War of Time Episode 8: Lost in the Tigris Dimention

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: The holding bay where the Rangers have hidden the Time Jets while in 1996. They are just climbing into the cockpits.

Max: Are you sure we should be trying this without my power coin?

Tai: I'm a little nervous about it.

Victor: We don't have much of a choice. Gridster's monsters have nothing to stop them in the future. We have to go back.

Joe: Besides, Captain Logan only said there was a slight chance something would go wrong.

Karen: I think that's the first time you've been positive in a situation like this Joe.

Joe: I can't always be negative, now can I?

Kara: I guess not.

Tai is situated and the cockpit begins to close, as do all the others.

Tai: Let's do this then.

The holding bay opens. The jets charge up and launch.

Victor: Engage time warp!

All the Rangers press a blinking red button on their controll panels. The Orange, Blue, White, Purple, and Black Jets begin to glow with their color. The Gold Jet does not glow. A portal opens in front of them and all six Time Jets fly into it. When they are all in it closes.

Scene 2
Setting: 3000. Captain Logan and some other Time Force agents are monitoring the Ranger's prgress through the time stream.

Agent 1: Sir, we have an abnormal reading coming from the Time Jets.

Logan: They are traveling with only 5 of the 6 powers. I'd say abnormal is the best we're gonna get.

Agent 1: That's not it sir. It's almost as if another portal were opening inside the one they are already in.

Logan: That can't be good.

Agent 2: We're losing the signal!

Logan: I'm afraid we may have lost them forever. They should've come back before Max lost his power.

Agent 1: They've vanished sir.

Logan: I'm sorry Rangers.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: Inside the time portal. Each Ranger is being tossed around inside their cockpits from the force of the portal.

Max: It wasn't this rough last time.

Karen: I'm losing control.

Joe: The one time I decide to think positive and something bad does happen.

Kara: This is crazy. What's happening!

Bolts of electricity start covering the Time Jets.

Victor: I'm losing controll!

Tai: Me too! What's going on?

The Time Jets fall out of formation and start flipping around. They are all out of controll.

Karen: We need to do something, fast!

Joe: Like what?!

As he says this his Jet flies into the side of the portal and vanishes.

Karen: JOE!

Tai: I'm gonna try to go after him.

Tai pulls on the controlls for his jet. He gets no response.

Tai: No go. I can't move.

Suddenly the electric bolts surrounding the Jets increase and all five remaining Time Jets are pulled into the sides of the portal and vanish.

Scene 2
Setting: Outside a city that looks like any other normal city. A portal opens in the sky. Six objects covered in electric bolts fall out of the portal and slam hard into the ground. Several local people are in the area and watch in disbelief. The cockpits slowly start to open and the unmorphed Rangers step out.

Victor: Is everyone ok?

Tai: I'm fine. I think my Jet is too.

Kara: I'll live.

Karen: Same here.

Joe: Remind me never to go on that ride again.

Max: So, anyone have any idea where and when we are?

Victor looks at the locals.

Victor: Let's find out.

He walks up to the closest person and holds out his hand. The man stretches out his hand and they shake hands.

Victor: Hello. My name is Victor. What's yours?

Man: I'm Nathan. How did you get here?

Victor: Well, it's kinda hard to explain. Can you tell me where we are.

Nathan: Your just outside Tigris City.

Karen steps up.

Karen: Tigris City. I've never heard of it.

Nathan seems shocked to hear her say that.

Nathan: Never heard of it? Why, it's the capital city of the entire planet!

Max: I take it we're not on Earth anymore.

Nathan: No, you are not. This is the planet Tigris.

Joe: Oh great. So we're on a different planet. This is just great.

Karen: At least the locals are friendly.

Suddenly there is an explosion in the background. Everyone turns to look at the city. There is a giant monster that looks like a praying mantis attacking.

Nathan: Oh no!

Tai: What is that thing.

Nathan: It's a monster that the rebels are using to try to take over the planet.

Victor: I think we outta do something about this.

Max: You'll have to go without me. My Jet doesn't have enough power left to fight.

