War of Time Episode 5: Save the Past Part 1

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: The desert just outside Angel Grove in the year 1996.

The sky grows dark. Lightning flashes in the sky. Slowly a hole opens in the clouds. The hole has a green glow inside it, with a purple edge. There appears to be lightning inside the portal as well. A huge bolt comes from the portal and strikes the ground. Four forms made of lightning start to appear. After several minutes the forms take a solid form. Gridster's 4 shadow monsters appear.

1st Monster: We made it.

2nd Monster: So what do we do now?

3rd Monster: We trash the whole place. There are no Rangers to stop us!

The 4th monster smacks the 3rd in the head.

4th Monster: You morons. There are Rangers here, the same ones in 3000.

2nd Monster: Then why are we here?

4th Monster: To help eliminate them before they travel to the future.

1st Monster: Help?

4th Monster: Gridster is also here. He will contact us when he is ready for us.

3rd Monster: Fine. We wait.

Scene 2
Setting: The year 3000. Logan is talking with the Rangers about Gridster's monsters.

Captain Logan: This is strange.

Kara: What is?

Logan: He's sent the monsters to 1996, when you were still fighting him.

Tai: Why would he do that?

Max gets a worried look on his face.

Max: What month did they go to?

Logan: March I think.

Joe: What's wrong Max?

Max: Guys, that's when we were fighting the Gridster Rangers!

Everyone looks worried.

Logan: I take it that's a bad thing?

Victor: It's a long story. We'll fill you in.

They start talking.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: 1996. The Eastern Rangers are in the park.

Karen: That last battle was tough. What are we gonna do about the Gridster Rangers?

Victor: All we can do is wait and see what happens.

Tai: There better be something more than that. If we don't find some way to increase our zord power we are finished.

Max: Tai's right. The Gridster Megazord is too much for us.

Kara: I'm just glad we took out Gridster's monsters before he unleased his Rangers.

Joe: I don't even want to imagine what would happen if his monsters were still around.

Victor: We would find a way.

He stands up.

Victor: Just like we're goning to with this situation.

Their communicators go off.

Victor: I read you Zordon.

Zordon's voice: There is an emergency. Please teleport to the Power Chamber at once.

Joe: We're on our way Zordon.

Victor deactivates the communicator.

Tai: I have a really bad feeling about this.

Karen: So do I. Something just doesn't seem right.

Max: We better get going.

Victor: Right.

They teleport away.

Scene 2
Setting: Inside the Power Chamber. Zordon, Alpha, and Billy are waiting for the Rangers to arrive.

Billy: The sensors are unable to pick up any trace besides what we already found.

Alpha: I just hope this is some kind of mistake, and not something serious.

Zordon: Be patient Alpha. We will find out soon enough.

Alpha: You're right Zordon.

The Rangers teleport in.

Joe: What's going on.

Kara: It's the Gridster Rangers again, isn't it?

Zordon: No. As far as I know Gridster hasn't sent any of his forces today.

Karen: Then what's the problem?

Billy: We detected a break in the time-space continueum a few hours ago.

Tai: Why do I not like the sound of that.

Zordon: The disturbance was just outside the city. I'm sending you to investigate the area.

Joe: Us?! Why?

Billy: Because we aren't sure what caused it.

Zordon: Our sensors can't pick up anything unusual in the area, so it's probably nothing. But I think it's best if you check and make sure.

Victor: We're headed out now.

Alpha: You had better morph, just in case.

Victor: Right.


(Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Thunder Morphing Sequence)

Tai: Catch you later.

They teleport away.

Scene 3
Setting: 3000, at Time Force headquarters. The Rangers are looking at the replay of the time hole opening. Tai slams his fists down on a table.

Tai: I hate this! We have to sit here and watch as Gridster wipes us out 1000 years ago!

Karen gets a worried look on her face when Tai says that.

Karen: If they kill us in the past...

She hesitates.

Karen: Can we still exist here?

Captain Logan and all the others get the same worried look on their face.

Victor: I....never thought of that.

