War of Time Episode 15: Promethium Rises

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: On board Transport 1. Commander Tigris is standing in front of most of his forces giving a speech. His three generals are standing behind him. Raznor is directly behind him. To his left is Callard and to his right is Blizzard.

Commander: My soldiers, our time of struggle will soon come to an end. I've finally found a way to destroy the Eastern Rangers once and for all!

Everyone present cheers very loudly.

Commander: When the Rangers took the Gold Lithium power from our home planet they caused some unexpected reactions. Now the Promethium powers are fully recharged and ready to be used. This power will be our ticket to finally crushing those brats.

The cheers continue.

Commander: And once we destroy the Rangers we'll destroy their home planet. Afterwards, we'll return to Tigris and rule forever, unopposed!

The cheering gets so loud that the Commander's voice can't even be heard anymore. After a few moments he waves for everyone to quite down. Slowly, they do.

Commander: All of you go and rest up, because tomorrow we take over the world.

There is another round of cheering as Commander Tigris leaves the stage and returns to his chamber.

Scene 2
Setting: Kara's room. It's about 1:30am. She is lying on her bed and talking with Tai on the phone.

Kara: So what's so important that you had to call me at this hour?

Tai: I've been thinking about how things are going with the Rangers a lot.

Kara: It's been stressful, I know, but we've made it this far.

Tai: That's part of the problem. At this rate we'll never finish them off. It wasn't so bad when we were in the future, but now the world as we know it is in danger from these guys.

Kara: We'll hold them off. It'll take time, but we'll beat them just like we did Gridster.

Tai (upset): We never beat Gridster! The Tigris blew him up! If they can do that then just imagine what they'll do to us if they get serious.

Kara: Just calm down. Tell you what. Tomorrow we'll talk with the others and start making a plan to end this war once and for all. How's that sound?

Tai (sheepishly): Ok, I guess. Sorry I called you so late. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Kara: It's alright. Get some sleep. See you in the morning.

Tai: I will. Bye.

Kara: Bye.

She hangs up the phone and goes back to sleep.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: Transport 1. Commander Tigris and Raznor are in the main control room, staring at one of the monitors.

Raznor: Sir, we are ready to begin scouting for the perfect candidate to use the Promethium powers.

Commander: You've entered all the data I gave you into the computer?

Raznor: Yes I have.

Commander: Good. Not just any human will be able to utilize the powers to their fullest. Only someone with the energy readings I gave you will be able to fully control the power.

Raznor: I understand. Should I begin?

Commander: Yes. Soon the Rangers will meet their match.

Raznor presses a button near the monitor.

Scene 2
Setting: Outside Transport 1. From a small antenna on the top of the ship a small beam of light shoots out. It hits the Earth, and remains a constant stream of light between the ship and planet.

Scene 3
Setting: Back inside the ship, in the control room.

Raznor: The search has begun.

Commander: Perfect. It's only a matter of time now.

On the monitor images of several people are appearing. Each one flashes a bit, then a reading of their energy measurements appears beside the image. After the readings show up each image turns red and vanishes. Raznor is watching it.

Raznor: The few scanned so far have nowhere near the energy we're looking for. This could take a while.

Commander: That's fine. I'll settle for no less than perfect, and I'm willing to wait.

Scene 4
Setting: On board the Tigris Megaship. All the Rangers are there, talking in the main control room.

Kara: Feeling any better today Tai?

Tai: No I'm not. That's why I called everyone here.

Victor: What's up?

Tai: We've been at a stalemate with the Tigris Rebels since they first got here. We're never gonna be able to beat them at the rate we're going.

Joe: Things have been crazy. With all the new stuff we've had to deal with I'm surprised we've even held our ground. I'm sure once things settle a bit we'll be able to find their weakness and take them down for good.

Tai: And how many innocent people are going to get killed while we wait for the perfect opportunity to beat them? We have to make some serious changes NOW!

