they could control my power, they will be sorry for that, for once again Gridster is back from the dead and no one will stop me.”


The new Gridster vanishes in thin air.


Only his voice is heard: “I’ll start with those cursed Eastern Rangers. Prepare to feel the wrath of Omega Gridster. Bwhahahahaha!”


Act 3


Scene 1


Setting: Silver Hills City. The Razor Mites have arrived and begin to destroy the surroundings around them, including hurting people.


Razor Mite: “Come out and face us Rangers.”


Scene 2

Setting: Time Force Headquarters. The Eastern Rangers look at the damage the Razor Mites are doing.


Kara: “We have to stop them.”


Joe: “Agreed!”


The Rangers step off to the side.


Victor: “Let’s do it then!”


All Rangers: “IT’S MORPHIN TIME!”


(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Gold Lithium Morphing Sequence)


Scene 3


Setting: The city. The Eastern Rangers teleport in and begin to attack.


Victor: “Let’s do this!”


Victor grabs one Mite by its thin arms, but his hand slides off and the Razor Mite kicks Victor in the chest. Victor stumbles back, but gains his senses and jump kicks the Razor Mite right in the face. Two more come charging at him. He is able to knock one off of its feet, and the last one trips over its fallen ally.


Kara blocks an attack from one, only to get kicked in the back. She stops herself from falling only to see two Razor Mites charging her, thinking quick she jumps and the two Mites slam into each other. Kara lands and is able to kick one in the face with a swift spin kick then finishing it with a solid punch to the face of the last one.


Joe uses his Onyx Chargers to fry one. He then uses them to block an incoming attack. He then jams one each on two more Razor Mites and sends currents of energy through them destroying them. He then does the same to another four.


Karen cartwheels out of an incoming attack and holds up her Amethyst Blaster to cancel out the attacks of one Razor Mite, she then fires two balls of energy from the blaster at the Razor Mite. Two more Razor Mites come up and one knocks her blaster out of her hands. Shocked she is then kicked in the back of the knees. She falls to the ground, but pulls her pistol out to fire at them and destroying them.


Karen gets up: “Well, thats was a little easy.”


Tai and Max however are having it easy with only one Razor Mite each. Max blocks the attack of his, then punches it right in the gut, sending it down. Tai holds up his Lightning Strikers and casts them in a blue glow. He then jams them in a Razor Mite. Once he pulls them out the Razor Mite is destroyed.


The Rangers regroup and see Razor Mites laying there down for the count and chunks of others.


Max: “That was a bit harder than it should have been.”


Karen: “I know they are stronger than the Destroyers, but that was even more intense than some of the Rebels own monsters.”


Victor: “We should get back to Time Force HQ and see what is going on.”


Tai: “God idea.”


The Rangers teleport away.


Scene 4


Setting: Transport 1. Raznor walks through the halls and begins to approach the door. He notices no Razor Mites and the door that has been blown off.


Raznor rushes into the room: “This isn’t good at all!”


Raznor looks around only to see that there is nothing in there.


Raznor turn to the screen: “Commander Tigris, we have s situation.”


Commander Tigris’s image appears: “It had better be a good one for having you interrupt me.”


Raznor: “It appears that my latest test failed. The Omega creature material did adapt to him, but he has escaped.”


Commander’s Image looks like one of calm, as if he didn’t care: “It doesn’t matter. Odds are he is after the Eastern Rangers. Let him destroy them first. Then we can deal with this “Omega Gridster.”


Raznor nods: “Yes sir!”


Commander’s image fades away.


Raznor: “There is more that he does not know about it. If it is not destroyed or contained by the end of the day, the results will not be pleasant, for none of us.”


Raznor begins to leave the room: “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope that Rangers win this battle.”


Act 4


Scene 1


Setting: The city. Omega Gridster appears out of thin air.


Omega Gridster fires a huge black beam from his hand right at a building, it doesn’t explode, it just crumbles.


Omega Gridster laughs: “Bwhahaha! Even being trapped in that Dark Crystal gave me this much power. Although I won’t be foolish and just send monsters. This time I’m attacking head on. Those Rangers won’t stand a chance in the world of stopping me.”


Omega Gridster continues down the street.


Scene 2


Setting: Time Force Headquarters. Red lights blare as Logan and the Rangers rush to a screen. They see an image of Omega Gridster destroying every building in his path.


Victor shocked: “How...how did Gridster come back.”


Logan turns to them: “We detected his energy in the Rebel’s ships. It appears they have brought him back, only a hundred times stronger.”


Tai: “You have to be kidding me. We were barely able to stop him before, how can we stop him now?”


Max: “We have no choice. We have to at least try.”


Victor: “Max is right, where is he?”


Logan: “Ummmmmm!”


A blast shakes the building. Omega Gridster’s voice is heard: “Come out and face me Eastern Rangers, come out and fight your final fight.”