Logan turns towards them.

Logan: I'm affraid, you can't.

Joe: We have to stop them!

Max: We could barely handle the Gridster Rangers themselves. With Gridster's four monsters helping them there's no chance.

Kara: Are you sure there is no way to travel back in time?

Logan: Without the time core our portal is useless. And I'm affraid that the portal is the only one of it's kind. We didn't want to create a second one for security reasons.

Karen begins laughing.


Karen(in a joking tone): There is no second portal for security reasons, and now that is the biggest security problem there is.

Tai: This is pointless. We might as well go enjoy our last few hours of existance.

Logan: No one is leaving this room. If we don't find a way to stop those monsters nothing will survive. The whole universe is counting on us now.

Victor: We'll think of something. We have to.

Scene 4
Setting: The Moon Palace. Gridster is watching the events in the past, as well as monitoring the Eastern Rangers in 3000.

Gridster: This is too good to be true. I get to watch the Rangers get killed in one time period, and watch them agonize over their own deaths in another. It's great!

He loses controll and rolls on the ground with laughter. He eventually pulls himself together.

Gridster: I better send a message back so I know what the plan is.

He walks over to the time core and places his hand on it. A portal projects into the air above it. In it is an image of Gridster in the Moon Palace in 1996.

Gridster: Hello my friend.

The past Gridster turns in surprise.

Past Gridster: What is this?

Gridster: I'm you, in 1000 years. Those punk Rangers got the best of you and locked you up inside the Dark Crystal.

Past Gridster: But my Gridster Rangers are pounding them into the ground.

Gridster: Right now they are. But soon the tides are set to turn.

Past Gridster: So what should I do about it?

Gridster: Proceed as planed. I've sent 4 of my best monsters back to help the Gridster Rangers win.

Past Gridster: How. I haven't the ability to create monsters.

Gridster: 1000 years inside the Dark Crystal will grant you that power.

Past Gridster: This should be fun to watch. I'll send the Gridster Rangers soon.

Gridster: Good. I'll contact you again if anything comes up.

Past Gridster: Fine.

Gridster removed his hand and the portal vanishes.

Gridster: That takes care of that small detail.

Scene 5
Setting: Time Force Headquarters. Victor and Captain Logan are analyzing data from the time portal and the Power Coins.

Logan: The Time Jets are made of the same material used with our own zords that the Time Force Rangers use.

Victor: There has to be some way we can use that.

Logan: A time portal works by combining energy of something in the present with the same object in the past.

He looks at Victor's morpher.

Victor: What?

Logan: Those coins are your power source in 1996 as well, aren't they?

Victor: Yeah.

Logan: That just might work.

He begins punching buttons on the computer.

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: 1996, the Eastern Rangers teleport into the area Zordon told them to invesitgate.

Kara: There's nothing here.

Joe: Great. Well we looked, let's leave.

Karen: I think we better look around a little more before we go Joe.

Joe: I knew someone would say that.

Victor: Everyone start right here and spread out. If you see anything, even a footprint or something let the rest of us know.

Tai: Ok, let's go.

They all begin walking out in seperate directions searching. The spread out until there are about 300 yards between each of them. Victor activates his communicator.

Victor: Meet back where we started guys, this is not working.

Kara's voice comes over the speaker.

Kara's voice: Alright.

It takes them a few minutes to regroup.

Tai: Well that was pointless.

Max: There must not be anything after all.

Karen: I don't like this guys. Something just doesn't feel right.

As soon as she says this lightning strikes all around them. From the bolts Destroyers appear.

Victor: You were right!

Joe: It's a trap!

Tai: Let's take these guys out.

The Destroyers have the Rangers surrounded. They begin to close in.

Max: Think we can get them to fire at us?

Joe: Are you crazy?

Kara: If we shoot first they should return fire. Why?

Max: When they fire, we teleport. Got it?

Victor: Yep. Let's do it.

The Rangers summon their weapons.

Victor: Fire!

Everyone blasts near a Destroyer, purposly missing.

