War of Time Episode 3: New Firepower

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: The main engineering lab at Time Force. Victor, Joe, and Karen are talking with one of the workers.

Karen: So everything is working fine?

Worker: So far, so good Rangers.

Joe: They can form a Megazord as well?

Worker: Of course. These new zords will be far superior to the Elemental Zords. Better armor, stronger weapons.

Victor: I only have one problem with all this.

Worker: What?

Victor: All these things you've given us may make us stronger now, but they are all dependent on your technology. If anything ever happened....

The worker cuts him off.

Worker: In the worst case scenario you would just have to revert to your old powers and zords.

Victor: Maybe, but I'm still not sure.

Scene 2
Setting: Downtown. Tai, Kara, and Max are walking down the street. They pass a building that is supported by nothing more than a 1 inch thick pole. Kara strains her neck looking up as they pass.

Max: You impressed?

Kara: I just can't get used to this place. Everything seems so different.

Tai: I know what you mean. Half the time I feel like people are looking down on us cause we seem primitive to them.

Kara: I've noticed that too, but don't you think they seem just a little too comfortable with our technology considering it was 1000 years ago.

Max: I never though of that. I mean, how much do we know about the year 1000 A.D. I wonder what makes them so different.

Kara: Hello! They have time machines. They've probably got information on every age we can think of.

Max and Tai at the same time: Good point.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: The Moon Palace. He steps back after watching the Rangers.

Gridster: So those brats have time to just wander around the city. I'll have to fix that. I need a monster.

He glaces around the room. He sees a lamp that looks like something a genie would come out of.

Gridster: I've always wondered if genies really did exist. Maybe I'll just create my own!

He stretches his arm toward the lamp. A beam leaves his arm and hits the lamp. It is surrounded by light and begins to change shape. After a moment it gets much larger. In a flash it transforms into a monster. It's body is the lamp. It has only mist for legs, and keeps it's arms folded across it's chest.

Monster: I am Lampera, master of the lamp. How may I serve you?

Gridster: Serve me? Don't I get some wishes?

Lampera: What?! I'm no genie, I'm a monster!

Gridster: Whatever. If I can't have any wishes then I guess I'll just have you go destroy the Eastern Rangers.

Lampera: Consider it done.

He teleports away in a puff of smoke.

Gridster: It's so hard to find good help.

Scene 2
Setting: The city. Lampera teleports in. He looks around.

Lampera: Hmm. Now where are those Rangers? Maybe over there.

He let's out a blast. It strikes a building and causes it to collapse.

Lampera: I kinda hope they weren't in there. Then I couldn't have any fun with them.

Scene 3
Setting: Halfway across town. Tai, Kara, and Max see the building fall in the distance.

Tai: That can't be good.

Kara: I would be willing to be Gridster has something to do with that.

Max: We better morph.

He glances at the store beside them.

Max: Come on, we'll morph in here.

They run inside the building. They find an area where no one is watching.

Tai, Kara, Max: IT'S MORPHIN TIME!

(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Thunder Morphing Sequence)

They run out of the building and towards where the explosion was. They arrive just as Lampera is about to blast another building.

Tai: That's enough monster.

Lampera: Great, you're here. Wait a second...

He counts the Rangers to himself.

Lampera: 1....2....3...I thought there were 6 of you. Oh well, 3 is plenty for a warm up.

Kara: Oh we'll give you a warm up alright.

The three Rangers charge at Lampera. He just stands there waiting for them to attack.

Lampera: You really think I'm afraid of you?

Tai's foot hits Lampera right in the chest. He is unmoved by the hit. Tai falls to the ground in pain.

Tai: Ow. My foot. It's like I kicked a brick wall.

Lampera: So now you know the true strength of Lampera.

Kara: Lampera, huh. A stupid name for a stupid creation.

Max turns to her.

Max: Maybe we shouldn't make this guy mad. At least not until the others get here.

Tai slowly get himself up.

Tai: Maybe our weapons would help.

Scene 4
Setting: The Moon Palace. Gridster is watching the fight.

