Eastern Rangers Episode 17: The Tide Turns

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: The Power Chamber. The Eastern Rangers arrive. They are in a panic. Victor and Max head to the console.


Max: I'm looking!

Billy: Calm down. I teleported what's left of them to the holding bay.

The alarms start going off.

Alpha: Aye ay ay ay ay! The Gridster Megazord is still attacking the city!

Tai: What! No way!

Karen: All those people are gonna be killed.

They all look at the viewing globe.

Scene 2
Setting: The city. The Gridster Megazord is walking through town.

Sun Ranger: Soon Gridster will rule the world.

The Megazord smashes a skyscarper. People are trying to run away, but many are unable to move fast enough.

Cosmic Ranger: Nothing can stop us now.

Comet Ranger: We've won.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: The Power Chamber. The Eastern Rangers watch the Gridster Megazord with horror.

Kara: We have to do something. We can't just sit here.

Zordon: I'm affraid that without your zords it will be nearly impossible to stop them.

Alpha: If only we had time to fix them.

Victor: Unfortunatley we don't. We have to come up with some kind of plan.

Billy: You guys do whatever you can. I think I can find a way to temporarily fix the zords.

Tai: Great.

Joe: Any idea how long it will take?

Billy: Maybe 4 hours.

Karen: That's not very long.

Billy: Just remember, it's nothing permenent. And it won't be near as powerful.

Max: Still it's better than we've got now.

Zordon: Alpha, go help Billy in the holding bay.

Alpha: Right!

Alpha and Billy walk out to the zord holding bay and begin working.

Zordon: Rangers, right now you can not stop the Gridster Rangers. I would suggest that you go help people evacuate.

Kara: Sounds good.


(Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Thunder Morphing Sequnce)

Scene 2
Setting: Downtown Angel Grove. The Rangers teleport in.

Victor: Ok, let's start here and work our way out.

Tai: Sounds good to me.

The Rangers spread out and start helping people get out from under debris. Joe and Karen help direct them away from the Gridster Megazord's path. Kara sees a young woman run out of a building. She tells Kara that her 10 year old son is traped in the elevator. Kara signals Max to go help her. They run inside. They emerge a few minutes later with the boy.

Lady: Thank you so much.

Max: Don't mention it.

Kara: You better get going. I think that thing is gonna be here in a few minutes.

The lady and her son run off.

This particular area is now empty, except for the Eastern Rangers.

Joe: Looks like we got this area out.

Karen: I don't think we can move fast enough to get the city clear.

Victor: As long as we try we'll know we did our best.

They start to run towards another section of the city.

Scene 3
Setting: The moon palace.

Gridster: Oh this is just too much! My Rangers are actually crushing the city!

He laughs hysterically. He looks back down then stops laughing.

Gridster: What's this? Those washed up Rangers think they can evacuate the city, huh? We'll see about that. Destroyers!

A group of Destroyers walk up to him.

Destroyer: Yes master.

Gridster: Get down there and keep those Eastern Rangers busy.

Destroyer: Yes sir!

The destroyers teleport away in a flash of lightning.

Scene 4
Setting: The city. The Eastern Rangers are leaving another area they have evacuated.

Max: Come on, let's go!

There progress is interupted when several lightning bolts touch down right in front of them, nearly hitting them. The Destroyers materialize.

Tai: Heads up guys, we have company.

Joe: As if this wasn't bad enough all ready.

The Destroyers charge at the Ranger.

Victor: Let's make quick work of this. Fire Staff, power up!

Tai: Lightning Strikers, power up!

Kara: Diamond Cutter, power up!

Karen: Amethyst Blaster, power up!

Joe: Onyx Chargers, power up!

Max: Thunder Saber, power up!

Victor: Eastern Blaster power!

