War of Time Episode 12: Isolation

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: The command room of Time Force Headquarters.

Agent: I don't believe it. The moon.......it's......gone!

The Rangers all get a horrified look on their faces.

Logan: What do you mean "it's gone"? How can the moon be gone?

Agent: Whatever that blast was must have destroyed it.

Victor: Can you get any visuals of the blast?

Agent: I'll try.

Max: I don't like this one bit.

Karen: What does this mean?

Joe: Well, I think it means that Gridster is gone.

Kara: So this could be a good thing?

Logan: No. It isn't. Without the moon's gravitational pull the Earth could be cast into all kinds of disorder.

Agent: I got the visual.

Logan: Bring it up.

On the screen appears an image of the moon. Several beams fly from the edge of the screen. The moon explodes as soon as they hit.

Logan: Trace those beams.

Victor: I'll give you guys one guess where they came from.

Tai: No way! The Tigris Rebels don't have that much power, do they?

Agent: I'm afraid they do, because that is where the beams came from.

Joe: I think we're in real trouble.

Scene 2
Setting: On board Transport 1. Commander Tigris is giving orders to his generals.

Commander Tigris: It's time to launch the master plan.

Raznor: The Earth will fall quickly now, regardless of the Power Rangers.

Callard: From what we've seen of their powers there is no way they can stop the master plan.

Blizzard: I will tell my troops to start the preparations.

Commander: Good. You two do the same.

Blizzard, Callard, and Raznor leave the room. Commander Tigris is looking at an image of the Earth.

Commander: If I can't beat those Rangers with my troops I'll just place a cover of the whole planet. It won't take long for them to die off after that.

He laughs at the thought.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: The Silver Hills shopping center. Tai is carrying a huge bundle of boxes and bags. Kara is walking in front of him slightly, carrying only her purse.

Kara: Come on. I still have one more store to visit.

Tai (to himself): You would think with all that is going on she'd be a little less worried about what outfit she wears.

Kara: What was that?

Tai: Oh....nothing.

Kara: Tell you what. Why don't you just set those down and take a break. I think I can handle the last store on my own.

Tai: Fine by me. Have fun.

She helps him steady the packages as he sits down.

Kara: I will. Don't get too bored now.

Tai: I'll try not to.

She walks away and soon disappears into one of the stores. Tai sits there, thinking.

Tai (thinking to himself): The moon just blew up yesterday and she's acting like nothing happened. How can she not care?

He pauses a few minutes.

Tai (thinking to himself): Then again, it is nice to get out of that stuffy base.

Several minutes pass. Kara comes back without any new bags to add to her collection.

Kara: Well that was a waste of time. They didn't have anything I liked.

Tai: Think we should get going then?

Kara: Yeah.

She helps him with the packages as he stands up. She is now holding almost half of them. They begin walking.

Kara: You seem different today. Not quite yourself.

Tai: I'm just worried about what happened the other day.

Kara: I know what you mean.

Tai: I just feel weird shopping when all this stuff is happening.

Kara: I think it's good to get away from the problem for a while.

Tai: Why. We have to deal with it sooner or later.

Kara: I know. But I figure there will soon be a time when we won't be able to relax at all. I'm just trying to get the most out of the time we still have.

Tai: I guess that makes sense.

They reach the exit of the shopping center. They exit the building and start walking down the street.

Scene 2
Setting: A large park. Joe and Karen are walking along a path. It is one of the few areas in the modern city that still has any plant life.

Karen: I can't believe how few parks there are in this time period.

Joe: I guess they felt like it would be wasted space.

Karen: Do you think it's wasted space?

Joe: No. I think people need a place like this to go and relax.

Karen: I'm surprised the city isn't in an uproar after the moon blowing up like that.

Joe: My guess is Time Force isn't telling anyone what happened.

Karen: Why would they try to hide it. Anyone with eyes can look up in the sky at night and see that it isn't there.

Joe: You're right. Maybe they just figure we have it all under control somehow.

Karen: I hope they don't put too much faith in us. We are only human.

Joe: They don't see it that way. All they know about us is that we always save them from whatever evil force is trying to take over.

Karen: If they only knew how close we've been to losing...

Joe: It's all a big game. All we can do is keep playing until it ends, regardless of what that end is.