Joe: You mean we're actually going to fight that thing?

Kara: I think we should. It doesn't look like they have any defenses.

Nathan: You are right. We have no way to fight the rebel's monsters.

Victor: You may not, but we do!

Nathan: Please don't try to fight them. Everyone who has was killed.

Victor: Relax. We've got our own special way of dealing with stuff like this.

He turns to face the other Rangers.

Victor: Ready guys!

Tai: We're ready.

Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, Joe: IT'S MORPHIN TIME!

(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequcene)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)

Nathan: What! How did you do that?

Max: They don't have time to explain. They've got work to do.

The others run to their Time Jets and climb in. The cockpits close and the engins roar to life.

Max: They're gonna take care of that overgrown bug.

Scene 3
Setting: The field. Max has gotten the people to back up giving the other Rangers room to launch the Time Jets. Slowly the Orange Jet backs out of the small crater it created when it landed. The engines charge up and it begins to move forward. The other Jets follow a similar pattern, minus the Gold Jet. Soon the Orange, Blue, White, Purple, and Black Jets are in the air.

Victor: Let's move in and take out that bug.

Joe: Should we form the Megazord?

Victor: No. It's too weak without the Gold Jet. Let's just get this one with the Jets.

Tai: Sounds good to me. These things have more than enough fire power to wipe that bug out.

Karen: The power reading on it is weak. We shouldn't have a problem.

Kara: Let's go!

The Jets move in towards the mantis. It sees them coming, but ignores them.

Tai: I'll take the first shot.

The Blue Jet moves in front of the rest. It gets within 100 yards of the mantis and fires 2 missles. The missles hit the mantis. It turns in pain and surprise and swats at the Blue Jet. The Blue Jet narrowly avoids the attack.

Tai: Whoaa. That was too close.

Kara: Serves you right hot shot.

The Black and Purple Jets move in. They both open fire with their guns. The gun fire distracts the monster long enough for the Orange and White Jets to get in position above the mantis and fire their missles. The impact dazes it.

Tai: Looks like we almost got it.

Victor: I think we're gonna have to use the Fighter Strike to finish him.

Karen: Can we use it with only 5 of us?

Joe: We can, but it won't be as powerful.

Tai: Enough talk. Let's do it already.

Kara: Impatient as always.


The Jets align themselves in a somewhat circular shape. They begin to spin around. Soon the individual jets seem to vanish and a large energy ring replaces it. The ring goes through the mantis monster. The ring vanishes as the Jets reapear. The mantis falls and explodes.

Tai: It's dead!

Karen: Let's get back to Max.

The Jets fly away from the city and back to the field.

Scene 4
Setting: The field. The Time Jets have just come to a stop on the ground and the Rangers climb out. They walk up to Max and demorph.

Max: Good job guys.

Joe: Did you get anymore information on where we are exactly.

Max: Not much.

Nathan walks up to the Rangers.

Nathan: I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

Kara: It's not the big of a deal. Did you explain to them who we are?

Max: I tried to, but no one was listening. They were all watching the battle.

Nathan: You just might be the chosen heros who will save our world.

Victor: Chosen.......heros.

Nathan: I'll explain later. First lets get back to the city. You all look like you could use some rest.

Joe: That sounds good.

Victor: This is getting strange.

Nathan starts walking towards the town. Everyone starts following.

Tai: I guess we follow them.

The Eastern Rangers walk towards the town.

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: A home in the city. It looks like a normal apratment. Nathan and the Rangers are sitting at a table having something to eat.

Nathan: From what I saw you do today, I have no doubt that you are the heros that the ancient prophesies tell of.

Kara: I doubt that we could be the ones in some old prophesey.

Victor: She's right. You see, we aren't even from this world.

Nathan: Everyone that was in the fields today knows that. Just where did you come from?

Joe: We're from a planet called Earth. We were traveling through time to save it when something went wrong. That's how we ended up here.

Nathan: Time travel? Why would you do that?

Karen: We are currently locked in a battle with an ancient monster. He's trying to destroy our world. The problem is that he is doing so in several stages of time.