Kara: “I think we have our answer, we better go out there and get this over with as soon as possible. I just hope we can stop him this time.”



(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Gold Lithium Morphing Sequence)


Scene 3


Setting: Outside Time Force Headquarters. Omega Gridster attacks people trying to escape. The Eastern Rangers come out of the door to Time Force HQ.


Victor: “I don’t know how you returned, but don’t plan on staying long.”


Omega Gridster: “Just try me you worthless speck.”


Karen: “Just try us Gridster!”


Omega Gridster: “Very well, in fact to help you, I won’t even use energy attacks.”


Joe: “Your mistake freak.”


Joe charges Omega Gridster and goes to punch him in the face. Omega Gridster in one swift motion blocks the attack and punches Joe in the stomach and sends him though the doors of Time Force HQ.


Karen: “JOE!”


Kara: “You’ll pay for that.”


Kara and Karen charge at once. Kara goes to kick him in the stomach as Karen goes in for a chop to the neck. Omega Gridster grabs both their foot and/or fist and twist them up into the air causing the two girl Rangers to fly up into the air then land on the ground hard enough to leave a crater.


Tai: “Man, this isn’t good!”


Victor steps up next to him: “Let’s take him on three at a time.”


Max: “Let’s hope this will help.”

They all three charge at once and go for a combo attack of punches and kicks. None of them effect Omega Gridster. They give up and give it one final try with all three of their fist hitting him in the stomach. The attack actually causes him to step back.


Max: “You have to be kidding me. All of that and we only caused him to step back?”


Tai: “Afraid not, how are we going to stop him?”


Omega Gridster: “Your not!”


Omega Gridster rushes forward and in no time has them on the ground.


Omega Gridster: “Is that the best you can do!?”


The Rangers all struggle to regroup.


Karen weakly: “Not hardly, any ideas?”


Victor: “Let's break out the blaster and hope that works.”

Victor: “Fire Staff, power up!”

Tai: “Lighting Strikers, power up!”

Kara: “Diamond Cutter, power up!”

Karen: “Amethyst Blaster, power up!”

Joe: “Onyx Chargers, power up!”

Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, and Joe: “Eastern Blaster!”

Victor throws the Fire Staff into the air. It stays suspended horizontally. Tai throws up the Lightning Strikers. They land sideways on top of the Fire Staff. Kara tosses the Diamond Cutter. It sets on top of the Strikers. Karen throws the Amethyst Blaster. It lands on top of the Cutter with its handle forming the handle of the Eastern Blaster. Finally Joe tosses the Onyx Chargers and they hook onto the bottom of the Strikers. The Eastern Blaster falls into Victors hands. The other Rangers stand to his sides.


Victor: “FIRE!”


The blaster fires a beam that goes right at Omega Gridster, Omega Gridster grabs hold of the blast.


Omega Gridster : “Hm! Is that all you have to fight me with?”


Omega Gridster sends the blast back at the Blaster, destroying it. Pieces of it land on the ground.


Omega Gridster: “I agreed to no energy attacks, but if you wish to fight like that......”


Omega Gridster fires a black beam from his black half, the attack sends the Rangers into a near by building.


Omega Gridster: “That was easier than I thought it would be.”


Victor’s voice: “Don’t count us out just yet Gridster!”


The Rangers come into view, their suits are ripped and torn.


Karen: “We better kick it up, or we won’t stand a chance.”


Kara: “He’s right.”


Victor: “Well, let’s do it!”


Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, Joe: “ULTIMATE POWER, NOW!”

(Ultimate Fire Transformation)
(Ultimate Lightning Transformation)
(Ultimate Diamond Transformation)
(Ultimate Amethyst Transformation)
(Ultimate Onyx Transformation)


Omega Gridster: “It’s about time.”


Max: “That’s not all we have for you. Thunder Split!”

A gold glow surrounds the Lithium Ranger. His body appears to move to the side. There are now two bodies standing there. The glow vanishes and both the Thunder Ranger and Lithium Ranger are standing there.


Thunder Ranger: “Now, lets take him as a team this time.”


Omega Gridster: “All of your attacks will be pointless.”


Victor yells: “CHARGE!!”


Kara, Karen, and Joe go up from behind to grab him, but Omega Gridster turns and gives a knee to the gut to Joe. Joe falls and he then slams the two girls head together. Tai and Victor try to sweep his legs out from under him as Lithium Ranger and Thunder Ranger go to strike him with their Sabers. Omega Gridster lets them grab his legs and arms. As the two Rangers charge with their sabers, he suddenly pulls the Rangers in the way to block the attack. He then drops the three Rangers and punches the two Rangers, they hit the ground.


Omega Gridster: “Time to take it up a level.”


With that, not even needing a portal Omega Gridster expands into a giant.


Lithium Ranger: “Think the Zords will last?”


Victor: “We have no choice.”


Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, Joe, Thunder Ranger: “TIME JET’S, ONLINE!”