Victor: Calm down. I agree that we can't just wait around, so how about we all chill out a bit, then sit down and start talking strategy.

Max: Victor's right. At this rate we're just going to end up fighting each other. How about we take a few hours to calm down then meet back here.

Kara: How about it Tai? It sounds like a good plan.

Tai: Whatever.

He turns and walks quickly out of the room without another word.

Karen: I've never seen him like this.

Victor: Something must've set him off.

Kara: You have to admit, our last few battles have been way too close for comfort.

Max: It's just stress. We're all feeling it. This is just his way of dealing with it.

Joe: I hope you're right.

Scene 5
Setting: The control room, several hours later. Everyone but Tai is there.

Karen: Do you think he's coming?

Kara: I'm sure he will. He's always late anyway.

As they're talking Tai walks in. He doesn't greet anyone, and has a very serious look on his face.

Victor: Let's all sit down and we'll get started.

Tai: Don't bother.

Victor: What do you mean?

Tai: I know what I have to do.

He looks around at the other Rangers.

Kara: And what do you have to do?

Tai reaches for his morpher, and takes it off.

Kara: Tai...?

Tai: I can't do this anymore. I quit.

Everyone looks shocked, especially Kara.

Max: That's not going to help anything. I know you're stressed out, but this isn't going to help things.

Victor: There's no way we can protect this planet or the people without you Tai.

Kara just looks at him pleadingly.

Karen: We have to stick together Tai.

Joe: You can't be serious. If you're so worried how is quitting the team going to help?

Tai: I have my own plan to save this world.

Victor: Put your morpher back on, sit down, and tell us what it is then. We're much more likely to succeed working as a team.

Tai: I have to do this alone. And I can't tell you what it is or it'll never work.

He lays the morpher down.

Tai: I'm out. Done. See you around.

Victor starts to speak, but Tai turns his back and starts walking away.

Kara: Tai, please!

He doesn't respond. He just leaves the room.

Victor sits down and gets a defeated look on his face.

Joe: Oh man. What are we suppose to do now?

Max: Let him cool off. He'll be back.

Karen: I hope so. We have to have a Blue Ranger.

Kara starts crying.

Kara (sobbing): Tai.....

Scene 6
Setting: The control room on Transport 1. Several hours have passed and the search continues.

Raznor: Commander, the computer just found a signal that's a close match.

Commander: Well then, have the Razor Mites escort our new friend here immediately.

Raznor: Yes sir.

He presses a button on the console. He starts speaking. His voice echoes throughout all 3 Tigris ships.

Raznor: We've found a potential Ranger. Razor Mite units H and I get the coordinates and bring that person here.

Commander Tigris watches on a monitor as the two groups of Mites teleport off the ship.

Commander: Soon my evil Ranger will crush those Eastern Rangers.

Scene 7
Setting: On board Transport 1, in a large, open room. There is a man in the shadows with Razor Mites behind him. Commander Tigris and the generals are facing him.

Commander: I'm surprised that you do this of your own free will.

Man: I will do whatever you ask of me as long as you give me this power you talked of.

Commander: This is perfect! Those Rangers will never know what hit them.

Commander Tigris walks up to the man and hands him the Promethium Morpher. It looks identical to the Lithium Morpher, except is has the Promethium Ranger's colors on it.

Commander: Try it out.

Man: With pleasure. PROMETHIUM POWER!

(Promethium Ranger Morphing Sequence)
The shadowed man is standing in almost complete darkness. Only his outline is visible. There is a flash of light and now the Promethium Ranger is standing there.

Promethium Ranger: This is perfect. I can feel the power surging through me!

Commander: Just remember, if you turn on me you'll wish you were never born. I added a few extra touches to that morpher to make sure you comply.

Promethium Ranger: You have nothing to worry about. I'll take the Rangers down. But I would like permission to drag out their destruction. Just to make it more painful for them.