Victor throws the Fire Staff into the air. It stays suspened horizontaly. Tai throws up the Lightning Strikers. They land sideways on top of the Fire Staff. Kara tosses the Diamond Cutter. It sets on top of the Strikers. Karen throws the Amethyst Blaster. It lands on top of the Cutter with it's handle forming the handle of the Eastern Blaster. Finaly Joe tosses the Onyx Chargers and they hook onto the bottom of the Strikers. The Eastern Blaster falls into Victors hands. The other Rangers stand to his sides.

Victor: FIRE!

The beam goes straight at the group of Destroyers. One jumps out of the way, but the rest are destroyed by the blast. The one that got away lands right in front of Max.

Max: Now, now. It's not nice to let your friends get fried while you run away.

He slashes it with his saber. It splits in half and falls to the ground.

Karen: That take care of that. Let's go.

Their communicators go off. Victor answers it.

Victor: Go ahead.

Alpha's voice: We need you back at the Power Chamber now.

Victor: We're on our way.

They teleport away.

Scene 5
Setting: The Power Chamber. Billy, Alpha, and Zordon are standing there waiting for the Rangers to return. They teleport in.

Kara: What's up?

Billy: I've almost finished repairing the zords, but there is a major problem.

Joe: What?

Billy: Even if you can take out the Gridster Rangers, you won't have enough power to actually take down Gridster.

Tai: I thought we had plenty of power!

Alpha: You did, but much of the damage to your zords is unrepairable.

Zordon: The only chace this planet has is if we can locate the Zeo Rangers and bring them back. It will take the combined effort of all of you to beat Gridster.

Billy: Come on Alpha, let's go start the scan.

Alpha: Right!

Zordon: In the mean time Eastern Rangers you must stay here. We can not afford to let your powers grow any weaker.

Scene 6
Setting: The Power Chamber. About 7 hours have passed. Billy and Alpha are taking turns monitoring the scanners while the Eastern Rangers watch the viewing globe.

Max: I hate just sitting here while the city gets trashed.

Victor: Me too, but Zordon is right. We are gonna need all the power we can get to stop them.

Billy comes over.

Joe: Anything?

Billy: Not yet. We're scanning every dimention in every universe. It's gonna take a while. If only we had some clue where to look.

Karen gets a very concerned look on her face.

Joe: What's wrong Karen?

Karen: You guys remember when we were stuck in Timeline's dimention?

Tai: Yeah, so.

Karen: I remember seeing the Red Zeo Ranger.

Alpha stops instantly. Zordon looks over.

Zordon: Are you saying they are in Timeline's dimention?

Karen: No, it was like they were ghosts there. No actually in that dimention, but in one somehow connnected to it.

Billy: I think we can get them back.

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: The Power Chamber.

Zordon: Alpha, stop the scanner immediatly and contact Timeline. Tell him to come here immediatly.

Alpha: Contacting now.

The image of the city dissapears from the viewing globe. It is replaced by static for about 30 seconds, then Timeline appears on the screen.

Timeline: Huh?! Wow, it's been a while since someone's called me.

Zordon: Greatings Timeline.

Timeline: Hello Zordon. How are you doing?

Zordon: I have little time. I need you to come to Power Chamber. The Earth is in extream danger, and you may hold the key that can save it.

Timeline: Just send me your coordinates and I'll be right there.

Alpha punches some numbers into the console.

Timeline: I'll be right there.

The screen goes blank. Within seconds Timeline appears inside the Power Chamber.

Timeline: So what's going on?

Zordon: Look for yourself.

Alpha reactivates the viewing globe. The Gridster Megazord is still terrorizing the city.

Timeline: This is terrible, but how am I suppose to help?

Zordon: The Eastern Rangers are unable to stop the creature responsible for all this destruction. We are trying to locate the Zeo Rangers and free them so that Gridster can be stoped once and for all.

Timeline: How do I fit into all of this.

Karen: When Liquidor possesed you you sent us into another dimention.

Timeline: My timewarp you mean?

