War of Time Special 3: Rivals from the Past, Part 3
by Crystal Ranger
(No base point with the series.)

Act 1
Scene 1
Setting: Gridster's throne room. The unmorphed Gridster Rangers stand before him.

Jeremiah: When do we finish them master?

Jared: We could have this time if they didn't retreat.

Gridster: The next battle will be the last battle for the Eastern Rangers.

Gridster sits in his throne.

Gridster: Then all that will remain are those three ships and whoever is inside them.

Kieth: Which we will also take down with no trouble.

Gridster smirks.

Gridster: It is the beginning of the end for them all. Hahahaha!

Scene 2
Setting: Time Force Headquarters. The Rangers stand with Captain Logan. On the screen before them is the fight between the two groups of Rangers.

Max: It took us forever to beat them last time. How do we defeat them now?

Tai: No kidding. Thier Zords even took out the Megazord. I mean if it wasn't for the Warriorzord their Megazord would have destoryed ours in a single strike.

Logan avoids the Rangers faces by turning around and puts his arms behind his back.

Logan: Rangers, for now just return to your quarters and let us try to come up with something.

The Rangers look at each other knowing something is wrong.

Kara (unsure): Ok Captain.

The Rangers exit through the main door.

Logan turns back around as soon as they leave. His face is one of someone trying to make a tough decission.

Logan: There has to be another way other than this one. I just wish I knew what it was.

Act 2
Scene 1
Setting: Gridster's Palace. The unmorphed Gridster Rangers stand with Gridster.

Jared: We've really creamed them.

Scott: I'll say. We took down their Megazord with the Jets alone.

Gridster (getting upset): QUITE! Now go to Earth and attack the city with your Zords. We can't chance them trying to come up with something.

Keith: Yes master.

All Gridster Rangers: TIME GRIDSTER POWER!

(Time Gridster Ranger Morphing Sequnce)

Scene 2
Setting: Time Force Headquarters. The Rangers set at a large black business table. In front of them are Captain Logan, some Agents, and two holographic boards.

Victor: What did you want to see us about Captain.

Logan: As you know, the Gridster Rangers are not going to go down easy. We have come up with only two ways that we may be able to stop them.

Kara: What might those be?

Logan points to the board on the right. On it shows the Time Jets flying through the Time Gate.

Logan: One idea is to have you go back to right before Gridster gives his Rangers their power. You take the morphers and bring them back. Then we can lock them away so that they are never used again.

One of the Agents steps up.

Agent: However this idea would damage the flow of time.

Joe: Then what's plan B?

Logan points to the board on the left. On it are the five Time Force Rangers and Quantum Ranger. On top is a picture of them morphed and on the bottom is one of them not morphed.

Logan: Another one of our theroies is to have our Time Force Rangers and Qunatum Ranger come to the year 3000 and aid you in defeating them. With the combined Ranger powers and Zords this should work.

Agent: Another problem is this also messes with time.

Karen: Great. Our two only hopes involve ruining the flow of time.

Victor looks down and thinks to himself.

Victor (almost a whispher): 'Combined Ranger powers'.

Victor looks up and snaps his fingers.

Victor: Thats it. All we have to do is...........

He is cut off as alarms go off. One of the Agents turns around and pushes some buttons on a screen. It shows the six Gridster Jets blasting at the city flying in a V formation.

Victor: Looks like my idea will have to wait. Right now we have to hold them off.

The Rangers get up and gather at the other end of the table.


(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Gold Lithium Morphing Sequence)

Scene 3
Setting: The city. The Rangers teleport in and see building derbis all over the ground and some of it is on fire.

Max: Lets hurry and call the Zords.


Setting: A holding bay under the city. The street above opens. The floor tilts up and aligns with the opening, forming a runway. The Time Jets engine's fire up. After building up pressure for a few seconds the jets launch out of the bay. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.


The Orange Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Blue and Black Jets fly on it's left and right with the wings almost touching. The White and Purple Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Orange Jet. The Gold Jet flys a few dozen feet above the Orange Jet. The Orange Jet transforms it's wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The White and Purple jets fold their wings up and attach to the Orange Jet. Blue and Black do the same. The Blue and Black jets bend to form arms. The White and Purple Jets bend to form feet. The Gold Jet lands on top of the Orange Jet to finish forming the body. The Orange cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.

Time Black Hole Ranger (spoting the Rangers): Look who showed up.

Time Comet Ranger: WASTE THEM!

The Gridster Jets fly towards the Time Jet Megazord.

Joe: Brace yourselfs!

The Megazord goes to smash the Star Jet but it flys above the fist and fire and the chest.

Sparks fly in the cockpit.