Commander: What do you mean by "drag out"?

Promethium Ranger: I mean I don't want to finish them off in the first battle. I want to have a series of fights with them so I can crush their power and their spirits.

Commander: Who would've guess you had so much evil in you. I like your plan. Do as you wish with them.

Promethium Ranger: Thank you sir.

Commander: You can begin your attack whenever you're ready.

Promethium Ranger: I'll start right away.

He teleports away in a flash of light.

Callard: Are you sure we can trust him?

Blizzard: We shall soon see.

Commander: Don't worry. If he does try and turn on us he'll never survive. The little extras I put in his morpher will see to that. All I have to do is press a button and he'll be blown to bits.

Raznor: I say we go back to the control room and watch the fight.

Commander: You three may go. I'll be there shortly.

Raznor, Blizzard, and Callard: Yes sir.

Scene 8
Setting: Downtown Angel Grove. The Promethium Ranger teleports in.

Promethium Ranger: It won't be long until their sensors find me. I'll just wait around till they show up. No point leveling the city without them here to see it.

Scene 9
Setting: On board the Tigris Megaship. The Rangers are standing around trying to figure out what to do. Suddenly the alarms start going off. Victor is the first to respond.

Victor: What's going on EECA?

EECA: I'm detecting a very strong power source in the city.

Joe: Just what we need.

EECA: Bringing up visual now.

On a screen along the wall an image appears of the Promethium Ranger.

Max: This looks bad.

Karen: The Promethium Ranger! But how did they....

Joe: I don't suppose we'd be lucky enough for him to be here to help us.

Victor: Probably not. Let's go check it out. But don't get hostile till we know he's here to fight.

The others nod.

Victor, Kara, Karen, Joe, and Max: IT'S MORPHIN TIME!

(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Gold Lithium Morphing Sequence)

Scene 10
Setting: The city, where the Promethium Ranger is waiting. Five beams of light teleport in. The Eastern Rangers are now facing the Promethium Ranger.

Promethium Ranger: I was wondering how long in would take you to show up.

Victor: Who are you, and what do you want?

Promethium Ranger: Can't you see, I'm the Promethium Ranger.

Victor: I meant your real name.

Promethium Ranger: That is my secret.

Kara: Look, we don't want any trouble.

Promethium Ranger: That's too bad, because I'm here to destroy you all.

Max: This is going to get very ugly.

Promethium Ranger: You have no idea just how ugly it's going to be Lithium Ranger.

Joe: I don't think we can do this without Tai.

Karen: We don't have much choice.

Victor: Everyone ready?

Promethium Ranger: Ready or not, here I come!

Promethium Ranger charges at the Eastern Rangers. They line up to try and take him as he runs past. Victor and Kara are the first in his path. They try to attack, but he's too fast. He slams then hard and they fall away. Seeing what happened, Joe and Karen brace and try to block his attack. Despite their best efforts he plows through them just as easily as he did Victor and Kara. Max is ready for him and grabs his shoulders. The impact stops him, but soon Max starts to lose his footing and is getting pushed back.

Promethium Ranger: Time for the mighty Lithium Ranger to fall.

Promethium Ranger breaks Max's hold on him. He then leg sweeps him. All 5 Rangers are now laying on the ground. Promethium Ranger walks away from them a bit.

Promethium Ranger: I'm very disappointed in all of you. I thought you could do better than that. Now get up!

The Rangers slowly get back on their feet.

Joe: We can't take him. We need Tai.

Victor: We'll retreat for now, but we'll have to come up with a plan and get back here fast.

Promethium Ranger: Go ahead and run away Rangers. For now I'll leave your city alone. Just knowing that you can't beat me should give you enough to worry about for now. Hahahahaha.

Max: This isn't over. We'll be back, and when we return you'll wish you'd never crossed us.

Promethium Ranger ignores Max's threat and continues laughing. The Rangers teleport away.