He notices a blue and orange flower beside the path. He stops and picks it up. He then hands it to Karen.

Karen: Thank you.

Joe: You're welcome.

They continue walking down the path.

Scene 3
Setting: The same park where Joe and Karen are, at a court that looks like a basketball court. Max and Victor are there with a few other people.

1st person: ...and that's how you play Quadball.

Victor: I think we should be able to handle this game.

Max: It's just like basketball in our time.

2nd person: Then let's get this game started.

The group breaks into two teams and starts playing. Victor and Max are on opposing teams. Victor's team starts on defense. Although they try their best, it doesn't stop the other team from quickly getting a basket.

Max: Come on Victor. I thought you could play better than that.

Victor: I'm too out of practice. Give me a few games and I'll wipe the floor with you.

Max's teammate: We'll see about that.

The game starts up again.

Scene 4
Setting: On board Transport 1. Commander Tigris is talking with his generals about the finishing touches of his plan.

Raznor: My troops are ready for the launch.

The Commander looks at Blizzard and Callard.

Commander: And what about yours?

Blizzard: We are ready.

Callard: As are my troops.

Commander: Good. Then we'll launch the 3 pieces of the cover.

A holographic image appears before him. It shows the three Rebel ships. Each opens a bay underneath it. From the bays come three identical giant pieces of metal.

Once the cover is outside the ship we will begin assembly.

The image now shows several small robots dragging the pieces together and connecting them. Now it shows a giant sheet of metal.

Commander: When the cover is almost to the planet I will activate the expansion feature. It will then be pulled by the planets gravity all the way around it.

Callard: It's a shame we have to use our best tool on that planet. I was hoping to use it on Tigris.

Commander: You're forgetting that this planet is much more valuable than Tigris ever was.

Blizzard: We will leave you now and begin deployment.

Commander: Good.

The generals leave.

Commander: Let's just see those Rangers find a way out of this one.

Scene 5
Setting: Outside the Rebel ships. Just as in the hologram bays open at the bottom of the ship. The large metal objects come out from them. After the objects fall a few feet below the ship several humanoid robots emerge from the bays as well. They immediately grab onto the objects and pull them towards the front of Transport 1. Commander Tigris is watching on a viewing screen in his quarters.

Commander: This is working out perfectly.

All the objects are in front of the ship. When they are placed together the edges appear to melt into each other. Commander Tigris' voice is heard coming from a large speaker in the front of his ship.

Commander: Now send it flying towards Earth.

The robots all move back. They are almost touching Transport 1. In unison they move towards the giant sheet of metal. They impact it and send it zipping forward. Off in the distance the Earth can be seen. In a short time the metal piece obstructs the view of the planet, like an eclipse.

Commander Tigris: Now the Earth is mine. And from there I will take the rest of this universe as well.

Scene 6
Setting: Time Force headquarters. Captain Logan is in the break room, trying to relax. He sips a cup of coffee. One of the engineers who worked on the Time Jets is with him.

Engineer: So the rumor is true?

Logan: I'm afraid so.

Engineer: And you haven't told the people yet?

Logan: It would only cause a mass panic.

Engineer: People will notice it. They'll expect an explanation.

Logan: I have a plan to deal with that. Once the Rangers find a way to get rid of the Rebels we will send them back in time and prevent the moon's explosion.

Engineer: But that will mess up all of time after that point.

Logan: Right now it's the only plan we have.

An alarm sounds.

Engineer: I wonder what's going on now?

An agent runs in the room.

Agent: Sir! We have a strange object approaching Earth.

Logan: Get the Rangers.

Agent: Yes sir!

The agent darts out of the room, with Captain Logan close behind.

Scene 7
Setting: Outer space.

The metal plate moves into position over the planet. There is a flash of green light from it. It begins to grow rapidly. As it grows Earths gravity gets a hold of it. It begins to bend, covering parts of the planet.

Scene 8
Setting: The streets. Tai and Kara are just starting back from the shopping center. A dark shadow falls over the entire area. Kara looks up out of curiosity, as does Tai. They both get a shocked look on their faces. Tai drops all the packages he was carrying.

Kara: What is that?

Tai: I don't know, but I have a feeling the Rebels are behind it.