Destroyer: You are all lousy shots. This is how it's done. Destroyers, Fire!

They all charge up and fire a blast. It is about to hit the Rangers.

Max: NOW!

The Rangers teleport away and land a few feet away from the group of Destroyers. The Destroyer's blasts all meet in the middle and cancel each other out.

Joe: Uh oh. That didn't work.

Max: I never thought of that.

Victor: At least we aren't surrounded anymore. Let's go.

The Rangers charge at the Destroyers. The Destroyers run up in 2 rows of six. The Rangers easily slice through the first row with their weapons. The second row gives them more trouble. One knocks Tai's Strikers from his hands, then headbutts him. Another one is impaled by Max's Sabre but continues to function. Max tries to get the Sabre out of the Destroyer but it's stuck. The Destroyer blasts him in the chest.

Victor: Take this!

He fires at a Destroyer. The blast nails it and it shuts down. Kara, Joe, and Karen also take out the Destroyers they are fighting. Now only the 2 that Tai and Max didn't get are left. Tai jumps in the air and kicks the Destroyer in the head. The spin he puts into the kick causes it's head to detatch. Max can't get his Sabre lose, so he just rips it up through the Destroyers chest and shoulder. It sparks a little then falls.

Max: Got ya.

The Rangers regroup.

Tai: That was easy. Gridster should set up better traps next time.

A laughing sound can be heard behind the Rangers. They turn to see who is behind them.

Victor: Gridster Rangers!

Everyone gets ready to fight.

Comet Ranger: What was that line about better traps?

Star Ranger: Oh we can't wait till you see just how great a trap we have set up for you.

Black Hole Ranger: Your end is at hand.

Planet Ranger: Hope you all said your goodbyes to your loved ones this morning.

Cosmic Ranger: Because if you didn't you'll never get the chance.

Sun Ranger: Prepair to die!

The Gridster Rangers summon their weapons and charge at the Eastern Rangers. The Eastern Rangers charge as well. The Gridster Rangers quickly strike the Rangers down with one blow.

Victor: They seem more confident than usual.

Joe: I wonder what Gridster's gonna do.

Sun Ranger: It's not what he's gonna do that you should be worried about right now.

Star Ranger: It's what we're gonna do.

Victor: Eastern Blaster!

Victor throws the Fire Staff into the air. It stays suspened horizontaly. Tai throws up the Lightning Strikers. They land sideways on top of the Fire Staff. Kara tosses the Diamond Cutter. It sets on top of the Strikers. Karen throws the Amethyst Blaster. It lands on top of the Cutter with it's handle forming the handle of the Eastern Blaster. Finaly Joe tosses the Onyx Chargers and they hook onto the bottom of the Strikers. The Eastern Blaster falls into Victors hands. The other Rangers stand to his sides.

Victor: FIRE!

A beam with all the Ranger's colors leaves the blaster. The beam then combines into a single beam and strikes right in the middle of the Gridster Rangers. There is no explosion.

Planet Ranger: Did you really think that would be effective?

Kara: We're in trouble.

Scene 2
Setting: The year 3000. The Rangers are watching the battle on the monitor in Captian Logan's office.

Karen: I can't just sit here and watch. I have to do something!

Joe: But what? We can't go help them.

Tai: Maybe we can.

Kara: How?

Tai: We can try to contact Zordon and warn him about the monsters.

Max: That's a good idea. We know the Gridster Rangers aren't the problem, we took care of them.

Tai: Help me try to figure out how to do this Max.

Max: Ok.

He walks over to Tai, who is at the communication console. They begin looking it over.

Scene 3
Setting: 1996. The Gridster Rangers are laughing at the Eastern Rangers.

Black Hole Ranger: I think it's time to quit playing around and get down to business.


A portal opens in the sky and 6 meteors fall down. They strike the ground and the Gridster Zords appear. The Rangers teleport to their cockpits.