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: The control room of the Tigris Megaship. The Rangers are sitting around, trying to figure out what to do next.

Kara: We have to get Tai back here. We need him.

Joe: But we have no idea where he went.

Max: EECA, run a scan and find Tai.

EECA: Running scan for Tai now.

Max: We should have him in a few minutes.

The Rangers sit silently waiting for EECA to finish scanning. Several minutes pass.

ECCA: Unable to find any trace of Tai's energy signal.

Kara, Joe, and Max all at once: WHAT!

Kara: If he's alive, you should be able to find him right?

ECCA: The only explanation would be if he's left the planet or if he is somehow masking his energy.

Victor: This is too weird. We don't have any time to waste trying to figure this out. We have to act now.

Max: Then what do we do?

Karen: We have to get a new Ranger.

Everyone looks at her. Kara is mad.

Kara: We can't just replace Tai!

Victor: Karen's right. We have no other choice.

Joe: But how are we going to find someone we can trust to use the powers till we find Tai?

EECA: The search won't be too difficult. Only someone who has had experience as a Ranger may use and Eastern Ranger power.

Joe: Oh that's just great. Didn't Justin tell us the former Rangers left the planet?

Karen: Yeah, they did. So what do we do?

Victor: There's one person who could use it.

Scene 2
Setting: The city. Promethium Ranger has been standing around for a few hours now.

Promethium Ranger: I'm getting bored. You've had enough time Rangers. Ready or not it's time to resume our fight.

He leaves the area and finds a place full of people. He begins attacking and causing panic.

Promethium Ranger: This is fun. If they don't show up at least I'll still get my exercise for the day. Hahahaha.

Scene 3
Setting: The Tigris Megaship. Victor is talking to the other Rangers.

Victor: I know one person who could use the power.

Max: Who?

Victor: Justin. He's a former Ranger.

Karen: But he's just a kid!

Victor: That didn't stop Zordon from making him a Ranger. I think he's proved himself.

Joe: I guess we really have on other choice right now anyway. Let's find him and bring him here.

Victor: EECA, find Justin and teleport him here.

EECA: Beginning scan.

The Rangers stand waiting for the scan to finish. Before it does, the alarms start going off again.

EECA: Promethium Ranger is attacking again.

Max: Finish the scan then. We can't go without Justin.

EECA: Understood.

After about 2 minutes EECA gets a lock on Justin's energy signal.

EECA: Teleporting now.

There is a brief flash of light in the room. Justin is now standing in front of the Rangers.

Justin: Hey guys, what's going on?

Victor steps up to Justin, holding the Lightning morpher in his hands.

Victor: We're in the middle of a crisis situation. Tai quit the team, and now there's an evil Ranger attacking the city. We tried to fight him earlier, but we just aren't strong enough. We need all 6 Rangers.

Justin: But what can I do to help? My powers were destroyed, remember.

Karen: We know, we had something else in mind.

Justin: Like what?

Victor holds out the Lightning morpher.

Victor: We want you to take on the role of the Lighting Ranger.

Justin reaches out and takes the morpher.

Max: We'd love to fill you in on your new powers, but Promethium Ranger is attacking the city. We have to get out there and stop him.

Justin: Ok. Let's do it then.

Victor, Kara, Karen, and Joe: IT'S MORPHIN TIME!


(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lighting Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Gold Lithium Morphing Sequence)

Scene 4
Setting: The area of the city where Promethium Ranger is attacking. The Eastern Rangers arrive by teleportation.

Promethium Ranger: I see you finally decided to show up.

He carefully eyes the group.

Promethium Ranger: And I see you brought a new friend with you. Trust me, you'll do no better with six Rangers than you did with five.

Victor: We'll see about that. Everyone ready?

Justin: You bet.

Kara: Ready!

Karen: Let's do it.

Joe: I'm ready.

Max: Time to show this guy the full power of the Eastern Rangers.

Promethium Ranger: Give it your best shot!