Scene 9
Setting: The park. Joe and Karen have just met up with Victor and Max.

Max: That was a great game.

Karen: From what little I saw you guys both seem to have picked it up quickly.

The dark shadow covers the park.

Joe: That must be some rain cloud.

Karen looks up, then back at Joe.

Karen: That's no rain cloud!

Victor: Oh man. We better contact Captain Logan right now.

Scene 10
Setting: Time Force Headquarters. Captain Logan has just entered the command room. On the screen is a satellite view of Earth. It shows part of the Earth covered by the metal object. Within seconds the screen turns to static.

Logan: What is that?

Agent: We don't know.

Logan: Bring it back up.

Agent2: We can't. The signal is gone.

Logan: Get the Rangers, now!

Agent: Right away.

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: Time Force Headquarters.

Agent: Sir, we can't get any signals. I'm afraid we won't be able to contact the Rangers.

Logan: Then send out a crew to pick them up and bring them here.

Agent2: We don't know where they are.

Captain Logan gets a desperate look on his face.

Logan: Then we have no choice but to wait until they return.

Scene 2
Setting: The park. The Rangers are all staring at the sky, which is now darkened.

Max: I think we better check with Captain Logan and find out what's going on.

Tai tries to activate his communicator. Nothing happens.

Tai: It's dead.

Victor, Joe, and Kara try theirs.

Victor: Mine too.

Joe: No luck.

Kara: Same here.

Karen: Whatever that thing is, it must be blocking our signal.

Max: Looks like we'll have to walk back to headquarters. We better get going.

The Rangers start running out of the park.

Scene 3
Setting: Just outside of Time Force headquarters, 20 minutes later. There is are several guards standing near the entrance. They see the Rangers running towards them.

Guard: Rangers!

Victor: We're almost there guys.

The Rangers make it to the door. They are all showing signs of exhaustion from the run.

Guard: Captain Logan needs to see you right away.

Kara: We just need a second to catch our breath.

The Rangers rest for a few moments, then enter the building. About a minute later they enter the command room. Captain Logan is standing there, waiting for them.

Logan: I'm glad you all made it.

Joe: What is going on out there?

Logan: We have no idea. We picked up a strange signal, then everything went dead.

Karen: So what can we do about it?

Logan: I don't think there is much we can do. That thing seems to be covering the whole sky.

Victor: I think we should take the Time Jets out and see just how much of the sky it is covering.

Logan: That sounds like a good idea. If we can find a place that isn't covered we might be able to get some useful information.

Victor: Let's go guys.

Scene 4
Setting: A holding bay under the city. The street above opens. The floor tilts up and aligns with the opening, forming a runway. The Time Jets engines fire up. After building up pressure for a few seconds the jets launch out of the bay.

Joe: Do you guys really think it's a good idea to be flying closer to that thing?

Karen: We have no choice.

Victor: I'm willing to bet that the Rebels sent it. If that's the case then it's our job to get rid of it.

The Jets are flying in a V shaped formation. They circle the city several times.

Tai: It's covering the whole city!

Kara: And from the look of it it stretches several miles out.

Joe: I don't think there is any way we can get around it.

There is an explosion on the tail of Max's Jet.

Max: What was that?

Victor: I think we have company.

Several blasts burst from the other Jets.

Kara: It's coming from down there.

Karen: We better land before we get shot down.

Victor: Ok. Let's go.

The Time Jets quickly descend. They land in an open field. The Rangers jump out of the cockpits as soon as they are on the ground. Joe and Max survey the Jets, while the others meet up.

Victor: I wonder what did that. There's nothing down here.

Tai: Could it have come from that thing?

Karen: Doubtful. The blasts were coming from below.

Joe and Max return.

Joe: It doesn't look like the Jets were hurt at all.

Kara: I think someone was just trying to get our attention.

A voice echoes across the field.

Voice: That's right Rangers.

Karen: Who's there?

Sunbeam comes into view.

Sunbeam: I am Sunbeam, and I have been sent by Commander Tigris to keep you punks from interfering.

Tai: Interfering with what?

Sunbeam: Normally I wouldn't tell you this but since there's nothing you can do about it I see no harm. The plate you see above you has covered your entire planet. Right now it's blocking all communications on the planet. Soon it shall kill the entire world.