Tai: This is not going good.

Victor: We just have to keep them from destroying the city.

Gridster Rangers: GRIDSTER STRIKE!

The Gridster Jets fly full speed at the Time Jet Megazord. They all open fire with their guns. They follow it with two missles each. The attack causes the Time Jet Megazord to step and fall back taking down several buildings.

Time Planet Ranger: Lets see if they learned their lesson.

The Jets stop flying forward and just seem to stop in mid air.

Kara: That's it! I'm getting us back on our feet and taking these clowns down.

The Megazord gets back on its feeet.


The Megazord lifts it arms. They charge up and fire a blast that looks like 2 missles.

Time Sun Ranger: NOW!

Gridster Rangers: GRIDSTER STRIKE!

The Gridster Jets fly full speed at the Time Jet Megazord. They all open fire with their guns. They follow it with two missles each. It takes in the Mega Missle and adds it on to its energy and hits the Megazord. It falls to the ground once again.

Time Cosmic Ranger: Hahahaha! Time to form the Megazord.

The Comet Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Star and Cosmic Jets fly on it's left and right with the wings almost touching. The Black Hole and Planet Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Comet Jet. The Sun Jet flys a few dozen feet above the Comet Jet. The Comet Jet transforms it's wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The Black Hole and Planet Jets fold their wings up and attach to the Comet Jet. Star and Cosmic do the same. The Star and Cosmic Jets bend to form arms. The Black Hole and Planet Jets bend to form feet. The Sun Jet lands on top of the Comet Jet to finish forming the body. The Comet cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.

The Time Jet Megazord looks up to see the Gridster Jet Megazord looking down on it ready to strike.

Victor: This can't be good!

Act 3
Scene 1
Setting: Girdster's Palace. Girdster looks at the battle.

Girdster: I love it when the evil side wins.

A Destroyer walks up.

Destroyer: But master, the side of evil never wins.

Gridster doesn't even face the Destroyer as he points his hand over his shoulder and fires a beam at it. The Destroyer explodes in a small explosion.

Girdster: Stupid scrap metal.

Scene 2
Setting: The city. The Time Jet Megazord gets back up to stand its ground.

Victor: We know the Megazord doesn't stand a chance. So only use whatever power needed right now. We'll need these babies for my plan.

Joe: Right. Um, what plan?

Victor: You'll see.

The Gridster Jet Megazord throws a punch. The Time Jet Megazord falls to the ground but gets back up. Time Jet Megazord flys into the sky to jump kick the Gridster Jet Megazord. The Gridster Jet Megazord sees this and knocks the foot away sending the Megazord to the ground.

Time Cosmic Ranger: Your just as weak as last time Onyx Ranger.

Time Black Hole Ranger (pounding his controls): Lets finish these losers!

Time Comet Ranger: GRIDSTER MISSLE!

The Megazord lifts it arms. They charge up and fire a blast that looks like 2 missles. One blue and one white. They hit the Time Jet Megazord, it jumps but the legs still get blasted. The Megazord hits the ground with a thud.

Everyone on the inside is shaken up.

Tai: Any other ideas Vic.

Victor: All we can do now is bail out and get back to Headquarters.

The Rangers leap out of the Megazord. They then teleport away.

Time Sun Ranger: Wusses!

Scene 3
Setting: Time Force Headquarters. Everyone is now back in the same meeting room. Karen turns to Victor.

Karen: So what plan do you have in mind Victor?

Victor: It's like Captain Logan said with the Time Force Ranger idea. Our Ranger powers combined with their Time Force Ranger powers would work. However there is another way to defeat them with the combined powers of Rangers, without disturbing time.

Agent 3: What would that be Fire Ranger?

Victor: Fusion! Tai, Kara, Max, Karen, Joe: OF COURSE!!!

Logan: It might work. I mean we have it noted as an era that could have been and we all know it really did happen.

Max: But what about the Gridster Jet Megazord?

Joe slaps his forehead.

Joe: The Fusion Megazord!

Victor: Yep. I figure the three Ranger fusions SHOULD be enough. On the off chance its not we could use the Omni Ranger fusion.

Kara: Sure we should chance that. I mean it didn't last long last time.

Victor: Yeah. Becasue the power is so great. It worked on that Cyborg creep and he claimed to be one of the strongest creatures. Besides if it does take longer than that we'll just have to use the three fusions to hold them off till we are able to fuse back into him, but I doubt it will take that long to finish them in that form.

Logan: That's what we'll do then. Its our best hope in defeating them and not messing up time in the process.

Act 4
Scene 1
Setting: Gridster's Palace. The unmorphed Gridster Rangers stand with Gridster.