He charges at the Eastern Rangers. They line up in a row so they all get a shot at him 1 on 1. Victor is first. He takes a few swings at Promethium Ranger. Only one of them connects. He isn't phased by the hit and keeps running. Before he is completely past Victor he strikes him in the chest. Victor stumbles out of the way.

Justin is next. He tries leg sweep Promethium Ranger but he jumps out of the way just in time. On his way back down he kicks Justin hard.

Karen moves closer to Kara so they can fight him together.

Promethium Ranger: Trying a little girl power on me huh. Well it won't work.

Before they can even swing at him he strikes them both. They go down hard. He stops running. Max is the only one standing now.

Promethium Ranger: Your team is just as pathetic as it was last time. All you did was add another target.

Max: You think you've won just because you knocked a few of us down?

Promethium Ranger: More like everyone I've fought so far. Let's see how you do this time.

He moves closer to Max, trying to attack him. He punches and kicks several times, but Max avoids every one of them. While Promethium Ranger is busy with Max, the others are getting up and regrouping.

Justin: Well that didn't go so well.

Victor: We definitely have to avoid one on one combat with this guy. The only way we'll win is as a group.

Kara: I don't know. Max seems to be doing pretty well over there.

Joe: He's going all out to do it though. He can't keep that up for long.

Karen: Then let's get back in there and help out.

Promethium Ranger continues his attack on Max. Max is starting to slow down. Finally one of the attacks hits him. He goes flying through the air, and is caught by the other Rangers as they run over to help.

Max: Thanks guys.

Victor: Let's try some teamwork this time.

Promethium Ranger: Stupid Rangers think you can beat me. You've already shown me how pathetic you are.

Victor: You just keep talking loudmouth. We'll put you in your place soon enough.

Promethium Ranger: And just how do you plan to do that.

Victor: Like this.

Victor, Justin, Kara, Karen, and Joe: ULTIMATE POWER, NOW!

(Ultimate Fire Transformation)
(Ultimate Lightning Transformation)
(Ultimate Diamond Transformation)
(Ultimate Amethyst Transformation)
(Ultimate Onyx Transformation)

The Rangers charge at Promethium Ranger and surround him. They begin attacking him. He successfully defends against many of their attacks, but quite a few hit him.

Justin: This is actually working!

Promethium Ranger takes a few steps back to recover from the hits.

Promethium Ranger: Don't celbrate yet Rangers. A few lucky shots are nothing to get excited about.

Kara: Then we'll just show you that it wasn't luck.

She moves in on Promethium Ranger and begins fighting him one-on-one. She tries a kick first. He grabs her leg and tries to flip her to the ground. She uses the force of his push to bring her other leg around to kick him off gaurd. She lands on her feet like nothing happened. Promethium Ranger stumbles from the kick. She follows up with several punches. Then she sweeps his legs out from under him. Then she walks back to the other Rangers.

Kara: See, he's not so tough now.

Promethium Ranger gets back to his feet.

Promethium Ranger: You will pay dealry for that humiliation.

He runs at the group, heading for Kara. Before he gets to her Karen steps into his path. He tries to make quick work of her with a powerful punch. She is knocked back from it. Suddenly Promethium Ranger gets kicked in the side of the head and is sent sailing sideways. Joe lands from the kick, and checks on Karen.

Joe: Are you alright?

Karen: I'm fine. Nice kick there.

Joe: Thanks.

Victor: I think we should call the weapons and end this.

Max: Sounds good to me.

Promethium Ranger gets up again.

Promethium Ranger: Don't bother with those puny weapons. I'm ready for some much bigger action.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: The battle. Promethium Ranger has just gotten up.

Promethium Ranger: Time to take this fight up a level.

Justin: Uh oh, I don't like the sound of that.

Joe: Me neither.

Kara: You don't suppose he has a zord do you?

Max: I'll be surprised if he doesn't.