Gridster: So only 3 of those runts are there? What a perfect opportunity to crush them.

He lifts his arms in the air.

Gridster: Grid powers, strengthen him!

Scene 5
Setting: The battle. A portal opens in the sky above Lampera and he is sucked into it. He reappears as a giant.

Tai: Ok, so maybe our weapons aren't such a good idea.

Max: We gotta get the others here right now. I'll call the Battlezord and hold him off. Contact Victor and tell him to get out here right away.

Kara: Got it.


The zord holding bay opens. A gold streak of light leaves. As it strikes the ground there is a loud blast. The zord appears.

Lampera: I'll crush this piece of crap you call a zord.

Max: Better monsters than you have failed.

The Thunder Battlezord and Lampera start fighting. Tai is watching. Kara activates her communicator.

Kara: Victor, we have a serious problem out here. We need all of you to get out here now.

Victor's voice: Captain Logan just told us the Thunder Battlezord left the holding bay. What's happening?

Kara: Girdster sent another monster. We need the zords now.

Victor's voice: We're on our way.

The communicator shuts off and moments later Victor, Joe, and Karen teleport in, fully morphed.

Kara: Guess we better hurry.

There is a massive explosion that shakes the entire city. The Rangers are knocked to the ground. They quickly turn around to see what happened. They see sparks coming out of the entire body of the Thunder Battlzord. A limp body falls out of the cockpit. Max lands hard on the concrete. The zord falls the other direction. It crushes several buildings, sparks a few more times, then explodes. The explosion takes out several more buildings in the area. Pieces of the zord land all over the city.

Joe(shocked): No way.

Victor: We gotta form the Megazord now. As soon as we do one of you go get Max.

Kara: We can't leave him there.

Victor: If we don't call the Zords right now this city is toast. Got it.

Tai: He's right. Let's do this.


Setting: The zord holding bay. The main door opens. An orange, blue, white, purple, and black streak of light leave. When they arrive at the scene the orange one touches down and in a ball of flame the Firezord appears. The blue one lands. Lightning surrounds the Lightning Ninja and then dissapears. A bright flash of light shines as the Diamond Slasher appears. Crystals grow from the ground and the Amethyst Ninja emerges from them. The black light touches down and the light forms the shape of the Onyx Deputy. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.


The Zords jump up into the air. Firezord retracts it arms, legs, and head. Lightning Ninja transforms into and arm and attaches to the left side of Firezord. Diamond Slasher also forms into an arm and connects to the right side. Amethyst Ninja becomes the left leg and Onyx Deputy becomes the right leg. The Firezord head re-emerges with a helmet on.

Kara: I'll go get Max.

Victor: Ok, be quick.

She teleports out of the Megazord. She appears right beside Max. While she's struggling to get him up the Megazord charges at Lampera.

Lampera: So you wanna die too, huh.

Victor: We'll see who's dying.

The Megazord punches at Lampera, but he dodges it.

Lampera: I see you're as pathetic as the last one. I'll make this quick.

He charges up and fires a blast at the Megazord. It hits it right in the chestplate. The Megazord flys several miles through the air before it crashes down to earth outside the city.

Tai: The gauges are going crazy!

Joe: It's gonna blow. Let's get out of here.

Victor(angrily): Ahhhhhhhh. This sucks.

He slams his fist on the panel. Several explosions start inside the cockpit.

Victor: Woops, time to go.

They all telport out. Kara is watching in horror as the Elemental Megazord explodes as well.

Kara: NOOOO!

She falls to the ground from the shock of it. Seconds later the others teleport right to where she is.

Tai: Are you ok?

Kara(weakly): I thought.....

Karen: We got out before it exploded.

Lampera: I thought this was gonna be hard. Oh well.

He teleports away.

Victor: Man. He trashed the zords.

Tai: We gotta get to headquarters fast. If he comes back before the new zords are done we're toast.

They all teleport away.

Scene 6
Setting: Time Force Headquaters, the engineering bay. Victor and Captain Logan are talking.

Victor: When that monster returns he's gonna wipe out the city.