Billy: Yes. We think it may be somehow connected to the dimention the Zeo Rangers are traped in. If we had the coordinates of your dimention we could scan for them much faster.

Timeline: That's all? I'd be glad to help.

He walks up to the console.

Timeline: Now how do I work this?

Alpha: I'll start up the scanner program.

He points to a small set of buttons.

Alpah: When it starts up just enter the coordinates of your dimention here.

Timeline: Easy enough.

The program starts. Timeline puts in the coordinates.

Timeline: There you go.

Zordon: Thank you for your time. You have no idea how much this helps us.

Timeline: Anytime. Let me know how everthing works out. I have to get back to my station.

Zordon: I will.

Timeline teleports away.

Alpha: It's just a matter of time now.

A beep goes off.

Joe: What was that? Did it find them?

Billy: No, that was the zord repair program. They should be done.

He goes over and checks.

Billy: All set to go.

Zordon: Go now Rangers and try to hold them back a while. But be careful. Your power is limited.

Victor: We will.

All Rangers: BACK TO ACTION!

Scene 2
Setting: The city. The Rangers teleport in.

Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, Joe: WE NEED ELEMENTAL ZORD POWER, NOW!

Setting: The zord holding bay. The main door opens. An orange, blue, white, purple, and black streak of light leave. When they arrive at the scene the orange one touches down and in a ball of flame the Firezord appears. The blue one lands. Lightning surrounds the Lightning Ninja and then dissapears. A bright flash of light shines as the Diamond Slasher appears. Crystals grow from the ground and the Amethyst Ninja emerges from them. The black light touches down and the light forms the shape of the Onyx Deputy. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.

Victor: Megazord transformation.

The Zords jump up into the air. Firezord retracts it arms, legs, and head. Lightning Ninja transforms into and arm and attaches to the left side of Firezord. Diamond Slasher also forms into an arm and connects to the right side. Amethyst Ninja becomes the left leg and Onyx Deputy becomes the right leg. The Firezord head re-emerges with a helmet on.

Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, Joe: Elemental Megazord, online!


The zord holding bay opens. A gold streak of light leaves. As it strikes the ground there is a loud blast. The zord appears.

Max: Let's do this.

The Gridster Megazord approaces the Elemental Megazord.

Victor: Sheilds to full power and get ready to block.

Sun Ranger: I'm getting a reading from their Megazord. There sheilds are at full power.

Comet Ranger: They're getting smarter. But let's make sure we have the last laugh. Walk up to the Elemental Megazord but turn and slam the Thunder Battlezord.

Planet Ranger: Brilliant!

The Gridster Megazord gets right up to the Elemental Megazord.

Tai: Here it comes.

The Gridster Megazord's fist swings, but misses the Elemental Megazord.

Karen: They missed!

The fist slames into the ungaurded Thunder Battlezord. Sparks fly. Inside the Elemental Megazord the Rangers hear a sudden blast on the intercom that links the zords.

Max: I'M HIT HARD! I'm losing............

The transmision ends and there is nothing but static.

Joe: They didn't miss! They got Max!

Victor: We have to end this. Elemental Megazord Sabre, now!

The Sabre appears in the Megazord's hand. The Elemental Megazord swings it, but the Gridster Megazord blasts the arm. It sparks and loses power, dropping the sabre.

Kara: Great, now what do we do?

The Gridster Megazord blasts the Elemental Megazord.

Joe: We can't stay out here. The system is overloading.

Victor: We can't let them take out the city.

Scene 3
Setting: Inside the Power Chamber. Billy and Alpha are continuing to monitor the scanner. An alarm starts going off by the zord controll console. Billy runs over and looks at it.

Billy: Oh no. Their systems are in the red.

Zordon: Teleport them back now and send the zords back to the holding bay.

Billy: Ok.

He looks at the viewing globe. The Gridster Megazord is about to fire again. Suddenly the zords vanish. The Eastern Rangers teleport into the center of the room.

Victor: What happened?