The sky turns black. Two funnel clouds touch down and converge on the Promethium Ranger. They draw into his body. He starts expanding to zord size. As he grows, his body changes from human Ranger to the Promethium Warrior Zord. The zord looks identical to the Lithium Warrior Zord, except it uses the Promethium colors.

Promethium Ranger: Now you'll see my true power Rangers.

Max: Zord time guys.


Scene 2
Setting: The Tigris Megaship. The cargo bay opens. A small runway extends out of it. The Time Jets engine's fire up. After building up pressure for a few seconds the jets launch out of the bay. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.

Victor: I don't even think it's worth trying the Jets alone. Better bring it together.


The Orange Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Blue and Black Jets fly on it's left and right with the wings almost touching. The White and Purple Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Orange Jet. The Gold Jet flies a few dozen feet above the Orange Jet. The Orange Jet transforms it's wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The White and Purple jets fold their wings up and attach to the Orange Jet. Blue and Black do the same. The Blue and Black jets bend to form arms. The White and Purple Jets bend to form feet. The Gold Jet lands on top of the Orange Jet to finish forming the body. The Orange cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.

Max: Time for some Lithium Zord power. THUNDER SPLIT!

A gold glow surrounds the Lithium Ranger. His body appears to move to the side. There are now two bodies standing there. The glow vanishes and both the Thunder Ranger and Lithium Ranger are standing there. Lithium Ranger jumps out of the Megazord and to the ground.


A gold beam leaves the Lithium Ranger's morpher. The sky turns black. Three gold lightning bolts strike the morpher. Where Lithium Ranger was standing his zord now stands.

Victor: Let's show this guy evil Rangers can't win.

Kara: Hear that Promethium, you're going down!

Promethium Ranger: We'll see about that. Last one standing wins.

The Time Jet Megazord and Lithium Warrior Zord move in on the Promethium Zord. Time Jet Megazord throws the first punch, which is easily blocked by the Promethium Zord. Lithium Zord tries to kick him while he's distracted, but the Promethium Zord moves one hand away from blocking the Time Jet Zord and catches the kick. With one swoop of its arms, the Promethium Zord pushes the Time Jet Megazord back, and flips the Lithium Warrior Zord.

Promethium Ranger: You're going to have to do much better than that if you ever hope to beat me.

Karen: We're just getting warmed up.

Promethium Ranger: Good, because I'd hate to waste my time fighting unworthy opponents.

Justin: We'll show you who's unworthy. Let's get him guys!

Joe: Easy Justin. I wanna see this guy go down too, but we gotta keep our heads on straight.

Justin: You're right, sorry.

Victor: Don't worry about it. Right now we've got just one thing we need to focus on.

Lithium Ranger: I think we should try the finishing moves.

Victor: Good idea.

Victor, Justin, Kara, Karen, Joe, and Thunder Ranger: MEGA MISSILE!

The Megazord lifts it arms. They charge up and fire a blast that looks like 2 missiles.

Lithium Ranger: WARRIOR STRIKE!

The Lithium Warrior Zord pulls back both it's fists. They charge up. It pushes them forward like a punch. The energy from the fists fly out and strike the Promethium Zord at the same time the Mega Missile hits. There is a huge blast and lots of smoke.

Justin: I can't see, did we get him?

The smoke slowly clears. The Promethium Warrior Zord is standing there completly unharmed.

Thunder Ranger: I don't believe it. Not even a scratch!

Victor: This is bad.

Promethium Ranger: I could destroy you right now if I wanted to. But I know you have more power than that, so I'll let you get it ready.

Kara: Why that cocky little....

Karen: Calm down Kara. He wants us to get mad, that's why he's acting like that.

Kara: Only one other person can get me this mad so fast and that's Tai.

Thunder Ranger: He's still waiting to attack. I think we should take this chance while we still have it.

Lithium Ranger: You guys ready to combine our zords?

Victor: Yeah, let's go for it.