Jeremiah: We're sorry master, but they retreated.

Jeff: However we did kick the crap out of them.

Gridster: Hmmmm. So you did. Very well the time has come. Attack the city and destroy the Eastern Rangers at all cost.

Jeff: Yes master.

All Gridster Rangers: TIME GRIDSTER POWER!

(Time Gridster Ranger Morphing Sequnce)

Scene 2
Setting: Time Force Headquarters. Alarms go off. The Rangers run up to Captain Logan.

Logan: Its time Rangers!

Victor: Lets go!

The Rangers teleport away without morphing.

Scene 3
Setting: Downtown Silver Hills. The Time Girdster Rangers blast at everything. The Rangers arrive unmorphed.

Time Comet Ranger: Foolish Rangers.

Time Star Ranger: You should have morphed when you had a chance.

Time Black Hole Ranger: Oh well! Time for you to die.

Time Planet Ranger: Its been fun, at least for us.

Time Cosmic Ranger: This time we won't let you escape.

Time Sun Ranger: What are you waiting for, destroy them!

They start to charge but Max stops them.

Max: WAIT!

The evil Rangers stop.

Tai: We have a treat for you.

Time Star Ranger: What would that be?

Karen: This!

All Rangers: IT'S FUSION TIME!

(Lithium Fire Fusion Sequence)
(Black Lightning Fusion Sequence)
(Purple Diamond Fusion Sequence)

Lithium Fire: Now this is where we have the fun.

Black Lightning: You're the ones that should have ran.

Purple Diamond: Time for some payback.

Time Black Hole Ranger: We'll see about that.

The eight Rangers charge to battle.

Lithium Fire fights Time Comet Ranger and Time Sun Ranger at the same time. Lithium Fire blocks an attack from Time Comet Ranger. Lithium Fire then low punches him in the stomach making him stumble backwards triping. Time Sun Ranger brings down her weapon, but Lithium Fire blocks the attack then breaks it in half. Lithium Fire then sweeps the legs out from under her.

Black Lightning jumps from an attack from both Time Star Ranger and Time Cosmic Ranger. Time Cosmic Ranger swings his fists like a mad man trying to hit Black Lightning. Black Lightning grabs both fist and knees Time Cosmic Ranger in the groan. Time Cosmic Ranger hits the ground grabing his knees in pain.

Time Cosmic Ranger: Take him out!

Black Lightning: What losers!

Time Star Ranger jumps into the air to kick Black Lightning but Black Lightning spins to miss the attack. Time Star Ranger lands and tries to spin kick Black Lightning, however Black Lightning grabs the Rangers leg and judo flips him to the ground.

Black Lightning: What weaklings. I wonder why we didn't beat them before?

Purple Diamond ducks attacks from Time Planet Ranger and Time Black Hole Ranger. Purple Diamond grabs the fist of Time Planet Ranger and kicks him in the knees. Time Planet Ranger backs away but comes in with his weapon. Purple Diamond blocks the attack and throws the weapon to his ground and judo flips the Ranger to the ground. Time Black Hole Ranger then comes charging but Purple Diamond steps aside and the Ranger hits the pavement.

Scene 4
Setting: Gridsters Palace on the Moon. Gridster watches the fight in anger.


He starts to calm down.

Gridster: If my Rangers fight with thier heads, they should still win.

Scene 5
Setting: The battle. The Time Gridster Rangers and the three Fused Rangers regroup.

Time Planet Ranger: Now what?

Time Comet Ranger: Simple. Lets kick it up a bit.

Time Sun Ranger: Agreed.


(Ultimate Gridster Ranger Transformation)

Lithium Fire: Big deal!

Black Lightning: We're ending this now.

Purple Diamond: So kiss your butts goodbye.

The Rangers charge. The Time Gridster Rangers in unsion throw punches at the three Rangers then kicks. Each shot is blocked by the Rangers they were fighting earlier. The Time Gridster Rangers then step back.

Time Cosmic Ranger: What's going on here?

Time Black Hole Ranger: Not even these powers are strong enough to stop them.

Time Sun Ranger: Any ideas?

Time Star Ranger: I got one, lets use the Megazord. I doubt they can transfer their power to their weak little Zords.

Time Comet Ranger: Good idea!

Scene 6
Setting: The wall of the lower room of the Moon Palace opens up. The Gridster Jets engine's fire up. After building up pressure for a few seconds the jets launch out of the bay. They fly through space and fly through the sky towards the Gridster Rangers. They teleport to thier cockpits.