Captain Logan: I have the engineering crews working around the clock to finish the zords. Just a day or so should be enough.

Victor: I just hope Gridster doesn't get ambitious to try out his power before that.

Captain Logan: Me too.

Scene 7
Setting: The Rangers quarters. Kara is laying on her bed just staring at the wall. Karen, Tai, Max, and Joe are all talking.

Max: Man, I knew these monsters were pushing our zords limits, but I never thought they'd actually destroy them.

Joe: Lampera got lucky. If we would've got the Thunder Megabattlezord he wouldn't have won.

Karen: At least not so easily.

Tai walks over to Kara.

Tai: Are you alright?

Kara slowly turns. She's been crying, and looks angry about Tai's question.

Kara: Ok? Ok?! No I am certainly not OK! Our zords are destroyed, we're stranded 1000 years in the future, and Gridster is more powerful than ever!

Tai just stares blankly at her.

Kara: Why are we even doing this? We have no reason to be here. None of the stuff that happens here will ever affect us in our time.

Joe: Actually, I've done some research. They have a team of Rangers in the year 2001 saving the world. If we don't save this time we will lose our world in just a few short years.

Kara sits down disgusted with Joe's reply.

Kara: Who asked you?

She lays back down.

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: Later that day in the Rangers quarters. An announcement comes over a loudspeaker.

Voice: Attention Eastern Rangers. Destroyers are attacking the city. Please report to the controll room at once.

Max, Tai, Karen, and Joe stand up. Kara is still laying on the bed.

Karen: Come on, we got work to do.

Kara: I'm not going.

Karen: You don't have a choi...

Tai cuts her off.

Tai: It's her decision. She needs this time to herself. Let's go.

They leave. Kara turns to where Tai was just standing.

Kara(thinking): Well, maybe he's not so bad after all.

Scene 2
Setting: The controll room. All the Rangers are there, minus Kara.

Captain Logan: They're in the north section. Go.

Victor: Right.


(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Time Thunder Morphing Sequence)

Scene 3
Setting: The city. The Destroyers are harasing some people. The Rangers teleport in.

Karen: That's enough!

Destroyer: Get them!

The Destroyers run towards them.

Joe: I'm in no mood for this. Let's do this the fast way.

Victor: I'm up for that.

Victor: Fire Staff, power up!

Tai: Lighning Strikers, power up!

Karen: Amethyst Blaster, power up!

Joe: Onyx Chargers, power up!

Max: Thunder Sabre, power up!

The Rangers fire energy blasts from their weapons. The Destroyers fly in the air and fall to the ground. They all shut down and vanish.

Victor: Wish they were all that easy. Let's get outta here.

They teleport away.

Scene 4
Setting: That night. A nice restaurant in town. Tai and Kara are having dinner.

Tai: I'm really glad you decided to join me tonight.

Kara: You were the only one who cared that I just didn't feel I could fight today.

Tai: I feel the same way sometimes. I think we all do.

Kara: Really? You never seem too.

Tai: We all have different ways to deal with it. I get really cocky when I'm scared. The tough talk makes me feel like I can actually do anything.

Kara: You must be scared most of the time then.

Tai(kinda angrily): Hey! Cheap shot.

Kara: I feel much better.

She leans over close to him.

Kara: Thanks Tai.

Scene 5
Setting: The next morning. The Rangers are waiting in the controll room. Captain Logan and the chief engineer walk in.

Joe: You wanted to see us Captain?

Captain Logan: Yes. We've finished your new zords. Mr. Johnson will now brief you on their operation.

Mr. Johnson: These are your new zords.

A holigraphic screen shows up. On it are 6 vehicles that look like fighter jets. They are all colored to match a Ranger. The color is about the only difference in appearance. They have some missles on the wings, as well as some gun barrels.

Mr Johnson: These are you're new Time Jets. They have energy bullets as well as a type of missle that should prove effective against the monsters.

The Rangers stand speechless.

Mr Johnson: They are capable of traveling over 2000 miles per hour. For fuel they use a trizerium cyrstal. It's an energy source that should should find inexahstible.