The Rangers press the buttons under their consoles. The Time Jet Megazord and Lithium Warrior Zord begin to glow. The Megazord shrinks a little bit, while the Warrior Zord expands. The Warrior Zord then splits in two. The halves move in front of and behind the Megazord. They then close over the Megazord and become one piece again. The resulting machine stands the same size as the Time Jet Megazord normally is. It looks just like the Time Jet Megazord except the colors are that of the Lithium Warrior Zord. The glowing stops and the eyes of the zord light up.

Promethium Ranger: That's exactly what I've been waiting for. Time to taste my true power Rangers. PROMETHIUM STRIKE!

The Promethium Warrior Zord pulls back it's fists. They charge up. It pushes them forward like a punch. The black energy from the fists fly out and strike the Time Jet Warrior Zord. There are explosions all over the body of the zord, and inside the cockpit as well. The zord starts stumbling. The Rangers struggle for control, but can't get anything to work.

Joe: Nothing's responding!

Justin: Man that thing packs a punch.

The sparks contiune to fly, and the zord is still out of control.

Kara: He's getting ready to fire again!

Victor: Everyone brace yourselves!

The Promethium Warrior Zord lifts it's arms up again. This time it stops though.

Lithium Ranger: What's he doing?

Karen: I have no idea.

Promethium Ranger: I could finish you off right now Eastern Rangers. But I won't.

Kara: Huh?

Promethium Ranger: I want you to suffer long and hard before I destroy you. So I'll drag out our battles as long as I can. See you again Rangers.

In a flash of light the Promethium Warrior Zord vanishes.

Victor: Oh man that was lucky. We better get out of here before he changes his mind and comes back.

All Rangers: POWER DOWN!

The zords vanish, and all the Rangers are standing on the ground demorphed.

Max: Let's get back to the Megaship and start the zord repairs.

They teleport away.

Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: Transport 1. Promethium Ranger is standing before Commander Tigris.

Commander: I can't belive you didn't finish them off! You had them beaten!

Promethium Ranger: As I told you sir when you gave me these powers, I wish to crush not just their powers, but their spirits as well.

Commander: Yes, you did say that didn't you?

He looks around in disgust.

Commander: I will let you deal with the Rangers as you see fit then.

He grabs Promethium Ranger by the collar and pulls him close to his face.

Commander: But understand, if they defeat you before you finsh them off you will wish you had never been born, GOT IT!

Promethium Ranger pulls away from Commander Tigris, kind of brushing himself off.

Promethium Ranger: Yeah, I got it. Don't worry. I know exactly what I'm doing.

Commander Tigris: You had better. Now get out of my site.

Promethium Ranger: Yes sir.

He turns and walks away.

Commander Tigris: The Rangers will soon be gone for good, and I'll finally control my own planet! Hahahahahaha.

Scene 2
Setting: The Tigris Megaship. The Rangers are sitting around in the main control room, watching monitors.

Joe: It's going to take a lot to get the zords back to full power.

Max: That was a lot of power for just one small zord.

Victor: You guys should all head home and get some rest. I'll stay and monitor the zords.

Kara: Can't Captain Logan do something to help us?

Karen: I talked with him earlier. He said that we're already creating a massive time warp. Anymore portal activity could tear time and space apart.

Kara: Just great. So we're on our own then?

Victor: Besides some communication with the future, yes we are.

Justin: I wish I was more help to you guys.

Max: You're a big help to us. Right now we're in trouble, but without you we'd be crushed and hopeless.

Joe: I'm going home. See you guys all later.

Karen: I think we're all heading out for the night.

Victor: I'll stay a few more hours to make sure the repairs keep on schedule.

Kara: Don't stay too late, ok.

Victor: I won't. See you all later.

Max: Bye.

Justin, Kara, Karen, Joe, and Max teleport away.

Victor: Rest well everyone. I'm sure we're going to need it.

The End

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