Tai: How'd we get back here?

Alpha: We had to bring you back or the zords would've been destroyed.

Kara: If the zords can't beat them what can?

Tai: Once the Zeo Rangers get here they can help.

Max: I seriously don't think the city will last that long.

Joe: They have more power than we do in our zords.

Kara: Why is that?

Karen: Simple. They have a six zord combination, we only have 5 and a Battlezord.

Zordon: I think you are onto something Rangers. Billy.

Billy: Yeah.

Zordon: Can you create a program that will combine the Thunder Battlezord and the Elemental Megazord?

Billy: I can, but it's gonna slow down the scan.

Zordon: That's fine. The combine power of all six zords should give the Rangers the boost they need.

Billy: I'll get right on it.

He goes over to a console and starts programing.

The alarms go off again.

Joe: Now what?

Zordon: There are more Destroyers attacking the people as they flee.

Victor: We're going.

Max: This is the worst day we've ever had.

Alpha: It's a lot of work, but if we succed then Gridster is as good as out of buisness.

Karen: Nice to see someone still has a positive outlook. Let's go.

All Rangers: BACK TO ACTION!

Scene 4
Setting: The city. The Destroyers are attacking people as they run from the Gridster Megazord. The Rangers teleport in.

Tai: Let's get em!

The Rangers split up and attack the Destroyers. Tai grabs one. He notices one coming up behind him. He takes the one he has a hold of and puts it right in harms way. It automaticaly couter attacks the other one. They both fall to the ground.

Tai: Cool. Hey guys, they're programed to automaticaly fire against ANY attack!

Karen looks up.

Karen: Then let's get them to fight each other.

She grabs one and tosses it at another Destroyer. As she does this Joe jumps between them. They prepair to get him as they land, but he gets out of the way. They begin pounding on each other until they are both destroyed.

Joe: This will save some time.

The other Rangers do simmilar maneuvers. The Destoyers are all fighting each other and the Rangers get the people away safely.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: The city. The Rangers finish evacuating the area.

Kara: That's the last of them.

Max: So what do we do now.

Victor contacts Zordon.

Victor: What should we do Zordon?

Zordon's voice: Billy is almost done with the new zord program. Go ahead and call the zords.

Victor: Alright.

Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, Joe: WE NEED ELEMENTAL ZORD POWER, NOW!

Scene 2
Setting: The zord holding bay. The main door opens. An orange, blue, white, purple, and black streak of light leave. When they arrive at the scene the orange one touches down and in a ball of flame the Firezord appears. The blue one lands. Lightning surrounds the Lightning Ninja and then dissapears. A bright flash of light shines as the Diamond Slasher appears. Crystals grow from the ground and the Amethyst Ninja emerges from them. The black light touches down and the light forms the shape of the Onyx Deputy. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.


The zord holding bay opens. A gold streak of light leaves. As it strikes the ground there is a loud blast. The zord appears.


The Zords jump up into the air. Firezord retracts it arms, legs, and head. Lightning Ninja transforms into and arm and attaches to the left side of Firezord. Diamond Slasher also forms into an arm and connects to the right side. Amethyst Ninja becomes the left leg and Onyx Deputy becomes the right leg. The Firezord head re-emerges with a helmet on.

Victor: This is it, it's now or never.

Joe: I'm with you.

Kara: Me too.

Tai: Count me in.

Max: Oh yeah, you know I'm in.

Karen: Wouldn't miss this for the world.

Comet Ranger: Those fools are back again?

Star Ranger: Guess they didn't learn their lesson the first dozen times we beat them into the ground.

Cosmic Ranger: Let's show them who the supperior ones really are.

The Gridster Megazord charges the Elemental Megazord. It starts pounding the Eastern Rangers.

Max: Oh no you don't. Thunder Destroyer.

The blasters fire and nail the Gridster Megazord. Sparks fly.

Sun Ranger: Bad move Thunder boy.