A holding bay under the city. The street above opens. The floor tilts up and aligns with the opening, forming a runway. The Time Jets engine's fire up. After building up pressure for a few seconds the jets launch out of the bay. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.


Victor: Time Jet Megazord power, now!

The Orange Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Blue and Black Jets fly on its left and right with the wings almost touching. The White and Purple Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Orange Jet. The Gold Jet flies a few dozen feet above the Orange Jet. The Orange Jet transforms its wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The White and Purple jets fold their wings up and attach to the Orange Jet. Blue and Black do the same. The Blue and Black jets bend to form arms. The White and Purple Jets bend to form feet. The Gold Jet lands on top of the Orange Jet to finish forming the body. The Orange cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.



A gold beam leaves the Lithium Ranger's morpher. The sky turns black. Three gold lightning bolts strike the morpher. Where Lithium Ranger was standing his zord now stands.


Omega Gridster: “I’ve seen you fight my monsters with those tin cans.”


Kara: “Then you should know that these ‘tin cans’ are what will crush you.”


Omega Gridster: “Not hardly dear. They may have faired well against my monsters, but I’m in a league of my own.”


With that Omega Gridster charges. He blocks a punch from the Time Jet Megazord and then gives his own punch. The Lithium Warrior Zord attempts to come up from behind, but Omega Gridster, without even looking, back kicks it in the knees.


Omega Gridster looks at the fallen Zords.


Omega Gridster: “Is that really the best you can do. If thats all you’ve got, then stay down and let me finish the job here and now.”


With that he heads for the Time Jet Megazord and puts one foot on its chest and prepares a massive black and dark red beam: “Farewell Rangers, at last I will be rid of you.”


He aims the blast at the Megazords cockpit.


Victor tensed: “NOW!”


The Megazord lifts its free arm and fires one Mega Missile at the beam. Both are sent at Omega Gridster, sending him stumbling while holding his face.


The Megazord gets up and stands with the Lithium Warrior Zord.


Lithium Ranger: “Good job. We have to finish him now though.”


Victor: “Let’s show him what we’ve learned since he was blasted to bits.”



The Rangers press the buttons under their consoles. The Time Jet Megazord and Lithium Warrior Zord begin to glow. The Megazord shrinks a little bit, while the Warrior Zord expands. The Warrior Zord then splits in two. The halves move in front of and behind the Megazord. They then close over the Megazord and become one piece again. The resulting machine stands the same size as the Time Jet Megazord normally is. It looks just like the Time Jet Megazord except the colors are that of the Lithium Warrior Zord. The glowing stops and the eyes of the zord light up.


Omega Gridster has gained his sight back: “Do you expect that to save you?”


Thunder Ranger: “You tell us, after you feel this one.”




The Time Jet Warrior Zord pulls back both fists. They charge up and fire 2 missiles each, followed by several dozen smaller energy blasts. After the blasts there is a massive beam of light shaped like the Zord that goes right through Omega Gridster. When the blast clears Omega Gridster is gone. 


Joe: “Do you think we got him with that?”


Victor: “I hope so, that was our best attack.”


Omega Gridster: “Don’t think yourselfs so lucky.”


The Time Jet Warrior Zord turns just in time to receive the black and dark red blast, it sends it into the sky, separates the Zords, ejects the Rangers and all the zords and Rangers fall to the ground. When the Rangers hit the ground, they demorph.


Omega Gridster: “It is time to finish what I was meant to do from the first moment I saw you!”


He lifts his foot and begins to lower it when the Zords and Rangers are teleported away.


Omega Gridster looks around: “WHAT!!! Where did they go?”


Omega Gridster clenches his fist as he returns to normal size: “Damn those Rangers, I’ll get them. They can’t hide forever.”


Act 5


Scene 1


Setting: Time Force Headquarters. The Rangers stand there bandaged up with bruises.


Logan: “You did well.”


Victor: “Are you kidding me? He took us out without even trying.”


Logan: “Yes, but you kept him from harming too many people, allowing us to help people get out of the area. Now its only a matter of finding a way to beat him.”


Tai: “We have to come up with something soon. It seemed that the more we fought him, the stronger he got.”


Scene 2


Setting: Transport 1. Raznor stands their alone in what appears to be his quarters.


Raznor talks in a whisper to himself: “Hmm! If things turn out like last time his power will grow so great nothing in the known universe will be able to stop Omega Gridster.”

Raznor watches the fight between him and the Rangers: “It appears that they aren’t able to fair to well against him.”


Raznor watches more of the fight: “They are the only hope. His strength is growing faster than that fools on Tigris, the more the fight went on, the stronger he got. At this rate his power will reach the fullest before the estimated time.”


He stops at an image of Omega Gridster: “At that point nothing we have will stop him. No group of Rangers or even Commander Tigris himself will be able to stop him. I must come up with something.”


Raznor leaves the room . We are zoomed in to the image of Omega Gridster, who appears to be laughing.


To Be Continued. . .


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