Kara: Just how do you plan to kill the whole world with that thing? Are you going to drop it on us?

Sunbeam: No, but that's a good idea that we might use in the future. All life on this planet needs sunlight. With our cover in place no light can reach the surface. First crops will fail, then animals will die. Soon there will be nothing left alive on the planet.

Joe: That's not going to happen!

Sunbeam: And just how are you going to stop it?

Joe: First we'll beat you, then destroy that cover.

Sunbeam: That's funny. Even if you could defeat me, you'll never be able to destroy the cover.

Victor: We'll see about that.


(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Gold Lithium Morphing Sequence)

Sunbeam: Good. Now I can test my powers against the infamous Power Rangers.

Victor: Get him!

The Rangers charge at Sunbeam.

Sunbeam: Let's see how you do against my strongest attack.

He moves holds his arm out straight in front of him. He moves it in a circle, then pulls it back to his side.


He extends his arm. There is a bright flash of light as flames shoot from his hand. All six Rangers are knocked down by the blast. The area around them is on fire.

Karen: That almost got through my armor!

Joe: We can't take another blast like that.

Victor: We can't let this one anywhere near the city. We better use Ultimate Power.

Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, and Joe: ULTIMATE POWER!

(Ultimate Fire Transformation)
(Ultimate Lightning Transformation)
(Ultimate Diamond Transformation)
(Ultimate Amethyst Transformation)
(Ultimate Onyx Transformation)

Victor: Now let's finish him. Fire Staff, power up!

Tai: Lightning Strikers, power up!

Kara: Diamond Cutter, power up!

Karen: Amethyst Blaster, power up!

Joe: Onyx Chargers, power up!

Max: Lithium Saber, power up!


Victor throws the Fire Staff into the air. It stays suspended horizontally. Tai throws up the Lightning Strikers. They land sideways on top of the Fire Staff. Kara tosses the Diamond Cutter. It sets on top of the Strikers. Karen throws the Amethyst Blaster. It lands on top of the Cutter with it's handle forming the handle of the Eastern Blaster. Finally Joe tosses the Onyx Chargers and they hook onto the bottom of the Strikers. The Eastern Blaster falls into Victors hands. The other Rangers stand to his sides.

Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, Joe: FIRE!

A green beam leaves the Blaster and strikes Sunbeam right in the chest. The force nearly cuts through him. Max then runs up and slices through him with the Lithium Saber. The two halves of the monster fall to the ground.

Tai: That was easier than I expected.

Suddenly the Ultimate Powers give out and the Rangers return to their normal morphed state.

Joe: Oh no. What happened?

Kara: I don't know about the rest of you, but I didn't deactivate my power.

Victor: None of us did.

A bolt of energy falls from the sky and hits the monster. Both halves begin to glow. They float up into the air and rejoin. The glowing stops and Sunbeam drops to his feet, ready to fight.

Tai: No way! We beat you.

Sunbeam: I guess I forgot to tell you a very important detail. That cover will drain your power and increase mine!


(Ultimate Onyx Transformation)

Joe: I'll never let you win.

He charges at Sunbeam.

Karen: Joe! Wait!

Joe takes only a few steps when his Ultimate Power deactivates. He realizes what happened and stops charging.

Joe: It's no use.

Sunbeam: Soon this whole planet will belong to Commander Tigris. Hahahaha.

Max: We have to come up with a way to beat this guy. If we don't, the whole planet is finished.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: The battle with Sunbeam. The Rangers have regrouped and are trying to think of a way to win.

Victor: We have to find a way to finish him.

Kara: But how? No matter what we do to him that cover will pull him back together.

Joe: That's it!

Max: What are you thinking?

Joe: The cover can't regenerate him if there is nothing to regenerate.

Karen: What does that have to do with anything?

Joe: Plenty. It won't be easy, but if we can find a way to destroy every last molecule of the monster he won't be able to come back.

Victor: I don't know if we can pull that off. At least not without our Ultimate Power.

Sunbeam is getting annoyed that the Rangers are ignoring him.

Sunbeam: So you're bored already? Fine, I'll spice things up a bit.

He holds out his hand and a bottle appears in it. He smashes it on himself. His body turns to stone. It then shatters and a cloud of dust shaped like it expands into a giant. It then solidifies.