The Gridster Megazord grabs the Elemental Megazord so it can't get away. It turs it's torso so that the main blasters fact the Thunder Battlezord. It fires. The Thunder Battlezord is hit, but not that hard.

Kara: NO!

Max: I'm all right. Just gonna have to get the stableizers back up.

Victor: We'll try to cover you.

Joe: How will we do that? We're stuck here.

Tai: Like this.

He presses a button. The Elemental Megazord's arms fly off, breaking the Gridster Megazord's grip. The body moves back and the arms reattatch.

Kara: Nice move!

Victor: Elemental Megazord Sabre!

The sabre slams into the Gridster Megazord. It causes little damage.

Max: Thunder Destroyer.

The blasters fire and nail Gridster Megazord again. The combine attack still doesn't cause much damage.

Black Hole Ranger: Face it, you can't beat us.

Max: He's right.

Victor: Billy, how's that program coming?

Billy's voice: I just finished it. GO FOR IT!


The Thunder Battlezord and Elemental Megazord fly into the air. The Thunder Battlezord breaks apart. The pieces connect to the Elemental Megazord to form armor and a massive set of blasters on the arms. It lands.

Sun Ranger: What!

Comet Ranger: Who cares, let's rip them apart.

Scene 3
Setting: The Power Chamber. Billy, Alpha, and Zordon are monitoring the fight.

Alpha: That should give them the advantage.

Billy: It certainly will help.

The image on the viewing globe vanishes.

Alpha: Oh no!

He hurries to the console to find the problem.

Zordon: Alpha, we are receiving a transmition.

Alpha tunes it in. Timeline appears on the viewing globe.

Timeline: Greatings Zordon.

Zordon: Hello Timeline.

Timeline: I have a suggestion for you.

Zordon: Go ahead.

Timeline: Don't you have some kind of device to stop the Gridster Ranger's powers?

Billy: We have one that can interupt their coins, but that's it.

Timeline: I'll send you an energy crystal. Attatch it to the device and it should give it enough power to destroy the Gridster Ranger powers.

The crystal appears in the room.

Zordon: Thank you.

Timeline: Anytime. Good luck.

Timeline vanishes and the battle reappears. Billy sets to work on the device.

Scene 4
Setting: The Battle.

Joe: Here they come.

Victor: This is it.

The Gridster Megazord prepairs to fire.

All Eastern Rangers: THUNDER CYCLONE!

The Thunder Megabattlezord fires both blasters. They combine in mid air and form a massive column of energy. The Gridster Megazord fires, but it's blast hits the cyclone and is absorbed.

Planet Ranger: What!

The cyclone hits the Gridster Megazord. There is a massive explosion. Pieces fly all over. The Gridster Rangers are flung across the city.

Max: That's the end of the Gridster Megazord.

Victor: Let's go get them.

The Eastern Rangers teleport out of their cockpit.

Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: The city. The Gridster Rangers slam into the ground.

Comet Ranger: Crap. They destroyed the Megazord.

Sun Ranger: We'll get them.

The Eastern Rangers teleport in front of them.

Kara: It's over!

Black Hole Ranger: We don't need the zord to finish you off.

Victor's communicator goes off.

Billy's voice: I've modified the device you used to shut down thier coins. It should destroy the coins. I'm teleporting it to you now.

The device appears in Victor's hands.

Victor: Bye bye.

He activates it. The Gridster Morphers spark. The coins fall to the ground and turn black. The Gridster Powers deactivate. The Gridster Rangers fall to the ground.

Scott: It can't be....

There is a flash of light and Gridster's spell wears off.

Beth: Where are we?

The Eastern Rangers walk up to them.

Joe: It's ok now.

Keith looks up.

Keith: The Eastern Rangers? What happened?

Jared: The last thing I remember is some creepy monster telling us we were gonna work for him.

Victor: Your free. Go home now.

The former Gridster Rangers walk away, confused.

The End

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