The Zords jump up into the air. Comet zord retracts it arms, legs, and head. Star zord transforms into and arm and attaches to the left side of Comet zord. Black Hole zord also forms into an arm and connects to the right side. Planet zord becomes the left leg and Cosmic zord becomes the right leg. The Comet zord head re-emerges with a helmet on. The Sun zord spilts apart and attaches to the rest of the Gridster Megazord as armor.

Victor: Let's do it guys.


Setting: The zord holding bay. The main door opens. An orange, blue, white, purple, and black streak of light leave. When they arrive at the scene the orange one touches down and in a ball of flame the Firezord appears. The blue one lands. Lightning surrounds the Lightning Ninja and then dissapears. A bright flash of light shines as the Diamond Slasher appears. Crystals grow from the ground and the Amethyst Ninja emerges from them. The black light touches down and the light forms the shape of the Onyx Deputy. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits. The zord holding bay opens agian. A gold streak of light leaves. As it strikes the ground there is a loud blast. The zord appears.


The Zords jump up into the air. Firezord retracts it arms, legs, and head. Lightning Ninja transforms into and arm and attaches to the left side of Firezord. Diamond Slasher also forms into an arm and connects to the right side. Amethyst Ninja becomes the left leg and Onyx Deputy becomes the right leg. The Firezord head re-emerges with a helmet on.

The Gridster Megazord stands motionless in front of the Elemental Megazord and Thunder Battlezord.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: The battle field. The zords are all just standing there.

Sun Ranger: This time we will finish you off Rangers.

Tai: I doubt that.

Comet Ranger: We have a little surprise for you. It should be here any minute.

Max: You guys think they're bluffing?

Karen: I hope so.

Joe: But I doubt it.

Suddenly the Gridster Megazord charges towards the Elemental Megazord and Thunder Battlezord.

Victor: Heads up guys!

The Thunder Battlezord is attacked first. Max tries to block it, with moderate success.

Max: I need some help!

The Elemental Megazord grabs the Gridster Megazord and pulls it away from the Thunder Battlezord.

Black Hole Ranger: So you wanna play rough.

He presses a button on the console. The Gridster Megazord charges up. A gun emerges from the middle of the Megazord's back and blasts the Elemental Megazord. The Elemental Megazord stumbles back and is about to collapse.

Joe: That was stupid.

Victor: We're gonna have to be more careful than that.

The Thunder Battlezord rushes up and smashes the Gridster Megazord in the face.

Cosmic Ranger: You think that even dented our zord? How pathetic.

The Gridster Megazord swats the Thunder Battlezord away.

The Eastern Rangers regroup.

Max: We're in trouble guys.

Comet Ranger: Time for the finishing touch.

Scene 2
Setting: The Moon Palace. Gridster is watching the battle.

Gridster: Time to send in the calvary.

Gridster: Grid powers, strengthen them.

A portal opens in the sky. The monsters are taken into it. There is a flash of light as the portal closes. They then reappear as a giants and walk up to the Gridster Megazord.

1st Monster: Let's see just how strong you really are.

2nd Monster: Yeah. I wanna know why Gridster is so afraid of ya.

3rd Monster: I don't know guys. They looked like they were losing anyways.

4th Monster: Oh well. At least we won't get hurt pounding them into dust.

Max: We're screwed.

Karen: Think positive. We can beat them if we try our best.

Joe: Hello. Earth to Karen. We couldn't beat the Gridster Megazord. How are we suppose to beat it AND those monsters?

Victor: I don't know. But we have to hold them off until Zordon can think of something.

The monsters and Gridster Megazord prepair for battle.

Tai: This is gonna be rough.

Scene 3
Setting: The Power Chamber. Zordon, Alpha, and Billy are watching the battle on the viewing globe.

Alpha: Ayayayayayay. Where did those monsters come from?

Billy: I thought Gridster couldn't create monsters.

Zordon: He can't.

Billy: Then where did they come from?

Alpha: Maybe they are what came through the time portal we detected earlier.

Zordon: I think you are right Alpha.

Billy: I don't think the Rangers can beat them.