Sunbeam: Now this should be a little more fun, don't you think Rangers?

Sunbeam's shadow falls over the Rangers. They look up and discover the giant.

Victor: Well it looks like it's time to get back to work. Everyone to your Jets.

The Rangers run over to the Time Jets. Sunbeam notices their moves and also heads for the Jets.

Kara: He's gonna step on them!

Max: We have to beat him there.

The Rangers run as fast as they can. They arrive about the same time as Sunbeam.

Sunbeam: Time to crush those toys of yours.

The Rangers dash into their cockpits. As they fire up the engines Sunbeam lifts his foot. The Rangers manage to get the Jets airborne just as Sunbeam's foot slams into the ground where they sat.

Tai: That was close!

Victor: Let's not waste any more time. TIME JET MEGAZORD POWER!

The Orange Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Blue and Black Jets fly on it's left and right with the wings almost touching. The White and Purple Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Orange Jet. The Gold Jet flies a few dozen feet above the Orange Jet. The Orange Jet transforms it's wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The White and Purple jets fold their wings up and attach to the Orange Jet. Blue and Black do the same. The Blue and Black jets bend to form arms. The White and Purple Jets bend to form feet. The Gold Jet lands on top of the Orange Jet to finish forming the body. The Orange cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.

Max: You're finished Sunbeam!

Sunbeam: I doubt that.

All Rangers: MEGA MISSLE!

The Megazord lifts it arms. They charge up and fire a blast that looks like 2 missiles. They hit Sunbeam, but have no effect.

Joe: Oh that's not good at all.

Tai: No way! He can't be that strong.

Kara: Well he must be.

Victor: That cover must have made him stronger when it restored him.

Max: I think it's time for me to call in some reinforcements.

He teleports out of the Megazord cockpit and down to the ground.


A gold glow surrounds the Lithium Ranger. His body appears to move to the side. There are now two bodies standing there. The glow vanishes and both the Thunder Ranger and Lithium Ranger are standing there.

Thunder Ranger: I'm heading up to the Megazord.

Lithium Ranger: I'll have the Warrior Zord here in just a few seconds.

Thunder Ranger teleports back into the Time Jet Megazord.


A gold beam leaves the Lithium Ranger's morpher. The sky turns black. Three gold lightning bolts strike the morpher. Where Lithium Ranger was standing his zord now stands.

Lithium Ranger: Let's double team him. WARRIOR STRIKE!

The Lithium Warrior Zord pulls back both it's fists. They charge up. It pushes them forward like a punch. The energy from the fists flies out and strikes Sunbeam. At the same time the Time Jet Megazord hits with it's Mega Missile. Just as before, there is no effect.

Thunder Ranger: Not even one scratch.

Joe: So much for my idea. We can't even hurt him, let alone destroy him.

Lithium Ranger: I'm heading back to Time Force to see if they can help. Think you guys can hold him off for a while?

Victor: We'll do the best we can.

Lithium Ranger: Good luck.

The Lithium Warrior Zord flies back towards the city.

Sunbeam: Looks like your friend is abandoning you.

Tai: Shows what you know. He's going to get us some.....

Kara smacks him in the head.

Kara: Just tell him the plan why don't you. If he finds out he'll head right for the city and there will be nothing we can do to stop him.

Thunder Ranger: She's right. As long as we can keep him occupied here the city is safe. Let's not blow this chance.

Sunbeam and the Megazord begin to exchange light blows.

Scene 2
Setting: Time Force headquarters. Lithium Ranger is talking with one of the engineers that worked on the zords.

Lithium Ranger: We need a way to make the zords more powerful.

Engineer: I'm afraid the Time Jets are already pushed to their maximum power.

Lithium Ranger: What about the Lithium Zord? Can you do anything with it?

Engineer: I doubt it. It's a technology that we are still not familiar with.

Another engineer shouts from across the room.

Engineer 2: What if we could combine them?

Lithium Ranger: That would be great. Just like we did in the old days with the Elemental Megazord and the Thunder Battle Zord.

Engineer: That just might work. We did build the Time Jet Megazord with some expansion capabilities.

Engineer 2: But how long would it take us to get it up and running?