The Comet Time Jet starts to fly in a formation. The Star and Cosmic Jets fly on it's left and right with the wings almost touching. The Black Hole and Planet Jets turn and fly backwards, lining up with the tail section of the Comet Jet. The Sun Jet flys a few dozen feet above the Comet Jet. The Comet Jet transforms it's wings and tail fins into slots to hook arms and legs. The Black Hole and Planet Jets fold their wings up and attach to the Comet Jet. Star and Cosmic do the same. The Star and Cosmic Jets bend to form arms. The Black Hole and Planet Jets bend to form feet. The Sun Jet lands on top of the Comet Jet to finish forming the body. The Comet cockpit swings down revealing a head. The Megazord turns upright and lands.

Lithium Fire: Lets break apart and do this!

Lithium Fire, Black Lightning, Purple Diamond: POWER DOWN!

In a flash the six Rangers return to normal.

Joe: Here goes nothing.

Tai: You worry to much Joe.

Victor: Enough small talk. We have work to do.


(Time Fire Morphing Sequence)
(Time Lightning Morphing Sequence)
(Time Diamond Morphing Sequence)
(Time Amethyst Morphing Sequence)
(Time Onyx Morphing Sequence)
(Gold Lithium Morphing Sequence)


Setting: A holding bay under the city. The street above opens. The floor tilts up and aligns with the opening, forming a runway. The Time Jets engine's fire up. After building up pressure for a few seconds the jets launch out of the bay. The Rangers teleport to the cockpits.

Kara: OK. Time for phase two of this little process.

Victor, Tai, Kara, Karen, Joe: ELEMENTAL ZORDS, POWER UP!

The main door of the zord holding bay opens. An orange, blue, white, purple, and black streak of light leave. When they arrive at the scene the orange one touches down and in a ball of flame the Firezord appears. The blue one lands. Lightning surrounds the Lightning Ninja and then disappears. A bright flash of light shines as the Diamond Slasher appears. Crystals grow from the ground and the Amethyst Ninja emerges from them. The black light touches down and the light forms the shape of the Onyx Deputy.


The zord holding bay opens. A gold streak of light leaves. As it strikes the ground there is a loud blast. The zord appears.

Time Cosmic Ranger: Look, its their old Zords. I thought the master had a monster destroy them?

Time Planet Ranger: They must have broguht them back thinking they would help.

Time Comet Ranger: Shut up! It looks like their about to do something.


All the zords turn into beams of light. The lights from the Time Jets merge with the lights of their corresponding Elemental Zords. The lights move towards each other and begin to swirl together. The lights become one, and begin to take on a form. The form becomes solid. It looks like the Time Jet Megazord is wearing the Elemental Megazord as armor. It is much larger than the normal Megazords.

Time Gridster Rangers: WAHT!?

Tai: Hahaha. Payback time is here boys and girls.

Time Sun Ranger: Enough of this. Let's just take them out.

The Gridster Jet Megazord marches forward. The Fusion Megazord just stands still. The Gridster Jet Megazord throws a multi punch and kick combo at a rapid speed. The Megazord then steps back and sees the Fusion Megazord unharmed.

Time Comet Ranger: This is pointless. Fire the Gridster Missle!

Time Gridster Rangers: GRIDSTER MISSLE!

The Megazord lifts it arms. They charge up and fire a blast that looks like 2 missles. One blue and one white. They hit the Fusion Megazord but does nothing.

Max: Looks like its our turn.

The Fusion Megazord holds up the Elemental Saber. It marches forward, Saber in front of it, and marches past the Gridster Jet Megazord striking it in its side. Sparks fly as it falls to the ground.

Inside the Gridster Jet cockpit sparks fly from all over their controls.

Time Black Hole Ranger: Not good! Another hit like that and we'll be sitting ducks.

Time Comet Ranger: No way! GRIDSTER MISSLE!

The Megazord lifts it arms. They charge up and fire a blast that looks like 2 missles. One blue and one white. They hit the charging Fusion Megazord and does nothing once again.

Joe: Try this! Mega Missle!

The free hand of the Fusion Megazord fires the Mega Missle and it strikes the dead center of the Gridster Jet Megazord. Sparks and explosions erupt from the impact.

The same alse happens in the Gridster Jet cockpit.

Time Planet Ranger: That took out our main controls. We can't even break apart to retreat at this rate.

Time Comet Ranger: The master didn't want us to retreat anyways.

Time Star Ranger: Then I guess this is going to be one of those battles to the death.

Tai (overhearing him): Yeah, your deaths!


The Elemental Saber charges up and slashes. The right arm fires a Mega Missile. Both strike the Gridster Jet Megazord. The arms start to fall to the ground as the Time Grdister Rangers bail out of their cockpits.

The rest of the Gridster Jet Megazord then explodes.