Victor: I'm impressed.

Tai: Awsome. I always wanted to fly a jet.

Kara: Now maybe we stand a chance.

Karen: Lampera won't know what hit him.

Joe: I hate heights.

Max: Nice.

The view on the screen changes. The Jets align themselves in a somewhat circular shape. They begin to spin around. Soon the individual jets seem to vanish and a large energy ring replaces it.

Mr. Johnson: This is the Fighter Strike. It can be used to devastate your foe.

Tai: Excellent.

Mr. Johnson: Are there any questions.

Joe: I don't know how to fly a plane. How can I fly that thing?

Mr. Johnson: Don't worry. Like your old zords they can practicaly run themselves untill you get use to the controlls.

Kara: Looks like everything is gonna work out after all.

Victor: Let's go get some rest. I'm sure Gridster has more plans for us today.

They leave.

Captain Logan: Thank you Mr. Johnson.

Mr. Johnson: No problem. I just hope these kids can handle it.

Captain Logan: They've proven time and again in the past that they can do it.

Mr. Johnson: But things are much different here.

He walks out of the room.

Scene 6
Setting: The city. Lampera teleports in.

Lampera: With the zords out of the picture this city is mine.

He blasts a building. Sirens go off all over the city.

Lampera: Hehehehe. I love it!

Scene 7
Setting: The Rangers quarters. They are relaxing. An alarm sounds, followed by an announcement.

Announcer's voice: Attention Eastern Rangers, there is a monster attacking on the west end of the city.

Joe grogily gets up.

Joe: Not again. I was just about to fall asleep.

Karen: Well, you'll have to stay awake for a while. We've got work to do.

Tai turns to Kara.

Tai: You feel up to this?

Kara: You bet. Let's show this creep what Eastern Rangers are made of.


(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Moprhing Sequence)
(Time Thunder Morphing Sequence)

Scene 8
Setting: The city. Lampera is about to destroy another building. Just before he can blast four feet kick him in the back, knocking him over.

Lampera: What the...?

Tai and Kara land just as the other 4 Rangers run up behind them.

Tai: Your fun is over.

Kara: We're gonna make you pay for what you did to our zords.

Lampera: Sure you are. And just what do you plan to do if I decide to grow up a little?

Joe: You'll see.

Lampera: I'm so scared.

Victor: You will be.

Victor, Joe, Karen, and Max charge at Lampera. Lampera slashes at them. Joe and Victor grab his arms to restrain him.

Lampera: Let me go.

Karen and Max both punch him in the face at the same time. He breaks Victor and Joe's grip and stumbles backwards, holding his face.

Lampera: You miserable Rangers.

Scene 9
Setting: The Moon Palace. Gridster is watching the battle.

Gridster: Pathetic monster!

Something in the corner of his view catches his attention.

Gridster: What is this?

He looks on as the Time Shadow is sent to the Time Force Rangers in the year 2001.

Gridster: Must be some kind of large teleportation device.

He looks for a moment more.

Gridster: Strange. I can't feel it's energy signiture in this time period anymore.

His face lights up.

Gridster(very deep voice): Time travel. Hehehehehe.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: The battle.

Tai: You give up yet?

Lampera: Never. I'll crush you if it's the last thing I do.

Victor: Let's cut him down to size. Fire Staff, power up!

Tai: Lightning Strikers, power up!

Kara: Diamond Cutter, power up!

Karen: Amethyst Blaster, power up!

Joe: Onyx Charger, power up!

Max: Tunder Sabre, power up!

Victor: Eastern Blaster!

Victor throws the Fire Staff into the air. It stays suspened horizontaly. Tai throws up the Lightning Strikers. They land sideways on top of the Fire Staff. Kara tosses the Diamond Cutter. It sets on top of the Strikers. Karen throws the Amethyst Blaster. It lands on top of the Cutter with it's handle forming the handle of the Eastern Blaster. Finaly Joe tosses the Onyx Chargers and they hook onto the bottom of the Strikers. The Eastern Blaster falls into Victors hands. The other Rangers stand to his sides.