Nathan: I see. Tell me where you got those great powers you have.

Tai pulls out his morpher and shows Nathan.

Tai: Inside this little machine is an ancient coin that holds the power of an element. Each of us has a coin connected to a different element.

He points at Victor.

Tai: Victor posseses the power of Fire. I hold the power of Lightning. Kara is the Diamond Ranger. Karen controlls the powers of Amethyst. Joe's power is Onyx. And finally Max is the...

Max interupts him.

Max: I was the Thunder Ranger, but I lost my powers just before we ended up here.

Nathan: I suppose under other curcumstances I would be amazed beyond words to hear of such a thing as a "Ranger", as you put it.

Victor: What do you mean?

Nathan: In ancient times there were two such "Rangers" on Tigris. One was a hero, fighting for good. The other was the tool of evil. The hero was the Gold Lithium Ranger. The evil one was known as the Promethium Ranger. They battled for years. Eventually the Promethium Ranger was beaten and the Lithium powers were laid to rest.

Max gets an excited look on his face.

Max: Do those powers still exist?

Nathan: Let me finish.

Max: Sorry.

Nathan: The story of the two Rangers mixes with the story of the chosen heros. It is said that when our world falls into chaos 6 heros would appear with power simmilar to the ancient hero. The story also said that one of the heros would claim the ancient power of Lithium.

Victor: This is very creepy.

Karen: This is like our quest for the power coins all over again.

Max: So what do I have to do to get this power?

Nathan: All you have to do is go to the temple and claim it.

Victor: If you can tell us where it is we'll get going right away.

Kara: Hold on guys. Gridster is tearing up our world and we're gonna go off searching for some ancient power in another dimention? Shouldn't we be tyring to figure out a way to get home?

Joe: Without Max we don't even stand a chance against Gridster.

Victor: Joe's right. If there is any chance of restoring his power we have to try it.

Nathan: I can tell you another good reason to find the power.

Karen: What?

Nathan: The Lithium Ranger had the power to open portals to other worlds.

Victor: That sounds like exactly what we need.

Nathan: And in the process you will save us from the rebel groups trying to take over the planet.

Max: If I can get that power it will solve all our problems.

Nathan lays a map out on the table. He points to an area on the northern edge of the map.

Nathan: The temple should be located around here.

Tai: Can we program that map into the navigation system of the Time Jets?

Kara: I don't see why not.

Max: I'll do it. I'll be back in when I'm done.

Max picks up the map and leaves the room.

Nathan: Good luck on your quest Rangers.

Victor: Thank you.

Nathan: Just be careful. When the rebels find out what you are up to they will use all their power to stop you.

Joe: We'll be ready for them.

The Rangers stand up and leave the room.

Scene 2
Setting: Inside the Time Jet cockpits.

Victor: I think we're half way there.

Max: The computer says we just passed the Snowcap Mountains.

Kara: I just hope this doesn't end up costing us too much time. From the way Captain Logan talked the attack was pretty bad.

Joe: We'll just have to set our time portal to open at the time we originally planed to arrive.

Tai: Yeah. Don't forget we do have the power to time travel.

Kara: We've seen how well that works already.

Victor: Enough. Let's just keep going.

Scene 3
Setting: Inside the Rebel headquarters. There are 3 men sitting around a table. The one at the left speaks.

1st Man: Commander, we've just received word that the monster you sent to Tigris City was destroyed.

Commander: What! How?

2nd Man: It seems that some aircraft blew it up.

1st Man: We have reports from some insiders in the town. The people believe that the ones that destroyed the monster are the heros of prophesy.

Commander: The heros? That could complicate things if they are.

2nd Man: Don't tell me you believe that old legend.

Commander: I've seen the Lithium Temple with my own eyes. I have no doubt that it's true.

He looks around for a moment.

Commander: And if it is, then they are probably heading to the temple now.

1st Man: If they are, this is the time to strike.

2nd Man: Why?

Commander: Becasue, one of them needs the powers inside that temple.

He turns to the first man.