Zordon: No, they cannot. Call them back here immediatly.

Alpha: I'm on it.

He activates the communication pannel.

Scene 4
Setting: Timeline's realm. He is sitting in a chair relaxing when suddenly he jolts to his feet.

Timeline: I sense something is very wrong. I better look and see.

He waves his hands and an image of the 4 monsters with the Gridster Megazord appears.

Timeline: This is not good. If I don't do something all of time as we know it will cease to exist.

He thinks for a moment.

Timeline: The monsters came from 3000. I bet Gridster got ahold of a time core. But if that's true why didn't the Rangers follow them. I must contact them.

Timeline waves his hands again and an image of the Rangers in Captain Logan's office appears.

Timeline: Greetings Rangers.

Tai looks surprised.

Tai: Timeline! Man are we glad to see you.

Timeline: I understand Gridster has sent some monsters to defeat you in the past.

Joe: That's right. And we can't go stop them because we can't open the time portal.

Timeline: I can open a portal for you, but you must have a vehicle and a strong power source to survive the trip.

Kara: What kind of power source?

Timeline: I'll let you figure that out. For now I think it's best if we set up a communication with Zordon so he knows what is happening.

Karen: Good idea.

Timeline changed the portal with the battle scene to show Zordon in the Power Chamber.

Timeline: Zordon, can you hear me?

Zordon responds.

Zordon: Yes Timeline.

Timeline: Those monsters the Rangers are fighting are from the future. The year 3000 to be exact. They were sent by Gridster to destroy the Rangers.

Zordon: How did Gridster end up in 3000?

Timeline: I can't tell you that or it would drastically effect the future. But the Eastern Rangers are also there.

Zordon: That is good, but what can we do about these monsters that came back?

Timeline: The Rangers will be coming back with improved powers. If both teams work together this should be no problem at all.

Zordon: How soon can they get here?

Timeline: I'm not sure. They are working out the bugs of their plan.

Zordon: We will be waiting.

Timeline: Ok. I'll keep in touch if anything else comes up.

The portal closes.

Max: Good. Zordon knows we're on the way.

Timeline: Good luck Rangers. I'll keep an eye on you and open the portal when you're ready.

The portal closes.

Scene 5
Setting: 1996, inside the Elemental Megazord cockpit. Alpha's voice comes over the communicator.

Alpha's voice: Rangers. Retreat now. We have a plan.

Victor: What if they go after the city?

Alpha's voice: Don't worry about it. Just get out of there while you still can.

Victor: Fine.

The zords teleport back to the holding bay and the Rangers teleport to the Power Chamber.

Scene 6
Setting: 3000. Victor and Captain Logan walk in the room.

Victor: Sorry guys. We came close, but we just can't figure out how to open the portal.

Max: Don't worry about it. Timeline contacted us.

Victor: What did he say?

Joe: He's gonna open the portal for us.

Karen: We just have to have a vehicle and strong power source to survive the travel.

Logan: The Time Jets can serve as the vehicle.

Tai: And our power coins can be the power source! We're in business!

Victor: Let's go!

Logan: I'll get everthing set up for launch.

The Rangers leave the room. Captain Logan sits down at the control pannel.

Logan: I hope this works.

Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: Outside the Time Jet holding bay. The zords fly out.

Victor: Everyone ready?

Kara: Bad time to ask, don't you think?

Karen: Let's go save the past!

A portal opens in front of them. The jets fly into it. After they vanish the portal closes.

Scene 2
Setting: Captain Logan's office. He watches the portal close on his monitor.

Logan: Good luck Rangers.

Scene 3
Setting: The Moon Palace in 3000. Gridster also watches the Rangers go through the portal.

Gridster: AAAHHHHH! I just can't win! With 2 sets of Rangers in the past nothing will defeat them.

He slams his fist down.

Gridster: I have no choice. I will have to combine those 4 morons into Shadow Knight.

An image of the 4 monsters merging into one giant monster appears in Gridster's mind.

Gridster: He should be able to stop them. Hehehehe.

The End

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