Engineer: Maybe it already is. We've seen just how compatible the Lithium powers are with the rest of the Rangers power. And I think I know how to make it happen.

Lithium Ranger: Can you tell me how so I can get back to the fight?

Engineer: Of course. Underneath each of the consoles in the Time Jet Megazord there is a small expansion button. If all of the others push them the Time Jet Megazord will be ready.

Lithium Ranger: Great.

Engineer 2: But what about the Warrior Zord?

Engineer: I think if Max really wants it to work, it will.

Lithium Ranger: Under normal circumstances I would say that is a worthless answer, but somehow I feel that I need to take no action.

He turns and begins to walk out of the room.

Lithium Ranger: Thanks guys.

Scene 3
Setting: The battle. The Time Jet Megazord has taken about all the beating it can.

Joe: He better get back here soon.

Kara: The Megazord won't take much more abuse.

Victor: There he is!

The Lithium Warrior Zord lands right beside the Time Jet Megazord.

Thunder Ranger: What did you find out?

Lithium Ranger: Everyone look under your console. There should be a small button. Press it.

Tai: Just what is that suppose to do?

Lithium Ranger: Just do it. It should allow our zords to combine.

Victor: That could be just the boost we need. Let's do it.

The Rangers press the buttons under their consoles. The Time Jet Megazord and Lithium Warrior Zord begin to glow. The Megazord shrinks a little bit, while the Warrior Zord expands. The Warrior Zord then splits in two. The halves move in front of and behind the Megazord. They then close over the Megazord and become one piece again. The resulting machine stands the same size as the Time Jet Megazord normally is. It looks just like the Time Jet Megazord except the colors are that of the Lithium Warrior Zord. The glowing stops and the eyes of the zord light up.


Victor: This should do the trick.

Tai: Wow. Now this is a zord!

Kara: Not bad.

Joe: All we did was change color!

Karen: We changed color, but we also seem to have tripled our power!

Thunder Ranger: Correction, we now have ten times the power we had before.

Lithium Ranger: Enough talk, let's finish this.


The Time Jet Warrior Zord pulls back both fists. They charge up and fire 2 missiles each, followed by several dozen smaller energy blasts. After the blasts there is a massive beam of light shaped like the Zord that goes right through Sunbeam. When the blast clears the is no trace of the monster.

Tai: We did it!

Joe (jokingly): I never knew a color change could do so much.

Thunder Ranger: Let's take our that cover.

The Zord charges up again and fires at the cover. The blast doesn't even reach the cover before it is neutralized.

Victor: No effect.

Karen: We couldn't even touch it.

Lithium Ranger: I think we should get back to headquarters. We can do nothing here.

Victor: Let's go then.

In a flash of light the Time Jet Warrior Zord splits back into the Megazord and Warrior Zord. The Warrior Zord vanishes, and Thunder Ranger merges back with Lithium Ranger. The Time Jet Megazord then breaks apart. Max teleports back to his cockpit and the Rangers fly back to the city.

Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: Inside Transport 1. Commander Tigris watches the battle end.

Raznor: I'm sorry that Sunbeam proved to be so useless sir.

Commander: Sorry! You should be glad. He force the Rangers to show their true power. And now that we've seen that it is nothing compared to ours we can all relax.

Raznor: What about the invasion plans?

Commander: With the cover in place we can just sit back and watch the planet die. We don't have to waste anymore of our resources.

Raznor: I see. Then you truly believe we have won.

Commander: Without a doubt. Without a doubt.

Scene 2
Setting: Time Force headquarters. The Rangers are in their quarters resting. Captain Logan is with them.

Logan: You did well out there Rangers.

Max: We owe it to Time Force. Those engineers really built the Time Jets to handle anything.

Logan: I'm still confused about how you were able to combine the zords.

Max: It's all part of our destiny. Just like the Elemental power coins. There is no way to explain it. It just happened.

Karen: I'm worried about what that monster said about the cover over the city. He said soon the whole planet will die because the sunlight can't get though.

Tai: Well we know that blasting it won't help.

Logan: I think you should all rest up. Let Time Force worry about that for a while.

Kara: Sounds good to me. I'm tired.

Joe: We all are.

Victor: I just hope the world can hold on long enough for us to save it.

He rolls over and falls asleep.

The End

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