Commander: Send out Ravenger.

1st Man: Yes sir.

He leaves the room. The Commander turns to the second man.

Commander: And you...

2nd Man: Yes?

Commander: I'm having you executed for questioning me.

2nd Man: NO! I'M SORRY!

Commander: SILENCE!

Two armed gaurds enter and haul the man away.

Commander: No one questions my judgement.

Scene 4
Setting: The Time Jet cockpits. An alarm starts going off.

Karen: What is it?

Max: I think there is some kind of monster down there.

A blast nails the Orange Jet.

Victor: I'm hit!

Joe: How bad?

Victor: Minor. But I think we better go find out what did that and stop it before it does some serious damage.

The Jets swoop down towards ground level.

Joe: I see it!

In the middle of an open area is a giant monster. It has the body of a beetle but the head and claws of a mantis. It is the size of a man.

Kara: That is one ugly bug.

Tai: Let's squash him.

The Rangers land the jets near Ravenger and get out.

Victor: You better stay here Max.

Max: Ok.


(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)

Victor: We're in a hurry. I suggest we finish him quick.

Ravenger: You will not find me an easy match.

Joe: We'll see.

Victor: Fire Staff, power up!

Tai: Lightning Strikers, power up!

Kara: Diamond Cutter, power up!

Karen: Amethyst Blaster, power up!

Joe: Onyx Chargers, power up!


Victor throws the Fire Staff into the air. It stays suspened horizontaly. Tai throws up the Lightning Strikers. They land sideways on top of the Fire Staff. Kara tosses the Diamond Cutter. It sets on top of the Strikers. Karen throws the Amethyst Blaster. It lands on top of the Cutter with it's handle forming the handle of the Eastern Blaster. Finaly Joe tosses the Onyx Chargers and they hook onto the bottom of the Strikers. The Eastern Blaster falls into Victors hands. The other Rangers stand to his sides.

All Rangers: FIRE!

A beam with all the Ranger's colors hits Ravenger. There is an explosion. Ravenger's laugh can be heard over the noise of the blast.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: The battle.

Ravenger: Watch this you losers!

The monster turns to stone. It's body shatters and a cloud of dust shaped like it expands into a giant. It then solidifies.

Karen: I think it's time for the Time Jets!


The Orange, Blue, White, Purple, and Black Jet take off into the air. The Eastern Rangers teleport into the cockpits.

Tai: We're gonna have to be careful. The Time Jet Megazord is a lot weaker without Max.

Victor: We'll only use it as a last resort. I think we can take this guy the same way we did the last one.

Joe: I don't know. His power reading seems higher.

Karen: It's worth a try.

The Orange Time Jet swoops down towards Ravenger.

Victor: Let's see how this thing likes some gun fire.

The Orange Jet opens fire with it's guns. The bullets are bouncing off the monsters body.

Victor: No good. It's armor is too thick.

Kara: Let's try it all at once. Maybe that'll get through.

The Orange Jet flies back up to the others. They all break apart and fly in different directions. They turn back and look as if they are about to play chicken. The Jets get within 1000 feet of each other.

Ravenger: What kind of stupid trick is this? Do they really think they can beat me by flying around in fancy formations?

Victor: NOW!

The Jets turn down and head for Ravenger.

Ravenger: Just what are they doing?

Victor: FIRE!

All the Jets start fireing their guns at Ravenger. At first the shots just bonce off like before.

Ravenger: Nothing can penetrate my armor!

After a few more seconds the bullets start to dent the shell.

Tai: It's working!

Karen: Let's speed it up a little.

The Purple Jet fires it's missles. Before they impact the other Jets also fire theirs. All the missles hit. There is a massive explosion. The Rangers can hear Ravenger screaming. When the smoke clears they can see that the hard shell is gone.

Ravenger: You destroyed my armor! I'll make you pay for this!

Victor: Enough. FIGHTER STRIKE!

The Jets align themselves in a somewhat circular shape. They begin to spin around. Soon the individual jets seem to vanish and a large energy ring replaces it. The ring goes through Ravenger. There is no explosion, and he makes no sounds. The ring vanishes back into the Jets.