The Rangers cheer, all except Victor.

Victor: Come on. We have to finish this.

The Rangers teleport out of their cockpits.

Scene 7
Setting: The Moon. Gridster turns from watching the fight and destroys several Destroyers standing against the far wall. He then turns back to the fight.

Girdster: I don't believe this. How could they destroy that Megazord?

Scene 8
Setting: Back to the fight. The Eastern Rangers stand before the Time Gridster Rangers.

Time Cosmic Ranger: This ends here Rangers!

Victor: Agreed. Guys, we have to try the Omni Ranger fusion. With any luck we won't be fused for life.

Joe: Possible, but doubtful. Remember, its to strong to handle a fusion for long.

Karen: Right, so lets not play around.

Max: Right!

Eastern Rangers: POWER DOWN!

Time Star Ranger: What's this?

All Rangers: IT'S FUSION TIME!

(Lithium Fire Fusion Sequence)
(Black Lightning Fusion Sequence)
(Purple Diamond Fusion Sequence)

Time Planet Ranger: They've done that fusion thing again.

Purple Diamond: This is only part one, here comes the fun stuff.

Lithium Fire, Black Lightning, and Purple Diamond Ranger: IT'S FUSION TIME!

(Omni Ranger Fusion Sequence)

Omni Ranger: This ends now Gridster Rangers.

Time Cosmic Ranger charges first for an attack. Omni Ranger blocks every punch and kick at super speed and throws an open palm punch to the Rangers gut sending him back. Time Planet Ranger and Time Black Hole Ranger jump through the air to land a jump kick, but Omni Ranger forearm blocks them and punches them by the bottom of their boots backwards into a building. Time Sun Ranger and Time Star Ranger rush in with their weapons and prepare to strike when in a green flash Omni Ranger appears behind them and grabs their wepons and uses them on their owner. Once the two Rangers hit the ground Omni Ranger drops the weapons next to them.

Time Comet Ranger: Lets see how you do against the leader, and most powerful of the Gridster Rangers you green freak!

Omni Ranger: If we am correct. You were beaten by the Lithium Fire fusion. We have that and two other fusions within us. You have no chance in stoping us.

Time Comet Ranger: Lets find out.

Time Comet Ranger charges, but gets judo fliped over Omni Ranger's shoulder and hits the ground back first.

Omni Ranger: Go ahead and get up Gridster Rangers. We know you are not yet defeated by mere physical attacks such as those.

The Time Gridster Rangers huddle together.

Time Planet Ranger: I'd say this is the end.

Omni Ranger: For once you are right Planet Ranger. Now feel our power.

Omni Ranger lifts its arms across its chest and charges at the Time Gridster Rangers.

Omni Ranger: Fusion Slash!

Omni Ranger's arms begin to glow green. The evil Rangers tries to dodge, but before they can move Omni Ranger's arms uncross and cut right through each of them. Sparks erupt from them as they hit the ground and demorph. Their morphers hit the ground and roll towards Omni Ranger.

Omni Ranger: That should break the spell.

The Dark Mist Gridster used then pulls away from their bodies. As this happenes Omni Ranger splits into the six unmorphed Rangers.

Joe: Guess we were right again.

Max: Grab the morphers.

Each Ranger picks up the morpher of their matching Gridster Ranger.

Kara: It looks like their coming too.

The former Gridster Rangers get up.

Jeff: Oh man! Not again!

Keith: Were are we?

Karen: We'll explain on the way to Headquarters. We need to get you back home.

The former Gridster Rangers look confused once more and the Rangers stand next to them and teleport away.

Act 5
Scene 1
Setting: Girdster's Palace.

Gridster: I'll get them yet.

He turns to face the three Rebel Ships.

Girdster: However I must deal with those ships first.

Scene 2
Setting: Time Force Headquarters. Captain Logan and the unmoprhed Rangers stand before the powerless Gridster Rangers.

Beth: We want to say how sorry we are again that this happened.

Max: Don't worry, you had no control over it.

Jared: What will you do with the Morphers?

Logan: We have them locked up so that only I have access to them.

Scott: Thats good to hear at least.

Keith: To bad we had to fight you guys instead of fight beside you.

Kara: Consider your defeat a payback for last time.

Keith (laughing): Agreed.

Jeremiah: I don't mean to sound rude, but I want to get home now.

Jeff: Same here.

Logan: As you wish.

He walks over to a consule and presses a button. A portal opens before them all. The Gridster Rangers step through it and the portal closes.

Karen: Talk about a battle. We almost lost that one.

Victor: No kidding. We have to start watching our backs. Who knows what could happen next.

The End.

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