All Rangers: FIRE!

A beam with all the Ranger's colors leaves the blaster. It strikes Lampera. He looks like he is about to explode.

Max: Take this!

His Thuder Sabre cuts into Lampera's shoulder. Before the blade even gets the whole way through the monster it explodes.

Kara: That should stop him.

Scene 2
Setting: The Moon Palace. Gridster is furious.

Gridster: Time to finish this.

He holds out his arms.

Gridster: Grid powers, strengthen him.

A portal opens in the sky. The monster is taken into it. There is a flash of light as the portal closes. He then reappears as a giant.

Scene 3
Setting: The battle.

Max: How? He was destroyed!

Joe: No time for questions. Time to call the Time Jets.

Victor: Ready everyone.

Tai: As well ever be.


Setting: A holding bay under the city. The street above opens. The floor tilts up and aligns with the opening, forming a runway. The Time Jets engine's fire up. After building up pressure for a few seconds the jets launch out of the bay. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.

Victor: This is nice.

Tai: Hope I don't crash it.

Kara: Let's show him what Rangers can do.

Karen: Anyone know where the cup holder is?

Joe: Very funny. Let's just get this done and get outta these things.

Max: You'll have to get over the fear of heights if you're gonna keep your job as a Ranger.

Victor: Enough chat. Let's take him out.

The Rangers Jets all fly off in different directions. The orange jet and gold jet fly at Lampera from behind. Blue and white come in front. Purple and black head at him from the sides.

Lampera: What?! Where did these things come from?

Victor: Fire!

All of the jets fire missles at the same time. The impact Lampera, but cause little damage to him.

Lampera: So you wanna play rough?

He fires a beam at the blue jet and just narrowly misses.

Tai: That was close.

Joe: At least we can dodge with these.

Lampera: Hold still you little fly.

Max: We should try the Fighter Strike.

Karen: The what?

Max: Just push the green button on the console.

Karen: Ok.

She reaches down and pushes it, as do all the other Rangers. The Jets align themselves in a somewhat circular shape. They begin to spin around. Soon the individual jets seem to vanish and a large energy ring replaces it.

Lampera: This looks bad.

The ring cuts through him. He is barley able to remain standing. The jets return to normal.

Tai: What! He's still up.

Kara: Looks like we'll need more power.

Victor: Time to see what the Megazord is like.


The Orange Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Blue and Black Jets fly on it's left and right with the wings almost touching. The White and Purple Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Orange Jet. The Gold Jet flys a few dozen feet above the Orange Jet. The Orange Jet transforms it's wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The White and Purple jets fold their wings up and attach to the Orange Jet. Blue and Black do the same. The Blue and Black jets bend to form arms. The White and Purple Jets bend to form feet. The Gold Jet lands on top of the Orange Jet to finish forming the body. The Orange cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.

Lampera: Nooooooo!

Victor: Mega Missle!

The Megazord lifts it arms. They charge up and fire a blast that looks like 2 missles. They hit Lampera. He falls to the ground and explodes.

Tai: Yesss!

Kara: We did it!

Victor: Let's get back to headquarters.

The jets break apart and fly away.

Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: The Moon Palace. Gridster is pacing.

Gridster: So they can travel through time. I can use this to my advantage. I'll defeat those Rangers before they even existed! HAHAHAHAHA!

Scene 2
Setting: The city. Tai and Kara are walking down the street.

Kara: I've been thinking about what I said about this not being our fight.

Tai: Really?

Kara: Yeah. It may never affect our lives in our time, but no one deserves to have Gridster let lose on them.

Tai: I'm glad you're starting to think that way.

Kara: I wanted to thank you for helping me out.

Tai: No problem.

Kara(nervously): I..um...don't suppose..you still wanna...

Tai looks over at her slowly.

Kara: ...go out with me.

Tai(excited): Are you kidding?! I'd love to!

Kara(now relaxed): I thought so. Let's go see a movie tomarrow then.

Tai: I hope they have movies.

Kara laughs.

The End

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