Joe: Did we miss?

Kara: I don't think so.

Karen: LOOK!

A massive beam hits all of the Jets and sends them scattering thorugh the air.

Tai: I can't controll it!

Karen: Me neither!

The Orange, White, and Black Jets regain controll without much problem. The Blue Jet nearly slams into a mountain before Tai can get control.

Tai: That was too close.

Joe: Karen!

Karen: I almost.....have it.

She strugles inside the cockpit to pull the Jet out of the spin. She finaly gets it.

Karen: I think I'm going to be sick.

Victor: I think we're gonna have to form the Megazord.

Kara: I hope it works better than the fighter strike did.


The Orange Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Blue and Black Jets fly on it's left and right with the wings almost touching. The White and Purple Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Orange Jet. The Orange Jet transforms it's wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The White and Purple jets fold their wings up and attach to the Orange Jet. Blue and Black do the same. The Blue and Black jets bend to form arms. The White and Purple Jets bend to form feet. The Orange cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.

Ravenger: So those toys can hook together? That just makes things easier for me.

Tai: We'll see about that.

The Megazord walks up to Ravenger. Ravenger tries to throw a punch, but the Megazord catches his claw. He swings with the other and the Megazord catches it as well.

Kara: Not as easy as you thought, is it bug breath?

Ravenger: Hehehe.

He opens his mouth and blasts the Megazord, right where the Gold Jet should be. Sparks fly from every part of the Megazord.

Victor: One more blast like that and we're finished!

Joe: We may want to consider a retreat. If we lose the Time Jets we have no chance to get home.

Karen: I agree. We can't win this.

Tai: If we run we'll never get that Lithium Power. We have to try.

Victor: We're not running. These people need our help. It's our job as Rangers to protect the people no matter where we are.

Joe: Then let's finish this quick before he fires again.

The Megazord runs up to Ravenger and starts punching him repeatedly in the chest.

Victor: You're going down!

The punches daze Ravenger. The Megazord stops punching. While Ravenger tries to regain his composure the Megazord jump kicks him in the head. He falls.

Tai: Let's finish this!

Ravenger: You wouldn't hit a bug when he's down. Would you?


The Megazord lifts it arms. They charge up and fire a blast that looks like 2 missles. The missles strike Ravenger and destroy him. After the blast the Megazord falls to it's knees.

Victor: We almost lost it. We don't have enough power to use the Mega Missle without the Gold Jet.

Scene 2
Setting: Inside the rebel headquarters. The Commander is meeting with a man that was sent to watch the Ravenger fight.

Man: The final blast weakened them. It nearly finished them off with the monster.

Commander: Good. They are weaker than I thought they would be. Where did they go after the battle?

Man: They got back in their planes and headed north.

Commander: Did you put a tracer on them?

Man: Of course, sir.

Commander: Good. Scarmble the best men we have. I want them stoped before they get inside the temple.

Man: Right away sir.

The man leaves the room.

Scene 3
Setting: Outside the rebel headquarters. Several large troop transports leave the area and head in the direction of the temple.

Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: Inside the Time Jet cockpits.

Karen: That was close.

Joe: But we made it.

Victor: We should be at the temple in less than a half hour.

Kara: Good. I'm sick of sitting in this Jet. They aren't made for long term comfort.

Tai: Heads up guys. I'm picking up something on my radar.

Victor: What is it?

Tai: I think we're being followed.

Victor: Can you tell for sure.

Tai: No. Sorry.

Victor: Then we have no choice but to keep going. If we are being followed we'll just have to deal with it when the time comes.

Scene 2
Setting: Inside Nathan's apartment. Several of the neighbors are there.

1st Man: With the heros here peace will soon follow.

Woman: I'll be so glad when they crush those rebels.

2nd Man: Do they even know just how powerful the rebels are though?

Nathan: No they don't. But I'm sure they'll find out soon. The rebel army won't let them reach that temple without a fight.

Woman: I just hope they can make it.

The End

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